Feb 14, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

University Calendar

The UNCW undergraduate catalogue includes a calendar for the current academic year and a tentative calendar for the following year.  All calendars are subject to change and will be updated online as necessary. The 2023-2024 calendar will not be official until published in the 2023-2024 online catalogue.  Please refer to the links provided at the beginning of each calendar for specific information related to registration, orientation, housing and student accounts.

•  Fall 2022 Fall 2023
• Spring 2023 Spring 2024
• Summer 2023 Summer 2024

University Calendar 2022-2023

Academic Year Begin-End: August 15, Monday - May 15, Monday

 Fall 2022

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg.
New student orientation - Please refer to Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation.
Housing and Residence Life - Please refer to https://uncw.edu/housing/.
Student Accounts - Please refer to https:uncw.edu/studentaccounts/paymentduedates.html.
All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

August 15 - December 17 Semester Begins - Commencement
August 24 - December 7 Classes Start - End
August 15, Monday Fall semester and Academic Year begins
August 22, Monday Convocation
August 24, Wednesday First day of classes
August 31, Wednesday Last day to drop or add a class
September 5, Monday No classes (Labor Day, holiday)
September 15, Thursday Fall Faculty Meeting
October 13-15, Thursday-Saturday No classes (Fall Break)
October 25, Tuesday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
November 14, Monday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
November 23, Wednesday No classes; University open
November 24-26, Thursday-Saturday No classes (Thanksgiving break, holiday)
December 7, Wednesday Last day of classes
December 8, Thursday Reading day
December 9-15, Friday-Thursday Final examinations (See exam schedule)
December 17, Saturday Commencement
December 19, Monday Fall semester ends

Note: Every course offered for academic credit during fall and spring semesters adheres to the standard of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour (taken from UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1.6) for example; a three credit course requires a minimum of 2250 instructional minutes excluding breaks and including final exam time.

 Spring 2023

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg.
New student orientation - Please refer to Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation.
Housing and Residence Life - Please refer to https://uncw.edu/housing/.
Student Accounts - Please refer to https:uncw.edu/studentaccounts/paymentduedates.html.
All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

January 4 - May 12-13 Semester Begins - Commencement
January 11 - May 1 Classes Start - End
January 2, Monday No classes (New Year’s Day observed, holiday)
January 4, Wednesday Spring semester begins
January 11, Wednesday First day of classes
January 16, Monday No Classes (MLK Day, holiday)
January 19, Thursday Last day to drop or add a class
January 23, Monday Last day to drop or add a class for Monday only classes
March 4-12, Saturday-Sunday No classes (Spring break)
March 17, Friday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
April 5, Wednesday Spring Faculty Meeting
April 6, Thursday No classes; University open
April 7, Friday No classes (Good Friday, holiday)
April 10, Monday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
May 1, Monday Last day of classes
May 2, Tuesday Reading day
May 3-9, Wednesday-Tuesday Final examinations (See exam schedule)
May 12-13, Friday-Saturday Commencement
May 15, Monday Spring semester and Academic Year ends

Note: Every course offered for academic credit during fall and spring semesters adheres to the standard of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour (taken from UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1.6) for example; a three credit course requires a minimum of 2250 instructional minutes excluding breaks and including final exam time.

 Summer 2023 

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg.
New student orientation - Please refer to Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation.
Housing and Residence Life - Please refer to https://uncw.edu/housing/.
Student Accounts - Please refer to https:uncw.edu/studentaccounts/paymentduedates.html.
All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

May 22 - June 20 Summer 1 Classes Start-End
June 27 - July 26 Summer 2 Classes Start-End
May 22, Monday Summer 1 - First day of classes
May 23, Tuesday Last day to register and drop or add a class
May 29, Monday No classes (Memorial Day, holiday)
June 7, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
June 13, Tuesday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
June 20, Tuesday Last day of classes
June 21, Wednesday Final examinations
June 27, Tuesday Summer 2 - First day of classes
June 28, Wednesday Last day to register and drop or add a class
July 4, Tuesday No classes (Independence Day, state holiday)
July 13, Thursday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
July 19, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
July 26, Wednesday Last day of classes
July 27, Thursday Final examinations

Every course offered for academic credit during summer sessions adheres to the standard of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour (taken from UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1.6). For example; a three credit course requires a minimum of 2250 instructional minutes excluding breaks and including final exam time. Summer sessions consist of 17 class days (125 minutes per class) plus an additional day for exams which will equal 2250 minutes for a three credit course.

University Calendar 2023-2024

Academic Year Begin-End: August 14, Monday - May 13, Monday

Fall 2023

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg.
New student orientation - Please refer to Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation.
Housing and Residence Life - Please refer to https://uncw.edu/housing/.
Student Accounts - Please refer to https:uncw.edu/studentaccounts/paymentduedates.html.
All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

August 14, Monday - December 16, Saturday Semester Begins - Commencement
August 23, Wednesday - Dec. 6, Wednesday Classes Start - End
August 14, Monday Fall semester and Academic Year begins
August 21, Monday Convocation
August 23, Wednesday First day of classes
August 30, Wednesday Last day to drop or add a class
September 4, Monday No classes (Labor Day holiday)
September 14, Thursday Fall Faculty Meeting
October 12-14, Thursday-Saturday No classes (Fall Break)
October 24, Tuesday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
November 13, Monday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
November 22, Wednesday No classes; University open
November 23-25, Thursday-Saturday No classes (Thanksgiving holiday)
December 5, Tuesday Thursday classes meet
December 6, Wednesday Friday classes meet
December 6, Wednesday Last day of classes
December 7, Thursday Reading Day
December 8-14, Friday-Thursday Final examinations (See exam schedule)
December 16, Saturday Commencement
December 18, Monday Fall semester ends

Every course offered for academic credit during summer sessions adheres to the standart of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour (taken from UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1.6). For example; a three credit course requires a minimum of 2250 instructional minutes excluding breaks and including final exam time. Summer sessions consist of 17 class days (125 minutes per class) plus an additional day for exams which will equal 2250 minutes for a three credit course.

Spring 2024

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg.
New student orientation - Please refer to Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation.
Housing and Residence Life - Please refer to https://uncw.edu/housing/.
Student Accounts - Please refer to https:uncw.edu/studentaccounts/paymentduedates.html.
All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

January 2, Tuesday - May 13, Monday Semester Begins-Commencement
January 10, Wednesday - April 29, Monday Classes Start-End
January 1, Monday New Year’s Day holiday
January 2, Tuesday University opens; Spring semester begins
January 10, Wednesday First day of classes
January 15, Monday No classes (MLK Day holiday)
January 18, Thursday Last day to drop or add a class
March 2-10, Saturday-Sunday No classes (Spring break)
March 15, Friday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
March 28, Thursday No classes; University open
March 29, Friday No classes (Good Friday holiday)
April 8, Monday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
April 10, Wednesday Spring Faculty Meeting
April 29, Monday Last day of classes
April 30, Tuesday Reading Day
May 1-7, Wednesday-Tuesday Final examinations (See exam schedule)
May 10-11, Friday-Saturday Commencement
May 13, Monday Spring semester ends

Every course offered for academic credit during summer sessions adheres to the standard of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour (taken from UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1.6). For example; a three credit course requires a minimum of 2250 instructional minutes excluding breaks and including final exam time. Summer sessions consist of 17 class days (125 minutes per class) plus an additional day for exams which will equal 2250 minutes for a three credit course.

Summer 2024

Registration and SeaNet dates - Please refer to the Registrar’s Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg.
New student orientation - Please refer to Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation.
Housing and Residence Life - Please refer to https://uncw.edu/housing/.
Student Accounts - Please refer to https:uncw.edu/studentaccounts/paymentduedates.html.
All Online Accelerated Programs, 7-Week Courses follow this calendar.

May 20 - June 18 Summer 1 Classes Start-End
June 25 - July 24 Summer 2 Classes Start-End
May 20, Monday Summer 1 - First day of classes
May 21, Tuesday Last day to register and drop or add a class
May 27, Monday No classes (Memorial Day, state holiday)
June 5, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
June 11, Tuesday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
June 18, Tuesday Last day of classes
June 19, Wednesday Final examinations
June 25, Tuesday Summer 2 - First day of classes
June 26, Wednesday Last day to register and drop or add a class
July 4, Thursday No classes (Independence Day, state holiday)
July 11, Thursday Last day to withdraw with a W - undergraduate students
July 17, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with a W - graduate students
July 24, Wednesday Last day of classes
July 25, Thursday Final examinations

Every course offered for academic credit during summer sessions adheres to the standard of a minimum of 750 scheduled minutes of instructional time or the equivalent per credit hour (taken from UNC Policy Manual Chapter 400.1.6). For example; a three credit course requires a minimum of 2250 instructional minutes excluding breaks and including final exam time. Summer sessions consist of 17 class days (125 minutes per class) plus an additional day for exams which will equal 2250 minutes for a three credit course.