2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
Department of Theatre
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Mr. T. Salzman, chair. Dr. A. Berkeley (customized option coordinator), Mr. Botvinick, Dr. Castagno, Mr. Enlow, Mr. M. Holmes, Mr. Lydy, Mr. Marino, Mr. Sorensen (design and technology option coordinator), Ms. R. Root, Mr. Wagenseller (performance coordinator).
The Department of Theatre provides high level education and training in theatre art within the context of a liberal arts environment. For our majors we offer three areas of concentration: performance, production design and technology, and customized studies. Students committed to performance or production design and technology are challenged with pre-professional training and a solid academic core that prepares them for a range of outcomes: from entry into the theatre, television and film markets or exciting careers in a broad range of industries. Students in the customized option select courses and complete related projects unique to their academic and professional goals. The customized option provides flexibility in sequencing courses, ideal for the transfer student or double major seeking to complete a degree within the four year period. For theatre minors and general university students we offer a range of production opportunities as well as academic and applied learning workshop courses to enhance their educational experience. Due to limited enrollment and necessary prerequisite skill sets, certain courses in this department (THR 301 , THR 302 , THR 332 , THR 333 , THR 335 , THR 401 , THR 402 , THR 433 ) require consent of instructor. Consent is based on discussion of individual course content and responsibilities, along with demonstration of class activities.
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