Jan 18, 2025  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue


University Regulations - Retention, Dismissal and Re-Enrollment

Catalogue Change: 8/10/2023

Academic Probation and Dismissal Section is being replaced by:

Academic Standing Policy

The academic standing policy is designed to keep students on track to degree completion.

Academic standing is calculated to determine a student’s eligibility to enroll in courses. There are four academic standings: Good, Concerning, Warning, and Appeal Required. Students will be notified of their academic standing. Academic programming may be required, as per each college’s discretion, for students who are not in good standing.


All new students will begin with a standing of Good. Students who earn a 2.000 or higher cumulative GPA will continue to have a standing of Good and may enroll in fall, spring, or summer courses.


Students who begin a semester with a standing of Good and earn less than a 2.000 cumulative GPA during that semester will have a standing of Concerning. Students with a standing of Concerning may enroll in fall, spring, or summer courses. Students who begin a semester with a standing of Concerning and earn a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above will return to Good standing.


Students who begin a semester with a standing of Concerning and do not earn a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above will progress to a standing of Warning. Students with a standing of Warning may enroll in fall, spring, or summer courses. Students who begin a semester with a standing of Warning and earn a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above will return to Good standing.

Appeal Required

Students who begin a semester with a standing of Warning and do not earn a cumulative GPA of 2.000 or above will progress to a standing of Appeal Required and will not be permitted to enroll in courses and any registered courses may be dropped. Students with a standing of Appeal Required who wish to re-enroll must submit an appeal requesting permission to enroll in courses. This appeal will go to a campus-wide Academic Standing Appeal committee that consists of Deans or their delegates, the Director of University College, the Director Financial Aid and Scholarships, the Dean of Students, and the Registrar. Students must meet with their advisor to begin the appeal. While appeals will be considered on a rolling basis throughout the year, to enter a specific term, students must submit the appeal 10 business days before the drop/add deadline.

The standings above determine eligibility to enroll in courses at UNCW; however, they do not determine eligibility to enroll in specific programs or colleges.

PSY 459 Advanced Brain and Behavior

Catalogue Change 9/18/23:

Added the sentence “Students may not take this course if they have received credit for PSY 456.” to the Additional Restrictions field.  The sentence was inadvertently omitted from the catalogue.

EXS 331 Applied Biomechanics in Strength and Conditioning

Catalogue Change 10/26/23:

Credit hours corrected. Credit Hours: 2 Credit Hours: 3

The University

Catalogue Change 11/2/2023:

Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award

The Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Award recognizes all aspects of excellence in teaching and in teaching-related activities that foster students’ desire for lifetime learning and success. Up to six awards are given annually, three for the College of Arts and Sciences, one for the Cameron School of Business, one for the Watson College of Education and one for the College of Health and Human Services. There shall be five Chancellor’s Teaching Excellence Awards consisting of one for the Cameron School of Business, one for the College of Health and Human Services, one for the College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts, one for the College of Science and Engineering, and one for the Watson College of Education.

College of Science and Engineering

Catalogue Change 02/01/2024:

Interdisciplinary Cross-College Programs

Added: “Watson College of Education (Applied Behavior Analysis and Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities Minor)” to the list of Intersisciplinary Cross-College Programs.

A hyperlink to the program page was addded under Non-Degree Programs list. A prior version of this catalogue omitted listing the minor and the partnership with Watson College of Education. 

Applied Behavior Analysis and Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities Minor

Catalogue Change 02/01/2024:

The College of Humanities, Social Sciences, and the Arts The College of Science and Engineering and the Watson College of Education offer an interdisciplinary minor in Applied Behavior Analysis and Developmental/Intellectual Disabilities.