2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
EDN 451 - Adaptive Practices in Early Childhood Designed to develop both planning and intervention skills for working with young children with special needs and their families. Students will plan educational programs, which include use of specific intervention techniques and practices from recognized early intervention programs for children showing a typical development. Attention will be given to adopting strategies to include exceptional children in programs for typically developing young children. Field experiences required.
Credit Hours: 3
Corequisite Courses: EDNL 451 . Prerequisite Courses: EDN 204 or EDN 203 or SED 250 . Additional Restrictions/Requirements: Corequisite course, prerequisite courses and admission to Watson College of Education. University Studies: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated.
Click here for the Spring 2025 Class Schedule.