Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

– Course Descriptions


Environmental Studies

  • EVS 576 - Issues for a Sustainable Society

    Credits: (3)
    Current topics in sustainabiligy will be analyzed in relation to sociocultural, economic, and political frameworks. Individual and societal responses to environmental issues, ranging from local to global, will serve as the foundation for examining future trends and issues in sustainability.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 577 - Environmental Site Assessment

    Credits: (3)
    Study of ASTM guidelines for environmental site assessment, emphasis on historic overview, regulations, and preparation methods associated with environmental site assessment. Lecture and field trips.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 578 - Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HazWOpER)

    Credits: (3)
    (478)   Study of the physical and chemical hazards present at hazardous waste sites and those encountered during environmental clean-ups, as well as OSHA regulations pertaining to those sites. The class will meet the 40 CFR 1910.120 requirements for 40+ hours of training and OSHA certification will be issued.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 580 - Research Diving

    Credits: (3)
    Prereqisite: SCUBA certification, medical exam and permission of instructor. Training in advanced diving, research diving enriched air nitrox, rescue diving and oxygen administration techniques. Students will receive AAUS (American Academy of Underwater Science) Completion of Training Certificate.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 592 - Special Topics in Environmental Studies

    Credits: (1-3)
    Topics of special interest in environmental studies not covered by current courses. May be repeated up to 12 hours of credit.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 595 - Seminar/Final Project

    Credits: (3)
    Field, laboratory or literature-based research on selected topics in environmental planning and policy developed, implemented and presented in collaboration with selected faculty, staff and/or environmental professionals.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • EVS 597 - Practicum in Environmental Studies

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced field placement and experience in non-profit, governmental or private sector. Provides extended opportunities for fieldwork, research or creative projects and includes related theory to practical applications.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.



  • FIN 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.



  • GGY 520 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Purpose, use, and development of GIS. Theoretical basis for spatial data models and the integration of these data to solve problems. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

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  • GGY 522 - Remote Sensing in Environmental Analysis

    Credits: (3)
    (422)   Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Use and interpretation of aerial photography and other remote sensing techniques in environmental analysis. The course emphasizes problem identification, digital image analysis, and interpretation of images through laboratory exercises. Three lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 524 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: (3)
    (424)   Prerequisite: GGY 328  or GGY 520  or consent of instructor. Advanced theory and application of the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data collection, data structures, data management and relational databases, spatial analysis, and display of geographic information in a computer-based environment. Lectures, demonstrations, and lab exercises. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 526 - Environmental Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: (3)
    (426)   Prerequisite: GGY 328  or GGY 520  or consent of instructor. Overview of environmental applications of GIS and completion of a GIS project; planning a GIS project; development and analysis of the data, and oral and written presentation of the results. Research topics may include atmospheric studies, oceanographic, hydrology, ecology, biology, resource management, and hazard risk assessments. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GGY 528 - Advanced Remote Sensing

    Credits: (3)


    GGY 428   Prerequisite: GGY 522 /GGY 422  or consent of instructor. Advanced theory and application of remote sensing techniques and software applications for environmental sciences, geography, earth sciences, hydrology, archaeology, and forestry. Includes satellite data collection, advanced classification methods, hyperspectral and microwave image analysis, and satellite elevation data construction. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GGY 552 - Historical/Cultural Geography

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Study of the evolution of natural environments and cultural landscapes; spatial diffusion; settlement patterns; and the material culture including vernacular architecture. Focus will be on North America, with consideration of European antecedents. A seminar type course in which students are responsible for an intensive research project. Three lecture hours per week.

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  • GGY 578 - Historic Preservation Planning

    Credits: (3)
    (478)   An applied research course which deals with the procedures employed by federal, state and local agencies in locating, recording, restoring and preserving American architectural resources and material cultural heritage. Subjects examined include survey, documentation, and planning; historic districts; adaptive use; funding; legislation; and organizational roles. Three lecture hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

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  • GGY 592 - Special Topics in Geography

    Credits: (1-4)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Advanced special topics in geography through lecture, seminar, and laboratory or field experience. More than one topic may be taken for credit.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 594 - Teaching Practicum in GIS and Remote Sensing

    Credits: (1-3)
    A practical experience in teaching GIS and/or remote sensing where the student further develops their applied geography skills.

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  • GGY 598 - Internship in Applied Geography

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisite:   GGY 520  or GGY 522  and consent of instructor.  Supervised practical experience with a professional geographic company or agency.  The area of concentration, course requirements, and means of evaluation are defined in consultation with the student, course instructor and approved internship site.  Students may work with local, regional, national and international professionals as they conduct business.  May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GLY 501 - Research Methods in Geology

    Credits: (2)
    Scientific proposal preparation, experimental design, scientific ethics, library use, safety, project management, data analysis, quality assurance and computer applications. One lecture and two laboratory hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 502 - Technical Communication in Geology

    Credits: (2)
    Scientific manuscript preparation and communication techniques: writing techniques, manuscript format, abstracts, oral and poster presentations. One lecture and two laboratory hours per week.

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  • GLY 503 - Advanced Field Methods

    Credits: (4)
    A survey of geotechnical field techniques applicable to structural geology, geophysics, hydrology, map interpretation, rock, soil and sediment description, engineering and economic geology. Two lecture and four laboratory hours per week. Required field trips.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 510 - Sedimentary Environments

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Petrology, stratigraphy, field camp. Survey of ancient sedimentary environments with an evaluation of the criteria used in their recognition in the rock record. Specific ancient sedimentary sequences are examined and compared to their modern counterparts. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

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  • GLY 511 - Clastic Petrology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Optical mineralogy. Classification and description of sandstones and mudrocks and evaluation of their diagenesis. Application of principles to economic deposits. Laboratory exercises concentrate on microscopic and X–ray techniques of analysis. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trips.

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  • GLY 512 - Carbonate Petrology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Optical mineralogy or permission of instructor. An examination of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic carbonate rocks with emphasis on observation, description and interpretation. Plus an in depth look into how carbonate petrology is applied in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources including hydrocarbons, base metals, precious metals and industrial minerals. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

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  • GLY 513 - Advanced Igneous Petrology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Optical mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, or permission of instructor. Principles and methodology underlying the physical and chemical processes affecting the genesis of igneous rocks in various tectonic settings. Topics include the application of thermodynamics, chemographic relationships, and phase equilibrium to the differentiation of magmas and the crystallization of igneous minerals, and geothermobarometric and geochronologic investigation of igneous rocks. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip(s).

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  • GLY 514 - Advanced Metamorphic Petrology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Optical mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, or permission of instructor. Principles and methodology underlying the study of metamorphism and metamorphic facies in varying rock compositions, and petrotectonic settings. Topics include metamorphic phase equilibria and diagrams, geothermobarometry and P-T—time paths, metamorphic mineral crystallization and recrystallization, and textural relationships in metamorphic rocks having variable protoliths and histories. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip(s).

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  • GLY 515 - Methods of Sedimentology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Petrology. A survey of the parameters of sedimentation. Emphasis on the processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rocks, including their origin, transport, deposition and lithification of rock–forming minerals. Techniques of physical and chemical analyses of sediments are stressed. One lecture and six laboratory hours per week. Field trips.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 516 - Sedimentary Petrology

    Credits: (3)
    (416)   Classification and description of siliciclastic carbonate, chemical, and carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. In-depth study of sedimentary depositional environments. Advanced aspects of weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, burial, and lithification. Laboratory exercises concentrate on microscopic and chemical analytical techniques. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 520 - Global Climate Change

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: General chemistry, college physics, and calculus with analytic geometry. Analysis of natural and anthropogenic global climate change. Historical and geological records of climate including sediment, tree ring, and ice core analysis. Physics and chemistry of climate including Earth’s energy balance, global carbon cycle, climate modeling, atmospheric composition and dynamics. Three lecture hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 525 - Engineering Geology

    Credits: (3)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Properties, uses, and engineering significance of solid earth materials and water. Principles of stress and strain and related material responses. Methods, techniques, and instrumentation of engineering geologic investigations. Three lecture hours per week.


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  • GLY 526 - Geohydrology

    Credits: (4)

    Prerequisites: Two semesters of college calculus and petrology, or permission of instructor. Geology of ground waters and related aspects of surface waters. Methods of groundwater resource evaluation, protection, exploitation, and contaminant remediation. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week.


    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 531 - Micropaleontology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Invertebrate paleontology or consent of instructor. Paleobiology and geological history of microorganisms, emphasizing the classification and systematics of major microfossil groups. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trips.

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  • GLY 533 - Paleoecology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Invertebrate paleontology or consent of instructor. Principles of ecological faunal analysis as primarily applied to the marine fossil record. Emphasizes the integration of form and function, taphonomy, and community development through time, and sedimentology/stratigraphy as a synthetic approach to paleoenvironmental, paleobiological and evolutionary analyses. Applications to biostratigraphy are considered. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

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  • GLY 535 - Stratigraphic Paleontology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Invertebrate paleontology, stratigraphy, or consent of instructor. Analysis of the historical, geological and biological basis of biostratigraphy emphasizing the application of biostratigraphic principles and techniques in the development of high-resolution relative time scales. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 540 - Regional Geology of North America

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Structural geology, stratigraphy. Survey of the rocks, structures, natural resources, and tectonic histories of different regions of North America, such as the Precambrian shield, Appalachians, and Cordillera. Syntheses of theories of orogenesis. Three lecture hours per week.

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  • GLY 541 - Advanced Structural Geology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Structural geology. Origin and analysis of earth structures. Solution of advanced structural problems involving stress, strain, rheology, folding, and fracturing of rocks. Rock mechanics, finite strain, and fabric analysis of deformed rocks. Review of techniques. Directed field or lab problems and examples from literature. Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week.

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  • GLY 543 - Tectonics

    Credits: (3)
    (443)   Prerequisites: Structural geology, stratigraphy, petrology. Examination of current ideas and their development as global tectonics theories. Plate tectonic controls on orogeny, orogenic belts, magmatism, sedimentation, and metallogeny of major geologic regions of North American and other areas of the world. Three lecture hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 545 - Sedimentary Basin Analysis

    Credits: (3)


    (445)    Multidisciplinary analysis of factors controlling sedimentary basin formation and evolution. Interpretation of subsidence mechanisms and sedimentary processes through basin-scale analysis of the stratigraphic record. Advanced aspects of sequence stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and the tectonics of sedimentary basins. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 550 - Marine Geology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Topography, sediments, structure and geologic history of the marine and estuarine environment. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip(s).

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  • GLY 551 - Seafloor Mapping

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. A survey of different methods used to map the seafloor including satellite altimetry, multibeam and sidescan sonar swathmapping. Operation of instruments, survey strategies and techniques to process and interpret data will be explored. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Shipboard field trip.

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  • GLY 552 - Coastal Sedimentary Environments

    Credits: (4)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Sedimentary processes and environments of the world’s coastal systems. Emphasis on river deltas, estuaries, bays, salt marshes, barrier islands and associated inlets. Ice–bound as well as rocky coastlines also are examined. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip.

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  • GLY 555 - Coastal Sediment Dynamics

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: One year of calculus or physics or consent of the instructor. Theory and application of models used to quantify sediment movement and deposition in the coastal environment. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

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  • GLY 558 - Introduction to Coastal Management

    Credits: (4)
    Interdisciplinary study of human impacts on coastal environments and organisms. Topics include the physical and biotic setting of worldwide coastal regions, principles of coastal management, and analysis of potential solutions to coastal problems. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 560 - Advanced Stratigraphy

    Credits: (3)


    (460)    Advanced-level theoretical and practical analysis of the description, organization, classification, and interpretation of layered rock successions. Apsects of both surface and subsurface analysis of stratigraphic data. Use of lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and magnetostratigraphy to elucidate earth history. In-depth study of cyclic and sequence stratigraphy. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 561 - Coastal Plains Geology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Invertebrate paleontology, stratigraphy, petrology. Origin and development of Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains with emphasis on stratigraphy, structure, geomorphology and tectonic history. Three lecture hours per week. Field trip(s).

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 565 - Introduction to Geophysics

    Credits: (3)
    (465)   Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Integrated application of geophysical methods to solve environmental and geologic problems. Includes discussion of reflection/refraction seismology, ground penetrating radar and gravity. Two lectures and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 572 - Introduction to Geochemistry

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Two semesters of college calculus; mineralogy or inorganic chemistry; or permission of instructor. Investigation of the abundance and distribution of chemical elements in the Earth’s crust, mantle, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Introduction to thermodynamics, phase and mineral equilibrium, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and geochronology. Emphasizes the application of geochemical processes to solving geologic and environment problems, with selected examples from field and laboratory studies. Three lecture hours per week.

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  • GLY 573 - Isotope Geochemistry

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Two semesters of college calculus and two semesters of college chemistry. Introduction to the use of radiogenic and stable isotopes for studying environmental processes; radioactive decay and the applications of radioisotopes at daily to earth-history timescales; isotopic fractionation, and applications of stable isotopes in modern and paleo-environments. Three lecture hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

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  • GLY 595 - Seminar

    Credits: (1)
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Research and discussion of selected topics in earth sciences. Oral presentation at a departmental seminar and attendance at selected university seminars required.

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  • GLY 597 - Final Project in Geology

    Credits: (3)
    Permission of instructor. Focused study of a research topic in the practical application of geology. Topics are selected by the student with appropriate faculty and graduate coordinator approval. Students work with a faculty committee. Written analysis and oral presentation of the project is required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 598 - Internship

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Participation in field experience with an organization involved in the practice of geology. Students work with a licensed professional geologist focusing on the linkage between course work and practical application. Students complete a final report based on their activities. Final presentation required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 599 - Thesis

    Credits: (1-6)
    Intensive research study of a topic selected by student and approved by a thesis committee. A scholarly oral presentation and defense of thesis is required.

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  • GRN 501 - Aging and Society

    Credits: (3)
    (SOC 501)   Study of age as a structural feature of changing societies and groups, aging as a social process, and age as dimension of stratification. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 503 - Investigative Inquiry in Gerontology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Graduate standing. Principles of quantitative and qualitative methods used in gerontological research and inquiry. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 518 - Women and Aging

    Credits: (3)
    (SOC 518)   Examines women’s experience of old age and the aging process. Specific emphasis on family, medical, and economic institutions. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

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  • GRN 522 - Family Health and Aging

    Credits: (3)


    Study of family systems theory, paradigms for caregiving (spatial, temporal, and transactional axes), altruism versus distributive justice, illness and life-stage challenges for caregiving, and the interface between formal caregivers and caregiving families. Students review case studies with regard to geriatric care management and community health education.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 523 - Physiology of Human Aging

    Credits: (3)
    An overview of the aging process with special emphasis on anatomical and physiological changes that occur with human aging. Current theories as to the mechanisms of aging are considered. Premature aging diseases and age-related diseases are discussed. Student presentations required. Three lecture hours each week. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 524 - Literature of Aging

    Credits: (3)
    Contemporary fiction and nonfiction by Philip Roth, Doris Lessing, May Sarton, and others, selected for their depictions of older protagonists and explorations of opportunities and challenges of later life, are analyzed. Literary theories, literary criticism, and gerontological scholarship contribute to the interpretations. The texts’ ways of challenging our culture’s ageism are emphasized. Students give oral reports, write essays, and participate in an e-mail project with a senior group in the community. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 526 - Psychosocial Adjustment to Retirement and Later Life

    Credits: (3)
    A seminar focusing on the psychosocial aspects of retirement and post-employment years. Theories of aging and scientific inquiry applied to retirement, and their significant others. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

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  • GRN 544 - Midlife Transitions for Women

    Credits: (3)
    The interdisciplinary study of social construction of menopause and midlife as embodying a culture’s image of aging for women.

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  • GRN 546 - Health Care Access for the Elderly

    Credits: (3)
    An introduction to the US health care system with an emphasis on issues related to the elderly. Problems of access to health care for the aging population, their families, and communities. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

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  • GRN 570 - Impact of Combat on Aging

    Credits: (3)
    Examines life histories of combat veterans.  Emphasis on personal attributes, cohort effects, period effects and stratification as predictors of combat impact on social institutions.  May be taken for credit in the MALS program.

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  • GRN 590 - Practicum in Gerontology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: GRN 501 or  SOC 501  ,PSY 524  , GRN 523 . A field experience designed to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to geriatric or gerontological practice. Must be repeated to earn 6 credit hours by Master of Science students. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: Three hours of graduate work with content in human aging. May be repeated for credit with consent of program director. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 595 - Special Topic Seminar in Gerontology

    Credits: (3)
    Discussion of special topic related to gerontology. May be repeated for a maximum of 12 hours credit. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

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  • GRN 597 - Master’s Project Proposal Development

    Credits: (3)
    The seminar is intended to cover the research process required to complete the gerontology program final project and prepare an individual for publishing final project results.  The course will cover the general purpose, content, and function of proposal writing, reviewing specifically the requirements of UNCW’s Gerontology Program.

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  • GRN 598 - Final Project in Gerontology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: GRN 501  / SOC 501 , GRN 503 , PSY 524 , GRN 523 , GRN 540 , GRN 590  and permission of the GRN coordinator. Focused study of issue in gerontology of importance to professionals from the worlds of business, government, not-profit agencies and/or research. Synthesizes interdisciplinary curriculum with student’s interest and practical experience.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Graduate Teaching Assistant

  • GTA 501 - Graduate Teaching Assistant Workshop

    Credits: (2)
    Permission of instructor required. An introduction to the responsibilities of serving as a graduate teaching assistant or a teaching fellow. Topics for discussion include time management, student behavior, legal responsibilities, techniques of effective teaching, evaluation and use of technology in the classroom. To be graded with a “S” or “U.”

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Graduation Continuation



  • HST 500 - Historiography and Methodology

    Credits: (3)
    Introduction to problems of historical research through examination of major historical works and current techniques of research, evaluation of sources, development of bibliography, and quantitative historical methods including the role of the computer in historical research. This course is open only to graduate students.

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  • HST 508 - Historical Archaeology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite for history graduate students: HST 500 . Historical archaeology is the integrated study of recent peoples using archaeological and historical research methods. This class will focus on the peoples of North America, roughly from the 15th through the 19th centuries. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HST 518 - Seminar: U.S. Social History

    Credits: (3)
    Intensive study of selected topics in U.S. social history. Examples of topics: African–Americans, immigrants, social movements, education, work and leisure, sexuality. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HST 520 - U.S. Colloquium

    Credits: (3)
    Readings and discussion of bibliographies, interpretations, and research trends on a theme offered in American history. This course is open only to graduate students. May be repeated one time for credit.

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  • HST 522 - U.S. Seminar

    Credits: (3)
    Research in the bibliography of specialized topics and use of primary sources to write an original research paper on an aspect of American history. This course is open only to graduate students. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

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  • HST 524 - Major Interpretations in American History

    Credits: (3)
    A historiographic survey of influential interpretations of American history as they relate to specific topics and periods. This course is open only to graduate students.

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  • HST 525 - Seminar: U.S. Economic History

    Credits: (3)
    (442)   Intensive study of significant themes or events in U.S. economic history from the colonial period to the present. Examples of topics: economy of Colonial America, 19th–century labor movements, economy of the Ante-bellum South, agricultural history. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HST 526 - Seminar: U.S. Political History

    Credits: (3)
    (444)   Intensive study of selected facets of political theory, behavior, movements, and institutions, and how political power has been used to influence the development of society. Examples of topics: New Deal politics, third–party movements, U.S. Constitution. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HST 527 - Seminar: U.S. Diplomatic History

    Credits: (3)
    (446)   Intensive examination of fundamental principles, assumptions, and objectives in the conduct of U.S. foreign policy, and of how Americans have viewed their place in the international order at various moments in their history. Examples of topics: the diplomacy of World War II, the Cold War, arms control and disarmament. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

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  • HST 528 - Seminar: U.S. National Security History

    Credits: (3)
    (448)   Intensive examination of major themes and events in the evolution of U.S. national security and defense policy, the uses of national power, and the role of military affairs from the colonial period to the present. Examples of topics: the Vietnam War, the use of air power, U.S. imperialism. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

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  • HST 529 - Seminar: U.S. Intellectual History

    Credits: (3)
    (450)   Intensive examination of the role of ideas in American history. Examples of topics: radicalism, the Enlightenment, myth in American history, and ideas about democracy, ethnicity, equality, religion, gender. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

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  • HST 531 - Seminar: U.S. Regional History

    Credits: (3)
    (454)   Intensive examination of the economic, social, and political history of a specific region of the United States. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

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  • HST 533 - Seminar: U.S. Environmental History

    Credits: (3)
    (456)   Prerequisite: HST 201  -202 290  or consent of the instructor. Intensive study of selected topics in U.S. environmental history. Examples of topics: nature and culture, the cult of the wilderness, conservation and preservation, resources and regions, gender and nature, the environmental movement. May be repeated under a different subtitle. May not be applied toward fulfillment of graduate seminar requirement.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HST 540 - European Colloquium

    Credits: (3)
    Readings and discussion of major research trends and schools of interpretation in selected themes in European history. This course is open only to graduate students. May be repeated one time for credit.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HST 542 - European Seminar

    Credits: (3)
    Research in the bibliography of specialized topics and use of primary sources to write an original research paper on an aspect of European history. This course is open only to graduate students. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


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