Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

– Course Descriptions


Liberal Studies

  • GLS 530 - The Shaping of America: Cultural Landscapes and the American Sense of Place

    Credits: (3)
    Examination of the material cultural landscapes of America from geographical, historical, and aesthetic perspectives and how attachment to place has shaped the landscape. A study of the rich spatial tapestry of our nation’s fields, towns, cities, architectural styles, railways, and roadscapes and how those patterns reflect five centuries of diverse ethnic and cultural evolution.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 531 - Science and Pseudoscience

    Credits: (3)
    Study of criteria for description and explanation in science and the use of those criteria to demarcate between scientific and pseudoscientific claims to knowledge. Evaluation of specific areas such as parapsychology, astrology, and alternative medicine. Consideration of psychological factors influencing people’s tendency to accept unsupported beliefs.

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  • GLS 532 - Conservation and Culture

    Credits: (3)
    A discussion of both contemporary and historical links between conservation and human cultures, with a focus on wildlife and other natural resources. Includes topics such as the Dust Bowl, attitudes toward predators, the founding of the Hudson Bay company, Smokey the Bear, Rachel Carson and Silent Spring, and the conservation ethics of Muir, Pinchot, and Leopold.

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  • GLS 533 - The Environmental Crisis

    Credits: (3)
    An intensifying environmental crisis has arisen from local, national, and transborder encounters with water and air pollution, habitat destruction and species extinction, and possible global warming, all in the context of unprecedented population growth. This course is an America-centered, historically oriented examination of our environmental dilemmas and their possible solutions.

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  • GLS 534 - Culture Wars and the Origin of Difference

    Credits: (3)
    Intensive study of significant themes in the literature on the encounter of European peoples with the Third World. Interdisciplinary and anthropological readings focus on explanations for the origin of cultural differences, the dynamics of the colonial encounter, the contemporary clash of cultures, and multiculturalism.

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  • GLS 535 - The Historical Geography of Food

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the food ways of different cultural regions from prehistoric hunter/gatherers through Neolithic sedentary agriculture up to modern agri-business, including the diffusion of agricultural practices and products, famine’s causes and effects, the decline of world fisheries, climatic and economic parameters of food production, and the role of foods in cultural practices and prohibitions.

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  • GLS 536 - America During the Great Depression

    Credits: (3)
    An examination of the United States during the Great Depression from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, ranging from literature, photography, popular music, and popular film to sociology, geography, climatology, agronomy, politics, economics, public health, and education. Featured texts include fiction, autobiography, oral history, public history, letters, newspaper and photojournalism, and relevant historical and sociological studies.

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  • GLS 537 - American Roadways

    Credits: (3)
    An examination of such classic American roadways as the Mississippi River, the Appalachian Trail, Route 66, the Burlington-Northern rail system, the “underground railroad,” and “The Trail of Tears” from such disciplinary perspective as cultural and transportation geography, folklore, history, literature, photography, popular music, the popular media, and sociology.

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  • GLS 540 - Jungian Psychology

    Credits: (3)
    The course will provide a study of basic ideas in Jungian depth psychology focusing on: the stages of life; the structure of the psyche; instinct and the unconscious; the concept of the collective unconscious; the relations between the ego and the unconscious; phenomenology of the self; marriage as a psychological relationship; psychological types; the transcendent function; analytical psychology and poetry; dream symbolism; spiritual problems; East/West differences; synchronicity; and Jung’s answer to Job. This course does not satisfy the requirement for electives for the MA in Psychology.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 541 - Psychology and Religion

    Credits: (3)
    A study of the relationship between Carl Jung’s theory of the Collective Unconscious and Eastern views of higher consciousness. This course does not satisfy the requirement for electives for the MA in Psychology.

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  • GLS 542 - Creative Non-Fiction: Memoir and Truth-Telling

    Credits: (3)
    An exploration of how authors compose their lives, construct an identity - and create a somewhat coherent self often against enormous personal, societal, and cultural obstacles, focusing on how memory and imagination, history and fiction, fact and invention intersect in the act of creating a self, and of engaging in a meaningful and/or complicated relationship with the past - a past that inevitably weaves itself into the present.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 544 - Topics in Literature: War

    Credits: (3)
    This class is a study of the (primarily American) literature inspired by war. The course readings will include various genres of literature - poetry, fiction, graphic novels and novels among others, and the subject matter ranges from Women in Indian Captivity Narratives and the story of Geronimo (“The Great Patriot Warrior”) to the more extensively documented wars (e.g. The Revolutionary War, Civil War, WWI and WWII, the Vietnam War) America has experienced throughout its independent history.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 545 - Author Focus: Stephen King

    Credits: (3)
    Starting with his first published novel, Carrie, and working through novels, novellas and short stories from different time periods in his career, this course is a study of a variety of King’s works, including some works which were first published under a pseudonym, Richard Bachman. In addition to using the more traditional approaches to analyze literature, we will also study King’s own views on writing as discussed in his autobiographical title, On Writing, and work to polish our own writing skill during the course.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 546 - The Sociology of Athletic Heroes

    Credits: (3)
    This course is an in-depth study of the various qualities of modern athletic hero. Its primary objective is to explore contemporary heroism as represented by athletes with regard to the criteria for both traditional and modern heros. The course will include case studies of four pre-selected sports heroes and students’ individual research on contemporary athletes as heroes/heroines.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 547 - Homelessness in America

    Credits: (3)
    This seminar examines all aspects of the local and national homeless population, including causes of, services for, and the temporary and chronic conditions of homelessness. Homelessness in the United States has increased dramatically in the last 30 years. Therefore, this seminar must also explore the political and economic aspects of homelessness and the proposed solutions, which include first and foremost, affordable housing and services, as many homeless people are mentally ill and/or substance abusers.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 560 - Art in Social Science Perspective

    Credits: (3)
    Art both organizes and is organized by social interaction. This course examines this dialectical relationship between art and society, focusing upon the complex networks of social relationships among artists, critics, aestheticians, patrons, and institutions that powerfully influence the ways in which art is performed, exhibited, evaluated, and supported.

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  • GLS 561 - Theatre and Cinema

    Credits: (3)
    Aesthetic study of theatre and film and the relations between them. Examination of key texts in each medium, emphasizing rhetorical analyses of language, mise-en-scène, performance, cinematography, editing and other properties particular to dramatic art forms. Three seminar hours and two screening hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 562 - Our Cultural Heritage through Dance

    Credits: (3)
    This course provides an opportunity to experience and examine dance forms and cultures from around the world. These experiences will provide the focus and impetus for students to make connections to their lives, to show connections to the global studies curriculum, and to encourage future independent study by individual class members.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 564 - Composing a Self: Autobiography from the Margins

    Credits: (3)
    In this course, we will read a range of contemporary autobiographies and memoirs and explore how writers compose their lives, construct an identity, and create a somewhat coherent self often against enormous, personal, societal, and cultural obstacles. We will read the autobiographical work of authors who have been socially marginalized, due to race, gender, ethnicity, mental illness, or socio-economics.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 566 - Documentary Film: Moving Images

    Credits: (3)
    The Documentary Tradition. One documentary film will be shown and discussed each week so that students will develop an awareness of how these films, both classics and current-day documentaries, were put together. Narration, interview, historical photos, and footage as well as actual filming of action, people and scenes will be analyzed to see how a documentary story is told. The student will be able to see how various video and audio segments make up a documentary and will become a more critical viewer of documentaries.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 568 - Black Intellectual Tradition

    Credits: (3)
    An interdisciplinary study of the black intellectual tradition in the humanities, social sciences, and the fine arts that spans nearly two hundred years, two continents, and most of the academic disciplines with special emphases upon African intellectual heritage, African philosophical thought forms, Afro-American philosophy of religion, black education, the black social conscience, and Blacks in literature.

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  • GLS 570 - Black Mountain School of North Carolina

    Credits: (3)
    Intensive study of the highly innovative and interdisciplinary Black Mountain School (1933-1956), its roots in European and American culture, and its remarkable legacy. Special emphasis upon poetry, the visual arts, and the performing arts and such leading figures as Charles Olson, Robert Duncan, Robert Motherwell, William de Kooning, John Cage, and Merce Cunningham.

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  • GLS 571 - Main Street U.S.A.

    Credits: (3)
    An examination of small-town America from a variety of topical and disciplinary perspectives, including art and architecture, business and commerce, cultural and transportation geography, education, folkways, and folk customs, history, kitsch, literature, photography, popular media, psychology, religion, sociology, and sport and recreation.

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  • GLS 592 - Special Topics in Liberal Studies

    Credits: (1-3)
    Exploration of a special topic in liberal studies not regularly covered in other courses. May be repeatable for a maximum of 24 hours under different titles for credit.

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  • GLS 597 - Internship in Applied Liberal Studies

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Nine hours of graduate course credit for M.A. in Liberal Studies and permission of director. Supervised professional experience with specific goals and assignments to be set and evaluated by a GLS instructor.

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  • GLS 598 - Final Project in Liberal Studies

    Credits: (3)
    Focused study of topic or question selected by student and approved by faculty advisor and director of MALS. Synthesizes or represents the student’s interdisciplinary theme or concentration. Written analysis and oral presentation of project is required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLS 599 - Post-Master’s Certificate Qualifying Exam

    Credits: (2)
    An extended written exam that provides post-Master’s certificate candidates with a reflective opportunity to assess the quality and significance of their learning experience as graduate liberal students and to examine the value and relevance of graduate liberal studies in the contemporary world, particularly in regard to those agendas of interdisciplinary, cultural diversity, internationalism, and active citizenship that inform the graduate liberal studies program at UNCW.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • LIC 500 - Advanced Elementary Grades Education, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Overview of roles and responsibilities of the teacher, major learning theories, school law, purpose of schools, and issues of accountability.  Field experience required. 

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  • LIC 501 - Research-based Instructional Design and Integrated Curriculum

    Credits: (3)
    Short-term and long-term planning structures emphasized including standards-based units and lesson design, scaffolding strategies, and ways to effectively assess student learning.  Emphasis on using research literature as well as formative and summative assessment data to design curriculum.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 511 - Middle Grades Internship

    Credits: (6)
    Corequisite: LIC 520 . A full-time internship within a candidate’s certifiable teaching area(s). Students engage in a variety of supervised instructional activities, assuming an increasing amount of responsibility for all phases of classroom instruction. Successful completion of the internship leads to initial teacher licensure.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 518 - Advanced Middle Grades Education

    Credits: (3)
    Overview of the conceptual and historic development of programs for students in grades six through nine. Comparison of varied curricular, instructional, and organizational aspects of middle level schools. Explores the educational implications of the developmental characteristics of early adolescent learners, varied approaches to learning, and classroom management. Field experience required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 519 - Advanced Diverse Learners, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Course focuses on strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners at the elementary level.  Teacher candidates examine issues concerning understanding diverse populations including creating respectful environments, collaboration with families, and special education laws. 

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  • LIC 520 - Advanced Diverse Learners, 6-9

    Credits: (3)
    Course focuses on strategies for meeting the needs of diverse learners at the middle level. Students study strategies for addressing student differences including academic, socio-emotional, physical, cultural and language differences.

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  • LIC 522 - Advanced Mathematics Methods, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Corequisite:  LICL 522   This course will focus on the curriculum, assessment, and instructional methods for teaching mathematics at the elementary grades. Course topics may include algebraic relationships, number sense, place value, fact mastery and computation, whole number operations, fractions, geometry, measurement, data analysis and probability.  Field experience required.

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  • LIC 523 - Advanced Mathematics Methods, 6-9

    Credits: (3)
    This course will focus on the curriculum, assessment, and instructional methods for teaching mathematics at middle grade levels. The format of this class will include class discussions (large and small group), cooperative learning tasks, hands on learning, student presentations, and some lecture. Field experience is a required course component.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 534 - Advanced Social Studies Methods, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Co-requisites:  LIC 536  LIC 548  LIC 550  LICL 550 .  This course will focus on the curriculum, assessment, and instructional methods for teaching social studies at the elementary grades.  Course topics may include history, civics, geography, economics and cultural topics.  Field experience required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 535 - Advanced Social Studies Methods, 6-9

    Credits: (3)
    Examines how the social studies curriculum can be organized to meet the learning needs of middle grades students. Emphasis on selection and preparation of appropriate materials, identification of instructional procedures, data-based decision making and the relevance of social inquiry to the real world. Field experience required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 536 - Advanced Science Methods, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Co-requisites:  LIC 534  LIC 548  LIC 550  LICL 550 .  This course will focus on the curriculum, assessment, and instructional methods for teaching science at the elementary grades.  Course topics may include examination of the various disciplines of science, science process skills, and science misconceptions.  Field experience required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 538 - Advanced Science Methods, 6-9

    Credits: (3)
    This course will focus on: current issues and trends in science; the development, implementation, and assessment of curricular materials; and effective instructional strategies to teach science in the middle school. Field experience required.

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  • LIC 540 - Advanced Language and Literacy I, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Co-requisites:  LIC 536  LIC 548 .  Focus on the curriculum, assessment, and instructional methods for teaching language arts at the elementary grades.  Course topics may include linguistics and psychological bases of the reading process, stages in the development of reading ability, and sequences of skill acquisition.  Field experience required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 548 - Advanced Language and Literacy ll, K-6

    Credits: (3)
    Co-requsites:  LIC 534  LIC 536  LIC 550  LICL 550 .  This course will focus on the curriculum, assessment, and instructional methods for teaching literacy in the elementary grades.  Course topics may include extensive opportunities to assess, teach, and evaluate all areas of children’s language and reading development in public school classrooms.  Field experience required.

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  • LIC 552 - Literacy Integration in the Middle Grades 6-9

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Admission to the Watson College of Education licensure program. Develops understanding of reading and writing processes in the broad context of communication. Presents content area strategies for fostering and evaluating interest, fluency, and skill in reading and writing. Topics include creating a multi-literacy environment, organizational and instructional strategies for the development of reading and writing ability, techniques for motivating and guiding readers and writers, incorporating critical literacy perspectives, integrating 21st century skills in the teaching of content area literacy, and strategies for reading comprehension, which support learning in all areas of the middle school curriculum. Field experience required.

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  • LIC 553 - Advanced Thematic Unit Lab

    Credits: (1)
    Corequisite: graduate level middle grades methods course. Examines research supporting the thematic instruction in the middle grades, strategies for designing units, and effective learning. On interdisciplinary teams, teacher candidates collaboratively design a unit while experiencing a common planning time.

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  • LIC 555 - Advanced Language Arts Methods, 6-9

    Credits: (3)
    Presents curriculum and methods for developing linguistic and communicative competence in language arts classes at the middle level. Develops understanding of communication processes (listening, speaking, writing, viewing, etc.) and language systems as influences teacher decision-making. Focus on strategies and plans for facilitating and evaluating student’s oral and written language performance. Field experience required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • LIC 560 - Internship, K-6

    Credits: (9)
    A full-time internship within an elementary setting.  Students engage in a variety of supervised instructional activities, assuming an increasing amount of responsibility for all phases of classroom instruction.  Successful completion of the internship leads to initial teacher licensure.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.



  • MGT 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

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Management Information Systems

  • MIS 513 - Information Analysis and Management

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: ACG 201 ; FIN 335 ; MGT 350  or equivalent. Strategic and tactical issues of information systems and technology are addressed as they support and lead the operations of the organization. Models of the organization and its operations are designed. Multifaceted evaluations of organizational information systems are performed.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MIS 532 - Network Services Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: CSC 344  or MIS 323  or equivalent. The study of fundamental network services in organizations. Hands on configuration and administration of network-based services. Special emphasis is placed on security and organizational policy with regard to these services.

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  • MIS 534 - Information Security Management

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: CSC 344  or MIS 323 ; ACG 201 ; MGT 350  or equivalent. An examination of the principles and processes of security management in networked computer-based systems, including hands-on implementation in a laboratory environment. Risk assessment, planning, protection, and incident and disaster response measures, as well as emerging privacy, legal and ethical issues will be covered in detail.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MIS 555 - Database Management Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: CSC 455  or MIS 315 ; MGT 350 ; MKT 340  or equivalent. Study of the design and administration of database systems in a business environment. Topics include relational modeling, normalization, data integrity, data standards, indexing, performance monitoring and tuning, and general administration of an enterprise level relational database management system.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MIS 560 - Data Mining

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: QMM 280 , STT 215 , or equivalent. This course covers the major techniques of data mining and their application to business. Data mining is an interdisciplinary, computer-based process for finding patterns within data. This course provides an introduction and a hands-on experience with data mining software.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MIS 564 - Computer and Network Security

    Credits: (3)
    (CSC 564)   Prerequisite: CSC 544 . An in-depth coverage of network security technologies, network design implications, and security planning for an organization’s computer network. Procedures for the identification, preservation and extraction of electronic evidence. Auditing and investigation of network and host intrusions. Forensic tools and resources for systems administrators and information system security officers.

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  • MIS 565 - Analysis, Modeling and Design

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: CSC 450  or MIS 411  and MIS 413 ; ACG 201 ; FIN 335 ; or equivalent. Analysis and modeling of information systems. Topics include project estimation and management, logical desgin methodologies and techniques, make or buy decisions, risk analysis, implementation issues, and training.

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  • MIS 567 - Software Architecture and Development Practices

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: CSC 550 , MIS 565 , and MIS 555 , or permission of instructor. Study of current development practices for creating high quality software. Topics include current software design practices, coding practices, testing practices, version and configuration control practices, and error-tracking practices. The particular techniques will change with the industry view of best practices.

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  • MIS 575 - e-Business Strategies and Implementation

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: CSC 221 , MIS 316 , or equivalent. Global businesses recognize the need for an external as well as internal web presence. Intranets and Extranets are commonplace and are necessary to remain competitive. This course provides the strategic and technical essentials of what IT professionals should know in order to manage, lead and implement internal and external internet initiatives.

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  • MIS 576 - Information Technology Project Management

    Credits: (3)
    The IT Project Management course builds on the Software Engineering and Systems Analysis and Design courses.  This course will enhance the knowledge of the managerial aspects of how projects are selected and implemented.  It includes consideration of project planning, scheduling, budgeting, human resource and communication requirements and the consideration of the change management required to implement projects.

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  • MIS 587 - Systems Simulation

    Credits: (3)
    (CSC 587)   Prerequisite: QMM 280 , STT 215 , or equivalent. Study of the techniques and applications of computer simulation of systems. Students will learn to plan simulation studies, program them in a simulation language, perform the study, and analyze the results with statistical rigor. Also covered are random number generation, input distribution selection, generating random variables, and variance reduction techniques.

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  • MIS 590 - Research Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: QMM 280 , STT 215 , or equivalent. Review of descriptive and inferential statistics. Advanced inferential techniques including multiple regression, correlation analysis, non-parametric techniques, and sampling techniques.

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  • MIS 594 - Research Project

    Credits: (1-6)
    (CSC 594)   Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Focused study of a research topic in the practical application of computer science or information systems under the guidance of a faculty member. Topics are selected by the student with faculty and graduate coordinator approval. Written analysis and oral presentation of the project is required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MIS 598 - Internship

    Credits: (1-6)
    (CSC 598)   Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 3.0. Academic training and practical experience through work in a private company or public agency. Faculty supervision and evaluation of all study and on-site activity. Students must secure permission of the graduate coordinator.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


Marine Science

  • MSC 526 - Cruise or Field Sampling

    Credits: (1)
    Cruise and/or field sampling not covered by other courses. Participation in the planning and sampling phases of major marine or environmental research programs.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MSC 579 - Role of the Oceans in Human Health

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: CHM 212 , BIO 110 , or consent of instructor. Discovery, structure, and biological activity of marine bioactive compounds, chemotaxonomy, pharmaceutical leads, marine biotoxins, structure, mode of action, regulation and monitoring, the producing organisms, how (biosynthesis) and why these compounds are made. Two lectures per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MSC 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MSC 598 - Research

    Credits: (1-3)
    Credit hours taken by students in pursuing their master’s thesis research. May be taken more than once for credit, but for no more than 3 hours total.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • MSC 599 - Thesis

    Credits: (3-6)
    Intensive research study of a topic selected by student and approved by a thesis committee. A scholarly oral presentation and defense of thesis is required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • MKT 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

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Master of Business Administration


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