Sep 23, 2024  
2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue 
2013-2014 Graduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

– Course Descriptions


Physical Education

  • PED 546 - Analysis of Teaching in Physical Education and Health

    Credits: (3)
    The purpose of this course is to provide the teacher an overview of effective practices of teaching physical education and provide opportunities for their application in physical activity settings.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PED 585 - Curriculum Development in PEH

    Credits: (3)
    Identifies theoretical frameworks of curriculum development in relationship to current issues and trends.  Provides conceptual tools and analytic skills essential to planning, implementing, and evaluating instruction.  The design of instruction that incorporates behavioral, cognitive and constructivist theories of learning and views of curriculum will be considered.  Provides the student with the knowledge, skills and resources to develop curricular materials consistent with state and national guidelines.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PED 589 - Supervision of Instruction in PEH

    Credits: (3)
    Assists the professional educator with acquiring the knowledge and skills essential to improving instruction and instructional programs in physical education and health.  Supervision of novice and experienced physical education and health teachers will be discussed.  Students will use multiple assessment techniques and tools in the field to evaluate the teaching effectiveness of physical and health educators.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PED 590 - Action Research in PEH

    Credits: (3)
    Designed to survey the basic types of research methods often found in physical education and health.  A variety of research designs and computerized statistical analyses are studied to help you understand the systematic nature of problem solving.  Includes the development and completion of an action research project.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • PHY 550 - Fluid Mechanics

    Credits: (3)
    Permission of instructor. A comprehensive account of fluid dynamics that emphasizes fundamental physical principles. Fluid statics; fluid kinematics; integral and differential forms of conservation laws for mass, momentum and energy; Bernoulli equation; laminar flows; potential flows; vorticity dynamics; dynamic similarity; boundary layers; turbulence.

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  • PHY 575 - Physical Oceanography

    Credits: (3)
    (475)   Prerequisite: College physics and calculus.  An introduction to the descriptive and dynamical features of ocean circulation. Topics include: the physical properties of seawater; oceanic heat budget; dynamics of ocean currents; descriptive oceanography; waves and tides.

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  • PHY 576 - Chemical and Physical Analysis of Seawater

    Credits: (3)
    (CHM 576)   Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Study of modern chemical and physical measurements of seawater including salinity, alkalinity, pH, nutrients, and dissolved oxygen. Several class periods may also be devoted to working aboard an oceanographic research vessel while at sea.

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  • PHY 577 - Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography

    Credits: (3)
    (477)   Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. This course will supply the student with a working knowledge of the use and operation of various physical oceanographic instruments and data reduction and analysis techniques.

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  • PHY 578 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: PHY 550 . Corequisite: PHY 475  or PHY 575 . The fundamental principles governing the flow of a density-stratified fluid on a rotating planet, with applications to the motions of the ocean and atmosphere. Equations of state, compressibility, Boussinesq approximation. Geostrophic balance, Rossby number. Poincare, Kelvin, Rossby waves, geostrophic adjustment.

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  • PHY 579 - Ocean Circulation Systems

    Credits: (3)
    (479)   Prerequisites: PHY 475  or PHY 575 . Course focuses on results of World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE), a multi-national, multi-decadal program desgined to observe the global ocean. Explores large-scale circulation and properties of the ocean to lay the foundation for the challenge of understanding the future of the world oceans and their role in climate change.

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  • PHY 580 - Coastal and Estuarine Systems

    Credits: (3)
    (480)   Prerequisite: PHY 475  or PHY 575 . An introduction to the physical processes operating within coastal and estuarine systems. The focus of the course will be on the dynamical description of topics such as gravity waves, surf zone hydrodynamics, storm surge, tides, estuarine hydraulics, sediment transport and morphodynamics.

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  • PHY 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

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  • PHY 599 - Thesis

    Credits: (1-6)
    Research for thesis and thesis preparation for marine science students. Intensive research study of a topic selected by student and approved by a thesis committee. A scholarly oral presentation and defense of thesis is required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Political Science

  • PLS 500 - Managing Public and Nonprofit Organizations

    Credits: (3)
    Provides an overview of theories of organization, decision making, leadership, motivation, communication, and conflict resolution in the environment of public and nonprofit organizations.

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  • PLS 501 - Quantitative Methods

    Credits: (3)
    Issues and techniques in data collection and statistical analysis for managers and policy analysts in public and nonprofit organizations.

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  • PLS 502 - Public Human Resources Development and Administration

    Credits: (3)
    The study of policies, methods and techniques utilized in the public human resource function. Special attention is given to challenges reflecting contemporary demands in the areas of recruitment, training, compensation, performance evaluation, motivation, labor relations, sexual harassment, and diversity in the public workforce.

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  • PLS 503 - Public Budgeting and Finance Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Focuses on governmental budgeting and finance at the federal, state, and local level. Topics include budget types, budget preparation, politics of the budgetary process, tax policy, revenue sources, and other public finance issues. Attention is also paid to specific issues related to budgeting and finance issues in the nonprofit sector.

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  • PLS 504 - Computer Applications and MIS in Public Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Theory and application of the use of information technology to support decision making in public organizations. Topics include the use of the Internet to share and collect information, Geographic Information Systems, and appropriate software packages.

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  • PLS 505 - Policy Analysis

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the different approaches to public policy analysis and the various techniques that an analyst uses such as cost-benefit analysis. Students complete an applied policy analysis and present results to a simulated audience.

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  • PLS 506 - Program Evaluation

    Credits: (3)
    Covers research methods and basic statistics including hypothesis testing and examines the theory and practice of program evaluation including the ethical issues related to the practice of program evaluation.

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  • PLS 507 - Applied Management Tools, Skills, and Techniques

    Credits: (3)
    Examines concepts, techniques, and tools used by organizations with a focus on improving management skills. Topics covered include managing meetings, giving presentations, interacting with the media, strategic planning, performance measurement, and contracting.

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  • PLS 508 - Ethics in Public Life

    Credits: (3)
    Examination of ethical principles as they apply to the practice of public administration; basic legal constraints such as conflict of interest laws; role of codes of ethics; and models for the responsible exercise of administrative discretion by public officials.

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  • PLS 510 - Introduction to Public Affairs

    Credits: (3)
    Covers the rationales for public policy and critical concepts in public economics (e.g., market failures, public goods, externalities, monopolies, information asymmetries, and public choice theory). Class also examines the public policy process (e.g., context, agenda setting, implementation, evaluation, etc.), and the legal foundations of public administration (i.e., federalism, checks and balances, roles of the courts, etc.) and the basics of state and local politics in the U.S.

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  • PLS 513 - Regional Planning Politics and Policy

    Credits: (3)
    Explores the connection between formal planning processes and political decision making at the regional and local level for various policy issues (e.g., rapid development, sprawl, transportation, aging population, affordable housing, rural poverty, economic development, quality of life, etc.). Special attention is given to how planners and analysts provide advice to elected and non-elected decision makers.

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  • PLS 514 - Conflict Resolution

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the theoretical and practical perspectives and techniques for resolving conflict. Emphasis is placed on bargaining, negotiation, and conflict management techniques used in public and nonprofit organizations and interpersonal relationships.

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  • PLS 517 - Strategic Planning and Management for Public and Non-Profit Organizations

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the theoretical and practical approaches to conducting strategic planning and management in public and nonprofit organizations.

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  • PLS 520 - Seminar in Coastal Processes and Problems

    Credits: (3)
    Examines various coastal management policies and problems from a variety of perspectives (e.g., legal, economic, political, scientific, etc.).

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  • PLS 521 - Foundations of Coastal and Environmental Management

    Credits: (3)
    Analyzes key policy issues and the laws, regulations, and decisions that influence the management of coastal land in North Carolina and the United States.

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  • PLS 522 - Field Seminar in Coastal Management

    Credits: (3)
    Field seminar that uses an applied project to examine the political, economic, and socio-cultural challenges facing coastal managers. It also examines the role of science in the policy and management process. Students are expected to collect and analyze data, prepare a report, and present their findings.

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  • PLS 524 - Managing Coastal Hazards

    Credits: (3)
    Explores the natural and technological hazards that threaten coastal areas, the principles of coastal hazard mitigation and the development of policy dealing with the preparedness, response to and recovery from the events.

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  • PLS 525 - Managing Coastal Ecosystems

    Credits: (3)
    Examines programs, policies, and approaches to managing coastal ecosystems such as watershed management, ecosystem management, command and control approaches, and market-based approaches.

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  • PLS 526 - Sustainable Cities

    Credits: (3)
    The concept of sustainability in American cities is explored and analyzed. Focus is placed on the sustainable policies and programs used by cities and examined the factors that influence their use.

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  • PLS 527 - Planning Theory and Planning Law

    Credits: (3)
    Course reviews and provides an overview of this history of the major urban/regional planning theories in the U.S. and Europe. Emphasizes the legal framework and case law connected to local land use policies and regulations.

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  • PLS 528 - Local Government Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the institutions, laws and policies that surround local government administration. It also examines contemporary issues and problems faced by town administrators from a variety of perspectives (.e.g., legal, economic, social, political, societal, etc.)

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  • PLS 530 - Management Practices in Nonprofit Organizations

    Credits: (3)
    Introduction to theoretical foundations, structures, and processes of nonprofit organizations; historical development and impact of social, political, legal and economic environment in which nonprofit organizations exist; and complexities of organizational governance shared by volunteer and professional staff decision makers.

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  • PLS 531 - Resource Development in Nonprofit Organizations

    Credits: (3)
    Introduction to various resources important to nonprofit organizations including financial support, volunteers, and community awareness, and to the wide ranges of organization activities utilized for acquisition and maintenance of these resources, such as grant writing and fundraising strategies.

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  • PLS 533 - Nonprofits, Society and Public Policy

    Credits: (3)

    This course explores the roles that nonprofit organizations play in the U.S. and the public policy issues confronting nonprofit organizations.  Drawing upon historical, political, economic and sociological perspectives this course provides an overview of the development of the nonprofit sector and the unique roles that the sector plays in American society.  We will also explore contemporary public policy developments that directly relate to nonprofit organizations, such as the continued privatization of public services; charitable choice legislation at the state and national level; the role of foundations in shaping public policy; nonprofit lobbying and activism; and questions of civic participation and civil society.  UNCW’s location in a small city in a largely rural, but rapidly growing region, provides a unique laboratory to undertake a unique research project that explores the role of the sector in our region and public policy issues confronting our rapidly developing sector.


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  • PLS 540 - Environmental Management

    Credits: (3)
    Examines selected policies and programs including both regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to environmental management in the United States.

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  • PLS 541 - Public Economics and Cost-Benefit Analysis

    Credits: (3)
    An applied policy analysis course covering basic economic concepts. The class will also provide an introduction to the techniques of cost-benefit analysis. Students complete an applied cost-benefit project and present results to a simulated audience.

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  • PLS 542 - Managing Inter-organizational Relations

    Credits: (3)
    Course provides an overview of the theory and practice of inter-organizational relations. Topics generally include inter-governmental relations, inter-governmental management, collaboration, networks, policy implementation and governance. Emphasis is placed on emerging trends from the new governance movement and the increased relationships between public, private, and nonprofit organizations in government service delivery.

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  • PLS 543 - Environmental Policy Analysis

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the fundamental factors that influence environmental policy in the United States. It also examines the different approaches to policy analysis and the techniques available to environmental policy analysis.

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  • PLS 544 - Resource Economics

    Credits: (3)
    Introduction to environmental and natural resource economics and policy. Emphasizes applied methods and results of use to practicing coastal managers. Topics include pollution regulation and pollution damage assessment, recreation and tourism impact analysis, public good valuation methods, the economics of land development and urban sprawl, and economic issues in forestry, wetlands and fisheries management.

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  • PLS 545 - Government Planning and Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the use of government geographic information systems (GIS) in the context of land use planning and other applications in state and local government. Course provides an introduction to the theory and application of GIS, spatial data collection, relational databases, spatial analysis, and mapping.

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  • PLS 547 - Housing and Transportation Policy

    Credits: (3)
    The economics and politics of each of these policy areas is discussed and students complete projects that address both policy areas. The broad goal is to sharpen the skills of students in analyzing and suggesting solutions to community problems in the housing and transportation areas.

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  • PLS 548 - Energy Policy

    Credits: (3)
    Examines the fundamental factors that influence the development and implementation of energy policy in the United States.  It also examines difference approaches to the analysis of energy policy.

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  • PLS 561 - Comparative Public Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Examines public administration in many different countries with a particular emphasis on development administration, the government-administration interface, and the administrative issues of cooperation between two or more countries

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  • PLS 562 - International Environmental Policy

    Credits: (3)
    Examines major political issues related to national level and international environmental politics and policy-making. Emphasis is placed on democracy, political transition, levels of development, national cultural values, political institutions, and citizens as potential shapers of the nature and dynamics of environmental politics and vice versa as well as trans-boundary interactions and relations affecting the environment.

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  • PLS 563 - International Development

    Credits: (3)
       Examines the field of international development including economic development and governance assistance activities with attention to the classic theories as well as current debates and innovative approaches.

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  • PLS 592 - Special Topics in Public Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Intensive study of selected topics in public administration. May be taken for credit three times, for a total of nine credit hours.

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  • PLS 594 - Practicum in Public Administration

    Credits: (3-6)
    The application of knowledge, concepts and analytical tools to contemporary issues that challenge public administrators. Individuals select special projects to pursue in local public and nonprofit organizations and conduct research under the guidance of a faculty member. Graded as satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S or U).

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  • PLS 595 - Capstone Seminar in Public Administration

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisites: PLS 500 , PLS 501 , and PLS 505 . Synthesizing experience at end of program where key concepts from the curriculum are integrated and applied to contemporary issues in public administration. Public administration as a profession and career opportunities for graduate students are discussed. Student completes an applied research project that integrates materials from the curriculum and the internship or practicum.

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  • PLS 598 - Internship in Public Administration

    Credits: (3-6)
    Participation in a field experience, including a journal and written report critically describing the student’s responsibilities and experiences, focusing on linkages between the theory learned in coursework and the practice of public administration. Field experience will result from a supervised internship in a cooperating public or nonprofit organization. This course is graded satisfactory/unsatisfactory (S or U).

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  • PLS 599 - Thesis in Public Administration

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisites: at least 30 hours toward completion of the master’s degree and permission of the MPA coordinator. Intensive study of a topic selected by the student and approved by a thesis committee. Includes definition of problem, review of related literature, application of appropriate methodology, and interpretation of results and conclusions. Oral presentation and defense of thesis are required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Project Management

  • OPS 572 - Project Management

    Credits: (2-3)
    This course introduces the problems of managing a project with the purpose of achieving a specific objective. There will be an in-depth coverage of the operational and conceptual issues faced by modern project managers in all organizational settings. Students will learn techniques, terms and guidelines that are used to manage costs, schedules, risk, group dynamics and technical aspects throughout the life cycle of the project. Special emphasis will be on the use of current P.M. software.

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  • OPS 577 - Global Operations Management

    Credits: (2-3)
    (IMB 577)  This class examines contemporary issues related to managing operations in a global context. The focus will be on key issues within operations which are of relevance in a firm’s ability to remain competitive in a global economy. The development, implementation and evaluation of effective strategies and tactics for managing operations are key drivers of an organization’s success. Topics: outsourcing and offshoring, managing international projects, designing and managing global supply chains, managing inventory and global logistics, and acquisition management.

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  • PSY 510 - Cognitive Psychology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Admission to the psychology graduate program or permission of instructor. Examination and evaluation of research theories and methods addressing cognitive processes such as memory, thinking, attention, and problem solving.

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  • PSY 515 - Small-n Research Design

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An investigation of the strategies and tactics of small-n (single-subject) experimental design and its role in behavior analysis. Topics include the conceptual basis and logic of the design, experimental control and internal validity (e.g., treatment of behavioral variability), data analysis, and interpretation of results.

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  • PSY 516 - Adult Development and Life Transitions

    Credits: (3)
    (416)   Explores the major normative and nonnormative changes which take place during adulthood. Operating from a lifespan perspective, topics include an examination of how adults initiate, understand, cope with and resolve life transitions (e.g. parenting, loss, illness, career change, relationship change).

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  • PSY 517 - Learning and Behavior Analysis

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Admission to the psychology graduate program or permission of instructor. Advanced topics in animal and human learning and the analysis of behavior, including theories, research methods, and experimental findings.

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  • PSY 518 - Applied Behavior Analysis

    Credits: (3)

    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An examination of the methodological, empirical, and conceptual issues involved in the extension of behavior-analytic principles to applied settings. Topics include a review of basic principles in behavior analysis, issues of behavioral measurement, functional analysis of behavior, design and implementation of contingency management programs and evaluation of behavioral programs.


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  • PSY 519 - Conceptual Issues in Behavioral Analysis

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. An investigation of the theoretical foundations of behavior analysis and conceptual issues associated with its application. Topics include the definitions of stimulus and response, distinctions between operant and respondent behavior, radical behaviorism and the nature of private events, and the extension of behavioral-analytic principles to a wide variety of domains.

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  • PSY 520 - Developmental Psychology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Open only to psychology graduate students or by permission of instructor. Child psychology is a scientific field devoted to understanding normative human development and individual differences from conception through adolescence. This course examines and evaluates research and theories concerning social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

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  • PSY 522 - Advanced Topics in Behavior Analysis

    Credits: (1)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Methodological, empirical, and applied topics in behavior analysis. Emphasis is on the primary literature in methodological, experimental, and applied aspects of behavior analysis and on the acquisition and influence of students’ presentation and discussion skills. May be repeated for credit.

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  • PSY 524 - The Psychology of Aging

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Course in aging or gerontology or permission of instructor. Advanced topics on the effects of aging on a variety of psychological processes including attention, memory, complex cognition, personality, mental health, and social support. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program.

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  • PSY 525 - Psychological Assessment I

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Admission into the substance abuse treatment psychology concentration and permission of instructor. Role, administration, and responsible uses of psychological testing. Topics include administration and interpretation of basic vocational, aptitude, intelligence, and personality tests and interpretation of assessment reports prepared by others.

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  • PSY 526 - Psychological Assessment II

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: PSY 525   Topics include objective personality assessment, objective psychopathology assessment, behavioral and physiological assessment, projective testing, substance abuse assessment, and report writing. Course will include instruction and rehearsal in test administration and interpretation. A grade of “B” or better must be earned for subsequent registration in PSY 594 .

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  • PSY 545 - Chemical Dependency

    Credits: (3)
    (445)   Prerequisite: Course in drugs and behavior or permission of instructor. Topics include basic psychopharmacology, theory, method, and research in the study of substance abuse and advanced consideration of causes, consequences and treatments of the major addictive disorders.

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  • PSY 547 - Advanced Psychopathology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Course in psychopathology and permission of instructor. Etiology, assessment, and treatment of the major psychological disorders. Emphasis is on appropriate use of diagnostic systems and on ethical and legal issues in diagnosis.

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  • PSY 549 - Basic Interviewing Skills in the Treatment of Substance Abuse

    Credits: (2)
    Prerequisite: Admission into the substance abuse treatment psychology concentration or permission of instructor. Introduction to therapeutic interviewing and active listening skills that will facilitate behavior change in substance abusing clients. Format includes lecture, readings, and experiential exercises. A grade of “B” or better must be earned for subsequent registration in PSY 550 .

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  • PSY 550 - Advanced Psychotherapy

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Admission into the substance abuse treatment psychology concentration, PSY 547 , an undergraduate course in theories of psychotherapy or counseling, and permission of the instructor. Advanced study of major theories of psychotherapy, psychotherapy research, and psychotherapy skills. Practical interviewing and intervention skills are emphasized. Format includes lecture, independent reading, and experiential exercises.

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  • PSY 551 - Intervention Strategies in Alcohol and Drug Problems

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: PSY 545 , PSY 550 , and permission of instructor. Review of multidisciplinary theory and practice in treatment of alcohol and drug dependent clients. Topics include nondirective approaches, cognitive/behavioral approaches, 12-step approaches, family therapy, and group process. Format includes lecture and experiential exercises.

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  • PSY 552 - Cultural, Ethical, and Legal Issues in Mental Health

    Credits: (3)
    (452)   Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Cultural, ethical and legal issues involved in psychological testing, research, and treatment. Topics include cultural competence, confidentiality, conflicts between ethics, law, and policy, the North Carolina Psychology Practice Act, and review of ethical principles in psychology and applied behavior analysis.

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  • PSY 555 - Psychological Research Methods I

    Credits: (4)
    Prerequisite: Course in research methods in psychology and permission of instructor. Advanced study of research design and statistical analysis applicable to research in psychology. Topics, taught from an advanced perspective, include analysis of variance, correlational and nonparametric techniques.

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  • PSY 556 - Advanced Physiological Psychology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Open only to psychology graduate students or by permission of instructor. Advanced topics in the anatomical and physiological study of the nervous system and behavior. Topics include brain-behavior relationships, neuropathologies, advantages and disadvantages of different techniques in neuroscience, and brain mechanisms of reward and drug addiction.

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  • PSY 565 - Personality and Social Psychology

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Open only to psychology graduate students or by permission of instructor. Current research trends in social and personality psychology. Emphasis is on the relation of personality and situational factors in determining behavior.

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  • PSY 579 - Advanced Research Practicum

    Credits: (1)
    Students may participate in a variety of different research projects. Ongoing research opportunities include practica in cognitive development, behavioral pharmacology, neuropharmacology, animal behavior, social psychology, clinical issues, behavioral medicine and others.

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  • PSY 580 - Advanced Research Practicum

    Credits: (1)
    Students may participate in a variety of different research projects. Ongoing research opportunities include practica in cognitive development, behavioral pharmacology, neuropharmacology, animal behavior, social psychology, clinical issues, behavioral medicine and others.

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  • PSY 589 - Psychological Research Methods II

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: PSY 555 . Overview of the various research strategies and designs used in psychology. Application and extension of methods learned in Psychological Research Methods I to contemporary research problems in psychology.

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  • PSY 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Credits: (1-3)
    May be repeated once for credit. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses.

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  • PSY 592 - Special Topics in Psychology

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Study of topics or issues not covered in existing classes. Elective course that may be repeated for credit.

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  • PSY 594 - Clinical Psychotherapy Practicum

    Credits: (2)
    Prerequisite: Completion of all relevant clinical coursework, including the following courses with a grade of B- or higher: PSY 525, PSY 526, PSY 552, PSY 550 and consent of instructor. Practical experience at local agencies, supervision and seminar on campus. Application of ethical principles and development of clinical skills such as interviewing and assessment.

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  • PSY 595 - Seminar

    Credits: (3)
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced topics in psychology. Examples of seminars offered include: Advanced Topics in Substance Abuse, Animal Behavior, Behavioral Neuroscience, Behavior Analysis, Behavioral Medicine, Chemical Dependency, Clinical Neuropsychology, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Dual Diagnosis, Family Therapy, Psychological Aspects of HIV Infection, Psychopharmacology, Psychotherapy, Rehabilitation Psychology, Sensation and Perception, Social and Community Psychology, Statistics and Computer Applications, and Women and Alcohol. May be repeated for additional credit.

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  • PSY 596 - Clinical Psychology Practicum in Applied Behavior Analysis

    Credits: (2)
    Prerequisites: Completion of all relevant clinical and behavior analysis coursework with a grade of at least B- in PSY 515, 517, 518, 519, and 552, and consent of instructor. Practical experience at local agencies, supervision and seminar on campus. Application of ethical principles and development of clinical applied behavior analysis skills such as interviewing, functional assessment, contingency management and behavioral programming.

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  • PSY 597 - Internship in Psychology and Applied Behavior Analysis

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisites: Completion of all relevant clinical and behavior analysis coursework with a grade of at least a B- in PSY 596, successful defense of thesis, and consent of instructor. One thousand hours of supervised practice in an applied setting where psychology and applied behavior analysis are practiced and supervised.

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  • PSY 598 - Internship

    Credits: (1-3)
    Prerequisite: PSY 525 , PSY 547 , PSY 551 , PSY 552 PSY 594  with a grade of “B” or better, and permission of instructor. One thousand hours of supervised practice in the application of psychological assessment, applied behavioral analysis, or psychotherapy skills. Trainees work in an applied setting where substance abuse treatment or applied behavior analysis is offered with regular consultation with a supervisor.

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  • PSY 599 - Thesis in Psychology

    Credits: (1-6)
    Prerequisite: PSY 580 . Intensive study of topic selected by student and approved by thesis committee. Includes definition of problem, review of related literature, application of appropriate methodology, and interpretation of results and conclusions. Oral presentation and defense of thesis required.

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  • SCI 501 - Concepts in Natural Science I

    Credits: (1)
    An interdisciplinary survey of major science concepts examined in an inquiry format. Emphasis on laboratory based exploration and application of interrelated biology, chemistry, earth sciences, and physical topics. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SCI 502 - Concepts in Natural Science II

    Credits: (3)
    A continuation of SCI 501 . An interdisciplinary survey of major science concepts examined in an inquiry format. Emphasis on laboratory-based exploration and application of interrelated biology, chemistry, earth sciences and physics topics. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SCI 511 - Advanced General Biology

    Credits: (3)
    This course will present a comprehensive overview of fundamental biological concepts, with particular emphasis on those that are identified as competency goals in the NC Standard Course of Study. The course will follow an inquiry-based approach, and use discussion and interpretation of scientific studies to demonstrate the acquisition of scientific knowledge. It is appropriate for science education graduate students with degrees outside of the discipline.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SCI 512 - Advanced General Chemistry

    Credits: (3)
    This course presents a comprehensive overview of fundamental chemistry concepts, with particular emphasis on those that are identified as competency goals in the NC Standard Course of Study. The course will follow an inquiry-based approach, and demonstrate the acquisition of scientific knowledge through the interpretation of experimental data. It is designed for and appropriate to science or education graduate students whose degrees are outside the discipline.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SCI 514 - Earth Science: Topics and Applications

    Credits: (3)
    The structure, composition, and processes that are active within and at the surface of the Earth including interactions of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Content knowledge is emphasized as the basis of discussions of issues involving energy, pollution, geohazards, and other societal issues.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SCI 516 - Advanced General Physics

    Credits: (3)
    This course presents a comprehensive overview of fundamental physics concepts, with particular emphasis on those that are identified as competency goals in the NC Standard Course of Study. The course will follow an inquiry based approach, and demonstrate the acquisition of scientific knowledge through the interpretation of experimental data. It is designed for and appropriate to science or eduction graduate students whose degrees are outside the discipline.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


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