Feb 10, 2025
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
IV. Building Competencies
a. Writing Intensive
(9 hours - Students are required to take 9 hours from this component, with at least three hours at the 300-400 level and at least three hours in the major.) - ACG 445 - Current Topics in Accounting
- ANT 305 - North American Indians
- ANT 308 - Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, and More
- ANT 312 - Collapse. The Fall of Complex Civilizations
- ANT 328 - Bioarchaeology
- ANT 440 - Seminar in Southeastern Archaeology
- ANT 449 - Anthropology Three-Field Seminar
- ARH 476 - Art History Capstone Seminar
- ART 476 - Senior Exhibit
- ATR 445 - Organization and Administration in Athletic Training
- BIO 315 - Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy
- BIO 340 - Plant Physiology
- BIO 362 - Marine Biology
- BIOL 325 - Molecular Biology of Cell Laboratory
- BIOL 335 - Genetics Laboratory
- BIOL 345 - Animal Physiology Laboratory
- BIOL 366 - Ecology Laboratory
- BUS 205 - Business Career Preparation
- BUS 305 - Business Essentials
- CHM 350 - Introduction to Chemical Research
- CHML 320 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory I
- CHML 321 - Physical Chemistry Laboratory II
- CIT 411 - Information Systems Analysis (MIS 411 )
- CLA 209 - Classical Literature in Translation: Topics (CLA 209 )
- CLA 210 - Mythology (ENG 210 )
- CLA 330 - Women in Ancient Greece and Rome
- CLR 310 - Scientific Writing
- CLR 410 - Advanced Scientific Writing
- COM 232 - Writing as Strategic Communication
- COM 300 - Applied Quantitative Research Methods
- COM 302 - Applied Qualitative Research
- COM 305 - Communication Theory
- COM 356 - Speech Writing
- COM 420 - Critical Issues in Interpersonal Communication
- COM 431 - Integrated Marketing Communication II
- COM 436 - Case Studies in IMC/PR/ADV
- COM 458 - Rhetoric of Faith Healing
- CRM 256 - Criminology: Writing Intensive (CRM 256 )
- CRM 300 - Methods of Social Research (SOC 300 )
- CRM 495 - Senior Seminar
- CRM 496 - Practicum in Public Sociology/Criminology (SOC 496 )
- CRM 499 - Honors Work in Criminal Justice
- CRW 203 - The Evolution of Creative Writing: Fiction, Poetry, and Creative Nonfiction
- CRW 496 - Senior Seminar in Creative Writing
- CSC 385 - Professional and Ethical Issues in Computer Science
- CSC 450 - Software Engineering
- EBD 490 - Business Development and Commercialization
- ECN 428 - Applied Regional Analysis
- ECN 429 - Economics of Growth and Development
- ECN 477 - Advanced Econometrics and Research Methods
- EDN 300 - Elementary School Programs and Practices
- EDN 352 - Developing Reading and Writing Competence in the Middle Grades
- EDN 451 - Adaptive Practices in Early Childhood
- ENG 110 - Introduction to Literature
- ENG 111 - Introduction to Literature Global Emphasis
- ENG 202 - Introduction to Journalism
- ENG 204 - Introduction to Professional Writing
- ENG 205 - Introduction to Literary Studies
- ENG 209 - Classical Literature in Translation: Topics (CLA 209 )
- ENG 210 - Mythology (CLA 210 )
- ENG 211 - British Literature to 1800
- ENG 223 - American Literature to 1870
- ENG 224 - American Literature Since 1870
- ENG 225 - World Literature to 1600
- ENG 226 - World Literature Since 1600
- ENG 227 - World Anglophone Literatures
- ENG 230 - Women In Literature
- ENG 232 - African American Literature
- ENG 233 - The Bible as Literature
- ENG 290 - Themes in Literature
- ENG 303 - Reading and Writing Arguments
- ENG 305 - Professional Review Writing
- ENG 306 - Essay Writing
- ENG 308 - Grant and Proposal Writing
- ENG 312 - Writing for Business
- ENG 313 - Writing about Sciences
- ENG 314 - Digital Composing
- ENG 317 - Writing about Film (FST 317 )
- ENG 318 - Writing and Activism
- ENG 388 - Rhetorical Theory to 1900
- ENG 389 - Rhetorical Theory since 1900
- ENG 495 - Senior Seminar in Literature
- ENG 496 - Senior Seminar in Writing/Rhetoric
- EXS 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education and Health (HEA 359 ),(PED 359 ),(PBH 359 )
- EVS 495 - Seminar in Environmental Studies
- FIN 330 - Principles of Investments
- FLL 480 - Special Topics in World Cinema (FST 480 )(FRH 485 )(GER 485 )(SPN 485 )
- FRH 322 - Survey of French Literature II
- FRH 402 - Advanced Grammar and Composition
- FRH 411 - Topics in French Studies
- FRH 412 - The Francophone World
- FRH 421 - French Immigrant Narratives
- FRH 470 - French Women Writers
- FRH 485 - Seminar in French Cinema (FLL 480 ),(FST 480 ),(GER 485 ),(SPN 485 )
- FRH 491 - Directed Individual Study
- FRH 498 - Internship in French
- FRH 499 - Honors Work in French
- FST 317 - Writing about Film (ENG 317 )
- FST 363 - Producing the Undergraduate Film Magazine
- FST 367 - Film Authors
- FST 368 - Studies in Film Styles and Genres
- FST 440 - Film Theory
- FST 445 - Film Rhetoric
- FST 480 - Special Topics in World Cinema (FLL 480 )(FRH 485 )(GER 485 )(SPN 485 )
- FST 496 - Senior Seminar in Film Study
- GER 485 - Seminar in German Cinema (FLL 480 )(FST 480 )(FRH 485 )(SPN 485 )
- GER 495 - Seminar in German Studies
- GER 499 - Honors Work in German Studies
- GGY 333 - Applied Climatology
- GGY 382 - Regional Geography of the United States
- GGY 420 - Global Climate Change (GLY 420 ),(PHY 420 )
- GGY 435 - Environmental Geography
- GGY 436 - Ice Age Earth
- GGY 439 - Paleoclimatology (GGY 439 )
- GGY 499 - Honors Work in Geography
- GLY 331 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy
- GLY 337 - Invertebrate Paleontology
- GLY 390 - Field Methods in Geosciences
- GLY 420 - Global Climate Change (GGY 420 ),(PHY 420 )
- GLY 439 - Paleoclimatology (GGY 439 )
- GLY 499 - Honors Work in Geology
- HEA 305 - Health Program Planning/Intervention Strategies (PBH 305 )
- HEA 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (EXS 359 ),(PBH 359 ),(PED 359 )
- HST 290 - The Practice of History
- HST 408 - Seminar: Medieval Europe
- HST 412 - Seminar: Renaissance and Reformation Europe
- HST 414 - Seminar: Early Modern Europe
- HST 416 - Seminar: Nineteenth-Century Europe
- HST 418 - Seminar: Twentieth-Century Europe
- HST 440 - Seminar: U.S. Social History
- HST 442 - Seminar: U.S. Economic History
- HST 444 - Seminar: U.S. Political History
- HST 446 - Seminar: U.S. Diplomatic History
- HST 448 - Seminar: U.S. National Security History
- HST 450 - Seminar: U.S. Intellectual History
- HST 454 - Seminar: U.S. Regional History
- HST 456 - Seminar: U.S. Environmental History
- HST 477 - Historic Preservation in the U.S.
- HST 478 - Interpreting U.S. Material Culture
- HST 480 - Topics in Public History
- HST 481 - Topics in African History
- HST 483 - Topics in Middle Eastern History
- HST 485 - Topics in Latin American History
- HST 487 - Topics in Global History
- HST 495 - Seminar
- HST 496 - Topics in the History of Science and Technology
- HST 497 - Topics in Asian History
- INB 352 - International Management (MGT 352 )
- INB 377 - International Operations Management (OPS 377 )
- INT 200 - Global Capitalism and its Discontents
- INT 300 - Interdisciplinarity and International Studies
- INT 316 - Global Protest Movements
- INT 351 - The Contemporary Persian Gulf
- INT 490 - Senior Seminar in International Studies
- MAT 346 - Historical Development of Mathematics
- MAT 495 - Seminar in Mathematics
- MGT 352 - International Management (INB 352 )
- MGT 452 - Leadership and Organizational Change
- MGT 458 - Compensation and Performance Evaluation
- MIS 411 - Information Systems Analysis (CIT 411 )
- MKT 343 - Marketing Intelligence and Communication
- MUS 351 - Introduction to Music History I: Middle ages - Classical periods
- MUS 352 - Introduction to Music History II: Romantic-Contemporary Periods
- NSG 316 - Professional Nursing Practice for the Baccalaureate Nurse
- NSG 330 - Maternal-Infant Nursing
- NSG 404 - Health Policy
- NSG 415 - Research in Nursing
- OCN 390 - Field Methods in Oceanography
- OCN 490 - Oceanography Capstone
- OCN 499 - Honors Work in Oceanography
- OPS 372 - Service Operations Management
- OPS 377 - International Operations Management (INB 377 )
- OPS 472 - Project Management
- PAR 300 - Philosophical Writing
- PAR 301 - Methods in Religious Studies
- PAR 371 - Buddhism
- PAR 373 - Chinese Religions
- PAR 374 - Japanese Religions
- PAR 400 - Colloquium for Majors
- PBH 305 - Program Planning (HEA 305 )
- PBH 359 - Research Methods in Public Health (EXS 359 ),HEA 359 ),(PED 359 )
- PED 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education and Health (EXS 359 ),(HEA 359 ),(PBH 359 )
- PED 415 - Adapted Physical Activity
- PHY 300 - Analog Circuits
- PHY 400 - Advanced Laboratory
- PHY 420 - Global Climate Change (GGY 420 ),(GLY 420 )
- PHY 477 - Observational Methods and Data Analysis in Physical Oceanography
- PHY 495 - Physics Seminar
- PHY 499 - Honors Work in Physics
- PLS 332 - Politics of Central America and the Caribbean
- PLS 352 - American Political Culture
- PLS 401 - Senior Seminar
- PLS 403 - Public Opinion
- PLS 424 - International Security
- PLS 425 - International Politics
- PSY 355 - Introduction to Experimental Psychology
- PSY 405 - History and Systems Of Psychology
- PSY 410 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 412 - Sensation and Perception
- PSY 417 - Advanced Learning and Behavior Analysis
- PSY 423 - Developmental Psychology
- PSY 425 - Psychometrics
- PSY 464 - Advanced Social and Personality Psychology
- REC 375 - Leadership and Management of Recreation Services
- RTH 459 - Research: Determining Best Practices in Recreation Therapy
- RTH 468 - Program Planning and Evaluation in Recreation Therapy
- RTH 480 - Senior Seminar in Recreation Therapy
- SED 352 - Behavioral Development
- SED 372 - Program Development in Special Education
- SOC 256 - Criminology: Writing Intensive (CRM 256 )
- SOC 300 - Methods of Social Research (CRM 300 )
- SOC 304 - Popular Culture
- SOC 490 - Senior Seminar
- SOC 496 - Practicum in Public Sociology/Criminology (CRM 496 )
- SOC 499 - Honors Work in Sociology
- SPN 305 - Spanish Composition
- SPN 405 - Advanced Conversation and Composition
- SPN 412 - Topics in Spanish-American Civilization
- SPN 422 - Topics in Spanish-American Literature
- SPN 485 - Seminar in Spanish Cinema (FLL 480 ),(FST 480 ),(FRH 485 ),(GER 485 )
- SPN 490 - Service Learning and Research
- SPN 491 - Directed Individual Study
- SPN 495 - Seminar in Hispanic Studies
- SPN 496 - Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics
- SPN 497 - Capstone Seminar
- STT 490 - Case Studies in Statistical Consulting
- STT 498 - Internship in Statistics
- SWK 320 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment I
- SWK 335 - Social Welfare Policies
- THR 165 - Dramatic Heritage: Study and Analysis of Plays
- THR 316 - Playwriting I
- THR 368 - Contemporary British and Irish Dramatic Literature
- THR 369 - The American Canon: Seminar in Dramatic Literature
- UNI 201 - Transfer Seminar
- XXX 499 - Honors Project
b. Information Literacy
(9 hours - Students are required to take 9 hours from this component, with at least three hours in the major.) - ANT 308 - Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia, Indus Valley, and More
- ANT 312 - Collapse. The Fall of Complex Civilizations
- ANT 328 - Bioarchaeology
- ANT 440 - Seminar in Southeastern Archaeology
- ANT 449 - Anthropology Three-Field Seminar
- ARH 476 - Art History Capstone Seminar
- ART 380 - Intermediate Darkroom Photography
- ART 476 - Senior Exhibit
- ATR 445 - Organization and Administration in Athletic Training
- BIO 105 - Concepts of Modern Biology
- BIO 202 - Principles of Biology: Biodiversity
- BIO 340 - Plant Physiology
- BIO 495 - Seminar
- BIOL 325 - Molecular Biology of Cell Laboratory
- BIOL 345 - Animal Physiology Laboratory
- BIOL 495 - Applied Learning Seminar
- CHM 350 - Introduction to Chemical Research
- CHM 495 - Senior Seminar
- CIT 110 - Fluency in Information Technology
- CLR 320 - Scientific Literature Seminar
- CLR 440 - Bioanalytics
- COM 200 - Research Methods
- COM 420 - Critical Issues in Interpersonal Communication
- CRM 300 - Methods of Social Research (SOC 300 )
- CRM 391 - Public Sociology/Criminology Seminar (SOC 391 )
- CRM 495 - Senior Seminar
- CRM 496 - Practicum in Public Sociology/Criminology (CRM 496 )
- CRM 499 - Honors Work in Criminal Justice
- CRW 204 - Research for Creative Writers
- CSC 105 - Introduction to Computing and Computer Applications
- CSC 385 - Professional and Ethical Issues in Computer Science
- ECN 477 - Advanced Econometrics and Research Methods
- EDN 303 - Instructional Technology
- ENG 103 - College Writing and Reading (Advanced)
- EDN 334 - Social Studies Curriculum and Instruction (K-6)
- ENG 200 - College Writing and Reading II Global Emphasis
- ENG 201 - College Writing and Reading II
- ENG 202 - Introduction to Journalism
- ENG 204 - Introduction to Professional Writing
- ENG 205 - Introduction to Literary Studies
- ENG 310 - Editing for Journalism and Mass Media
- EVS 495 - Seminar in Environmental Studies
- EXS 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education and Health (HEA 359 ),(PBH 359 ),(PED 359 )
- FRH 304 - French for the Professions
- FRH 311 - French Civilization
- FRH 318 - Contemporary France
- FRH 404 - Advanced French for the Professions
- FST 370 - Early Cinema
- FST 371 - History of Documentary Film
- FST 372 - History of Avant-Garde Film
- FST 375 - Studies in Global Film History
- FST 376 - American Cinema 1927-1960
- FST 377 - American Cinema Since 1961
- FST 378 - History of New Wave Cinemas
- FST 379 - Studies in Film History
- FST 381 - History of Russian and Soviet Cinema
- GER 495 - Seminar in German Studies
- GGY 215 - The Digital Globe
- GGY 222 - Quantitative Methods in Earth Sciences
- GGY 432 - Biogeography
- GGY 495 - Senior Seminar
- GLY 337 - Invertebrate Paleontology
- GLY 390 - Field Methods in Geosciences
- GLY 495 - Senior Seminar
- HEA 320 - Foundations in Global Health (PBH 320 )
- HEA 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (EXS 359 ),(PBH 359 ),(PED 359 )
- HEA 452 - Epidemiology and Concepts of Human Disease (PBH 452 )
- HON 110 - First-Year Honors Interdisciplinary Seminar
- HST 290 - The Practice of History
- INT 300 - Interdisciplinarity and International Studies
- INT 490 - Senior Seminar in International Studies
- LIB 103 - Introduction to Library Research and Technology
- MAT 495 - Seminar in Mathematics
- MIS 313 - Introduction to Management Information Systems
- MIS 411 - Information Systems Analysis
- MKT 343 - Marketing Intelligence and Communication
- MUS 110 - Introduction to Music Technology
- MUS 285 - Conducting I
- NSG 316 - Professional Nursing Practice for the Baccalaureate Nurse
- NSG 330 - Maternal-Infant Nursing
- NSG 404 - Health Policy
- NSG 415 - Research in Nursing
- OCN 250 - Coasts and Society
- OCN 350 - Advanced Oceanography
- OCN 390 - Field Methods in Oceanography
- OCN 490 - Oceanography Capstone
- OPS 300 - Introduction to Business Analytics
- PAR 300 - Philosophical Writing
- PAR 301 - Methods in Religious Studies
- PAR 400 - Colloquium for Majors
- PBH 320 - Foundations of Global Health (HEA 320 )
- PBH 359 - Research Methods in Public Health (EXS 359 ),(HEA 359 ),(PED 359 )
- PBH 452 - Epidemiology (HEA 452 )
- PED 415 - Adapted Physical Activity
- PED 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education and Health (EXS 359 ),(HEA 359 ),(PBH 359 )
- PHY 315 - Computational Physics and Complexity
- PHY 335 - Modern Physics
- PHY 495 - Physics Seminar
- PLS 201 - Introduction to Political Science Methods
- PLS 304 - Introduction to Public Policy Analysis
- PLS 403 - Public Opinion
- PLS 404 - Campaign Management and Strategies
- PSY 355 - Introduction to Experimental Psychology
- PSY 410 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology
- PSY 412 - Sensation and Perception
- PSY 417 - Advanced Learning and Behavior Analysis
- PSY 423 - Developmental Psychology
- PSY 425 - Psychometrics
- PSY 464 - Advanced Social and Personality Psychology
- REC 380 - Marketing for Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism
- RTH 459 - Research: Determining Best Practices in Recreation Therapy
- RTH 468 - Program Planning and Evaluation in Recreation Therapy
- SEC 430 - Seminar-Leadership, Reflection and Management Practices
- SEC 431 - Student Teaching - Secondary Education
- SED 374 - Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers
- SED 375 - Collaboration Strategies in Special Education
- SOC 300 - Methods of Social Research (CRM 300 )
- SOC 391 - Public Sociology/Criminology Seminar (CRM 391 )
- SOC 490 - Senior Seminar
- SOC 496 - Practicum in Public Sociology/Criminology (CRM 496 )
- SOC 499 - Honors Work in Sociology
- SPN 405 - Advanced Conversation and Composition
- SPN 412 - Topics in Spanish-American Civilization
- SPN 422 - Topics in Spanish-American Literature
- SPN 490 - Service Learning and Research
- SPN 491 - Directed Individual Study
- SPN 496 - Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics
- SPN 495 - Seminar in Hispanic Studies
- SPN 497 - Capstone Seminar
- STT 490 - Case Studies in Statistical Consulting
- STT 498 - Internship in Statistics
- SWK 321 - Human Behavior and the Social Environment II
- SWK 335 - Social Welfare Policies
- THR 165 - Dramatic Heritage: Study and Analysis of Plays
- UNI 101 - First-Year Seminar
- UNI 201 - Transfer Seminar
c. Quantitative and Logical Reasoning (3 hours - may be taken as a major requirement):
This requirement offers an option; students can take 1) an additional course beyond the mathematics or statistics course used for the Mathematics and Statistics requirement, or an additional course beyond the science course used for the Scientific Approaches to the Natural World requirement, or a quantitative methods course from any discipline that acquaints a student with how quantitative reasoning is applied; or 2) an introductory logic, symbolic logic or critical thinking course that will improve student ability to reason critically by analyzing, evaluating and extending arguments. - ANT 324 - Human Biological Variation
- BIOL 366 - Ecology Laboratory
- CHM 101 - General Chemistry I
- COM 257 - Argumentation and Debate
- COM 300 - Applied Quantitative Research Methods
- COM 302 - Applied Qualitative Research
- COM 355 - Communication Analysis
- COM 420 - Critical Issues in Interpersonal Communication
- CRM 301 - Sociological Data Analysis and Interpretation (SOC 301 )
- CSC 112 - Introduction to Computer Programming
- CSC 131 - Introduction to Computer Science
- CSC 133 - Discrete Mathematical Structures
- ENG 303 - Reading and Writing Arguments
- EXS 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education and Health (HEA 359 ),(PBH 359 ),(PED 359 )
- FST 445 - Film Rhetoric
- GGY 215 - The Digital Globe
- GGY 222 - Quantitative Methods in Earth Sciences
- GGY 235 - Principles of Hydrology (GLY 226 )
- GLY 226 - Principles of Hydrology (GGY 235 )
- GLY 390 - Field Methods in Geosciences
- GLY 426 - Geohydrology
- HEA 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education, and Recreation (EXS 359 ),(PBH 359 ),(PED 359 )
- INT 300 - Interdisciplinarity and International Studies
- MAT 101 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts: A Contemporary Approach
- MAT 102 - Mathematics for Liberal Arts: A Classical Approach
- MAT 111 - College Algebra
- MAT 112 - Trigonometry
- MAT 115 - Precalculus
- MAT 141 - Concepts of Mathematics: Number, Operations, and Problem Solving
- MAT 142 - Concepts of Mathematics: Geometry, Measurement, and Problem Solving
- MAT 151 - Basic Calculus with Applications I
- MAT 152 - Basic Calculus with Applications II
- MAT 161 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry I
- MAT 162 - Calculus with Analytical Geometry II
- NSG 482 - Pathophysiologic and Pharmacological Evidence Based Nursing Care
- OCN 350 - Advanced Oceanography
- OCN 390 - Field Methods in Oceanography
- OCN 490 - Oceanography Capstone
- OPS 370 - Principles of Operations Management
- PAR 110 - Introduction to Logic
- PAR 218 - Symbolic Logic
- PBH 359 - Research Methods in Public Health (EXS 359 (,(HEA 359 ),(PED 359 )
- PED 359 - Research and Evaluation in Health, Physical Education and Health (EXS 359 ),(HEA 359 ),(PBH 359 )
- PED 387 - Teaching Healthful Living in Secondary Schools
- PHY 101 - Elementary College Physics I
- PHY 102 - Elementary College Physics II
- PHY 201 - General Physics I
- PHY 202 - General Physics II
- PLS 201 - Introduction to Political Science Methods
- PSY 225 - Introductory Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences
- QMM 280 - Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics
- REC 359 - Research and Evaluation in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism
- RTH 459 - Research: Determining Best Practices in Recreation Therapy
- SED 369 - Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs
- SOC 301 - Sociological Data Analysis and Interpretation (CRM 301 )
- STT 210 - Introduction to Statistics with Applications in the Health Sciences
- STT 215 - Introduction to Statistics
- SWK 406 - Research Methods for Social Work Practice I