Sep 24, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalogue 
2021-2022 Graduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

– Course Descriptions


Film Studies

  • FST 594 - Thesis Film Preproduction

    Course Description: Preproduction workshop to develop, research, write and plan a thesis project.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: Additional Fee - General Professional Internship Liability Insurance Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FST 595 - Thesis I

    Course Description: Intensive research of a topic selected by student and approved by a thesis committee. Completion of a thesis prospectus.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: No

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FST 596 - Thesis II

    Course Description: Intensive research and writing on a topic selected by student and approved by a thesis committee, culminating in a Master’s thesis. A scholarly oral presentation and defense of thesis are required.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: No

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FST 598 - Applied Learning

    Course Description: Supervised professional experience in film studies or film production.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 18


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: Additional Fee - General Professional Internship Liability Insurance Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FST 599 - Thesis

    Course Description: Production of a narrative, documentary, experimental, animation, or hybrid capstone project.

    Credit Hours: 6

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: Additional Fee - General Professional Internship Liability Insurance Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • FIN 501 - Ethics in the Financial Marketplace

    Course Description: This course provides an initial yet thorough exposure to the CFA Institute’s Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct. Exposure will also be provided to the Asset Manager Code of Conduct and Research Objectivity Guidelines, also developed by the CFA Institute. Case studies will provide a significant portion of the training, with the goal of preparing students to avoid unethical and unprofessional practices in financial markets.

    Credit Hours: 2

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 2


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 502 - Ethics in Decision Making

    Course Description: This course serves as the capstone course in the MSF program. The fact that an ethics course was selected as the capstone should remind students that technical expertise in finance without the integrity of ethical conduct does not satisfy the needs of our institutions or society in general. In this course students will build on the ethics foundation they developed in FIN 501 - Ethics in the Financial Marketplace  to interpret and assess situations in which actions may not be easily discerned as being appropriate or inappropriate. Students will also be reminded that behavior can change as the environment changes. Advanced case studies – some of which will be developed by students in the course – will provide the bulk of the training.

    Credit Hours: 1

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: FIN 501 (may be taken concurrently)
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 1


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 530 - Equity Investments

    Course Description: This course provides students a deeper understanding of the equity valuation process and how to derive the required rate of return. This course will also teach students how to apply multiple approaches to various valuation methods and conduct a fundamental analysis of a sector, industry, or company.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 531 - Alternative Investments

    Course Description: This course provides an exposure to many of the asset classes identified in the alternative investment space. Categories include: hedge funds, private equity, commodities, real estate, and infrastructure. These asset classes provide the potential for diversification benefits as well as enhanced returns. Because of these attributes, an increasing number of institutional as well as private wealth managers are including meaningful allocations to one or more of these categories. A better understanding of the risks as well as the rewards attached to these investments is the focus of this course.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 532 - Economics for Financial Professionals

    Course Description: This course begins with the microeconomic topics of supply and demand analysis of the firm and consumer, types of market structure, and pricing strategies under different market structures. We then move to the macroeconomic theories of the business cycles, aggregate output, sources of economic growth, types of macroeconomic equilibria (e.g. long-run full employment and short-run recessionary and inflationary gap), monetary and fiscal policy, international trade and capital flows, and currency exchange rates.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 533 - Derivatives & Risk Management

    Course Description: This course provides a deeper understanding of derivatives and their characteristics with a detailed examination of each market and its contracts. Students will learn to apply the tools used by financial analysts to estimate the value of futures, forwards, options, and swaps and use these derviative instruments in various strategies.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 534 - Fixed Income Analysis

    Course Description: This course provides a deeper understanding of the fixed income asset class. We start with the characteristics of fixed-income instruments and a detailed examination of markets in which the instruments are traded. Students will learn to apply the tools used by financial analysts to estimate the value of bonds, as well as to assess their riskiness in various strategies.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 536 - Corporate Finance

    Course Description: This course is designed to teach students the most important tools and concepts of Corporate Finance. Learning how managers apply techniques to maximize or increase shareholder value. Topics include dividend policy, share repurchases, business risk, and capital structure.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 538 - Financial Reporting and Analysis

    Course Description: This course is an introduction to the principles of financial statement analysis. It emphasizes tools that are used to analyze a company’s financial statements such as how a manager might undertake to make decisions for his or her firm, how an analyst might make investment decisions regarding the company, and how a loan officer might decide whether or not to extend credit.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 540 - Portfolio Management and Wealth Planning

    Course Description: This course applies statistical and quantitative methods in a finance and investments context. The course provides a real-world introduction to quantitative methods and blends theory and practice using hands-on applications of topics such as probability and probability distributions, sampling and estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, time-series analysis and more.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FIN 580 - Quantitative Investment Analysis

    Course Description: This course applies statistical and quantitative methods in a finance and investments context. The course provides a real-world introduction to quantitative methods and blends theory and practice using hands-on applications of topics such as probability and probability distributions, sampling and estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, time-series analysis and more.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Forensic Sciences

  • FSC 501 - Forensic Science Foundations

    Course Description: Survey of methods, techniques, and applications of basic crime scene processing and investigation. Topics include: an understanding of physical evidence, processing various types of crime scenes, assessing crime scenes, basic crime scene photography, crime scene sketching and mapping, and crime scene reporting, crime scene processing skills (using light technology, various fingerprint lifting techniques, shooting scene documentation and reconstruction, bloodstain pattern analysis), documenting the body as a crime scene, assessing special crime scenes, the role of the crime scene analysis and reconstruction, and utilizing forensic science specialists.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FSC 502 - Expert Testimony & Challenges in Court

    Course Description: Introduction to proper behavior and proceedings in a criminal trial to include: being recognized as an expert witness, understanding the Daubert case and how it affects scientific testimony, and the ethics of forensic science and proper disclosure and testimony. Additionally, the students will research and discuss several challenges that have been brought before the court regarding forensic science and its reliability and accuracy.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FSC 503 - Seminar in Crime Scene Investigation Professional Development

    Course Description: Exploration of topics related to launching a career in crime scene investigation as a well-prepared, polished professional. Emphasis on creating the professional demeanor; building and maintaining a high standard of morals, ethics, and personal integrity; honing strong oral and written communication skills through resume-writing, job-seeking strategies, and job-interviewing; exploring concepts related to team-building and stress management as well as goal-setting for future career growth.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FSC 504 - Crime Scene Photography

    Course Description: Overall introduction to crime scene photography and the use of several methods and techniques to properly document a crime scene with photography. Topics include: composition, the four cardinal rules, overall, midrange, and close-up, exposure, depth of field, shutter speed, aperture, ISO, electronic flash, low light, laser trajectory, alternate light sources, special photography situations, and digital imaging.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FSC 505 - Death Investigations

    Course Description: Fundamentals of death investigations and the role of the crime scene investigator at a death scene. Topics include: scene documentation, assessment of the body at the scene, searching the scene, natural diseases, traumatic injuries, identification methods, the medicolegal autopsy, and utilizing forensic science experts.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • FSC 506 - Research in Forensic Science

    Course Description: Develop aptitude in conducting research on the published literature on a focused forensic science topic specifically related to crime scene investigation, evidence collection, and/or evidence preservation. Enhance critical thinking and writing intensive proficiency while also strengthening oral communication skills through the semester project involving the composition of a research paper and a presentation on the selected topic. This research-based course ensures CSI professionals learn how to keep abreast of new findings in the forensic science field and critically evaluate them.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GGY 520 - Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems

    Course Description: Purpose, use, and development of GIS. Theoretical basis for spatial data models and the integration of these data to solve problems. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None

    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 521 - Spatial Programming

    Course Description: Introduction to GIS programming. Focus on how to customize applications and streamline spatial analysis, and is designed to improve students’ skills in conducting sophisticated spatial analysis and adapting to new technologies and programming languages. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week

    Credit Hours: 3

    Prerequisite Courses: GGY 520 OR Consent of Instructor
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 522 - Remote Sensing in Environmental Analysis

    Course Description: Use and interpretation of aerial photography and other remote sensing techniques in environmental analysis. The course emphasizes problem identification, digital image analysis, and interpretation of images through laboratory exercises. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements:  


    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 422
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 524 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems

    Course Description: Advanced theory and application of the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data collection, data structures, data management and relational databases, spatial analysis, and display of geographic information in a computer-based environment. Lectures, demonstrations, and lab exercises. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Prerequsite course or permission of instructor

    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 424
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 526 - Environmental Geographic Information Systems

    Course Description: Overview of environmental applications of GIS and completion of a GIS project; planning a GIS project; development and analysis of the data, and oral and written presentation of the results. Research topics may include atmospheric studies, oceanographic, hydrology, ecology, biology, resource management, and hazard risk assessments. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: GGY 520 or Permission of Instructor
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 426
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 528 - Advanced Remote Sensing

    Course Description: Advanced theory and application of remote sensing techniques and software applications for environmental sciences, geography, earth sciences, hydrology, archaeology, and forestry. Includes satellite data collection, advanced classification methods, hyperspectral and microwave image analysis, and satellite elevation data construction. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: GGY 442 with min grade of D- or GGY 552 or permission of instructor
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 428
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 529 - Aerial Drone Applications in Geosciences

    Course Description: Introduction to the various applications of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in the geosciences organized into four modules: introduction to remote sensing and photogrammetry, basics of UAS regulatory frameworks, field data collection using small UASs and an introduction to UAS-collected data processing using state of the art software and processing tools.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: GGY 520
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: GGY 429
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 429
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: No
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 532 - Biogeography

    Course Description: Study of the changing distribution patterns of plants and animals on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Topics include abiotic and biotic controls on the distribution of life, disturbance, ecological communities, dispersal, invasion, speciation, extinctions, biogeographic realms, human impacts on biodiversity, and conservation. 3 lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 432
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 535 - Environmental Geography

    Course Description: A systems approach to understanding past, present and future human impacts on the natural environment, including changes and impacts on the hydrosphere, atmosphere, biosphere, geosphere and cryosphere. A team-based learning experience emphasizing socio-environmental synthesis and concept application through a series of case studies discussions.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 435
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 575 - Water Resources: Science and Policy

    Course Description: Multi-disciplinary approach to planetary water management, including the history of water resource issues; natural hydrospheric water processes; water quality constituents in ecosystems and human health; water project construction and management; environmental impact of water quality, quantity, and management; and applications of water laws, allocations, economics, and conflict resolution.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 593 - Advanced Topics in Geospatial Science

    Course Description: This course will cover advanced topics not covered in other GGY course offerings. Specific topics will vary by instructor, but could include python programming in ArcGIS, automating workflows through Model Builder and scripting, open-source geospatial software such as Q-GIS, statistical modeling in R, developing web-enabled cartography, and field work design and sampling strategies using GPS and other mapping technology. May be taken more than once for credit. Variable credit (1 - 3).

    Credit Hours: 1 To 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 594 - Teaching Practicum in GIS and Remote Sensing

    Course Description: A practical experience in teaching GIS and/or remote sensing where the student further develops their applied geography skills.

    Credit Hours: 1 To 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 4


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GLY 510 - Sedimentary Environments

    Course Description: Survey of ancient sedimentary environments with an evaluation of the criteria used in their recognition in the rock record. Specific ancient sedimentary sequences are examined and compared to their modern counterparts. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Petrology, stratigraphy, field camp.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 511 - Clastic Petrology

    Course Description: Classification and description of sandstones and mudrocks and evaluation of their diagenesis. Application of principles to economic deposits. Laboratory exercises concentrate on microscopic and X–ray techniques of analysis. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Optical mineralogy.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 512 - Carbonate Petrology

    Course Description: An examination of sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic carbonate rocks with emphasis on observation, description and interpretation. Plus an in depth look into how carbonate petrology is applied in the exploration and exploitation of natural resources including hydrocarbons, base metals, precious metals and industrial minerals. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Optical mineralogy or permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 513 - Advanced Igneous Petrology

    Course Description: Principles and methodology underlying the physical and chemical processes affecting the genesis of igneous rocks in various tectonic settings. Topics include the application of thermodynamics, chemographic relationships, and phase equilibrium to the differentiation of magmas and the crystallization of igneous minerals, and geothermobarometric and geochronologic investigation of igneous rocks. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip(s).

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Optical mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, or permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 514 - Advanced Metamorphic Petrology

    Course Description: Principles and methodology underlying the study of metamorphism and metamorphic facies in varying rock compositions, and petrotectonic settings. Topics include metamorphic phase equilibria and diagrams, geothermobarometry and P-T—time paths, metamorphic mineral crystallization and recrystallization, and textural relationships in metamorphic rocks having variable protoliths and histories. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip(s).

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Optical mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, or permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 515 - Methods of Sedimentology

    Course Description: A survey of the parameters of sedimentation. Emphasis on the processes involved in the formation of sedimentary rocks, including their origin, transport, deposition and lithification of rock–forming minerals. Techniques of physical and chemical analyses of sediments are stressed. One lecture and six laboratory hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Petrology.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: MBY 555
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 516 - Sedimentary Petrology

    Course Description: Classification and description of siliciclastic carbonate, chemical, and carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. In-depth study of sedimentary depositional environments. Advanced aspects of weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, burial, and lithification. Laboratory exercises concentrate on microscopic and chemical analytical techniques. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: EDL 416
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 520 - Global Climate Change

    Course Description: Analysis of natural and anthropogenic global climate change. Historical and geological records of climate including sediment, tree ring, and ice core analysis. Physics and chemistry of climate including Earth’s energy balance, global carbon cycle, climate modeling, atmospheric composition and dynamics. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: General chemistry, college physics, and calculus with analytic geometry.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 521 - Seminar in Paleoceanography

    Course Description: Students read and discuss recent, seminal, and historical primary literature on the ancient ocean. Topics include archives and methods of reconstruction of ocean environmental conditions, from geological timescales to Ice Ages to El Nino.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 525 - Engineering Geology

    Course Description: Properties, uses, and engineering significance of solid earth materials and water. Principles of stress and strain and related material responses. Methods, techniques, and instrumentation of engineering geologic investigations. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 526 - Geohydrology

    Course Description: Geology of ground waters and related aspects of surface waters. Methods of groundwater resource evaluation, protection, exploitation, and contaminant remediation. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Two semesters of college calculus and petrology, or permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated.


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 426
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 531 - Micropaleontology

    Course Description: Paleobiology and geological history of microorganisms, emphasizing the classification and systematics of major microfossil groups. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Invertebrate paleontology or consent of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 533 - Paleoecology

    Course Description: Principles of ecological faunal analysis as primarily applied to the marine fossil record. Emphasizes the integration of form and function, taphonomy, and community development through time, and sedimentology/stratigraphy as a synthetic approach to paleoenvironmental, paleobiological and evolutionary analyses. Applications to biostratigraphy are considered. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Invertebrate paleontology or consent of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 535 - Stratigraphic Paleontology

    Course Description: Analysis of the historical, geological and biological basis of biostratigraphy emphasizing the application of biostratigraphic principles and techniques in the development of high-resolution relative time scales. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Invertebrate paleontology, stratigraphy, or permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 539 - Paleoclimatology

    Course Description: Climatic change throughout geologic time, with an emphasis on Quaternary climate change. Topics include an overview of Earth’s climate system, tectonic-scale, orbital-scale, millenial-scale, and future climate change. 3 lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GGY 439
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 540 - Regional Geology of North America

    Course Description: Survey of the rocks, structures, natural resources, and tectonic histories of different regions of North America, such as the Precambrian shield, Appalachians, and Cordillera. Syntheses of theories of orogenesis. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Structural geology, stratigraphy.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 440
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 541 - Advanced Structural Geology

    Course Description: Origin and analysis of earth structures. Solution of advanced structural problems involving stress, strain, rheology, folding, and fracturing of rocks. Rock mechanics, finite strain, and fabric analysis of deformed rocks. Review of techniques. Directed field or lab problems and examples from literature. Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Structural geology.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 543 - Tectonics

    Course Description: Examination of current ideas and their development as global tectonics theories. Plate tectonic controls on orogeny, orogenic belts, magmatism, sedimentation, and metallogeny of major geologic regions of North American and other areas of the world. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Structural geology, stratigraphy, petrology.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 443
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 545 - Sedimentary Basin Analysis

    Course Description: Multidisciplinary analysis of factors controlling sedimentary basin formation and evolution. Interpretation of subsidence mechanisms and sedimentary processes through basin-scale analysis of the stratigraphic record. Advanced aspects of sequence stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and the tectonics of sedimentary basins. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 445
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 550 - Marine Geology

    Course Description: Topography, sediments, structure and geologic history of the marine and estuarine environment. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip(s).

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: MSC 550
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 551 - Seafloor Mapping

    Course Description: A survey of different methods used to map the seafloor including satellite altimetry, multibeam and sidescan sonar swathmapping. Operation of instruments, survey strategies and techniques to process and interpret data will be explored. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Shipboard field trip.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 552 - Modern Coastal Sedimentary Environments

    Course Description: Sedimentary processes and environments of the world’s coastal systems. Emphasis on river deltas, estuaries, bays, salt marshes, barrier islands and associated inlets. Ice–bound as well as rocky coastlines also are examined. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Field trip.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 553 - Ocean Technology

    Course Description: This is an applied learning course that introduces students to the use of various technologies used to study the undersea environment. In this class, students will: examine principles of sensor/equipment operation; program, deploy and/or operate various equipment, download and process data, and interpret those data.

    Credit Hours: 2

    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 2Repeat Limit: 1


    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: No

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 555 - Coastal Sediment Dynamics

    Course Description: Theory and application of models used to quantify sediment movement and deposition in the coastal environment. Three lecture hours per week. Field trips.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: One year of calculus or physics or permission of the instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 558 - Introduction to Coastal Management

    Course Description: Interdisciplinary study of human impacts on coastal environments and organisms. Topics include the physical and biotic setting of worldwide coastal regions, principles of coastal management, and analysis of potential solutions to coastal problems. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 4

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: BIO 587
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: BIO 487, GLY 458
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 560 - Advanced Stratigraphy

    Course Description: Advanced-level theoretical and practical analysis of the description, organization, classification, and interpretation of layered rock successions. Apsects of both surface and subsurface analysis of stratigraphic data. Use of lithostratigraphy, biostratigraphy, chemostratigraphy, and magnetostratigraphy to elucidate earth history. In-depth study of cyclic and sequence stratigraphy. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 460
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 561 - Coastal Plains Geology

    Course Description: Origin and development of Gulf and Atlantic Coastal Plains with emphasis on stratigraphy, structure, geomorphology and tectonic history. Three lecture hours per week. Field trip(s).

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Invertebrate paleontology, stratigraphy, petrology.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 565 - Introduction to Geophysics

    Course Description: Integrated application of geophysical methods to solve environmental and geologic problems. Includes discussion of reflection/refraction seismology, ground penetrating radar and gravity. Two lectures and three laboratory hours each week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 465
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 572 - Introduction to Geochemistry

    Course Description: Investigation of the abundance and distribution of chemical elements in the Earth’s crust, mantle, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Introduction to thermodynamics, phase and mineral equilibrium, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and geochronology. Emphasizes the application of geochemical processes to solving geologic and environment problems, with selected examples from field and laboratory studies. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Two semesters of college calculus; mineralogy or inorganic chemistry; or permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GLY 472
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 573 - Isotope Geochemistry

    Course Description: Introduction to the use of radiogenic and stable isotopes for studying environmental processes; radioactive decay and the applications of radioisotopes at daily to earth-history timescales; isotopic fractionation, and applications of stable isotopes in modern and paleo-environments. Three lecture hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Two semesters of college calculus and two semesters of college chemistry.
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 575 - Marine Biogeochemistry

    Course Description: A geochemical perspective on the chemistry of the world’s oceans with an emphasis on carbon cycling through the marine geosphere and biosphere. Topics include introductions to chemical oceanography, stable isotope geochemistry, paleoceanography, and investigations into the role of the world’s ocean in the global carbon cycle through time. The class is given as a 3 hours lecture.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: OCN 475
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 585 - Relative Sea Level

    Course Description: Coastal areas are dynamic and fast changing environments. Over millennia, changes in relative sea level, geological processes and extreme events such as storms and tsunamis have shaped and changed Earth’s coastlines. The impending threat of sea-level rise to large low lying coastal cities, countries with large areas of low-lying land, and island communities have highlighted the importance of understanding relative sea-level change in the past to better predict the future. This class focuses on three research themes - catastrophic events, sea-level fingerprints and sea-level change - to identify records of past coastal change, aimed at understanding the impacts of human interactions, coastal dynamics and vulnerability at different timescales.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: OCN 485
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 593 - Advanced Topics in Geology

    Course Description: This course will cover advanced topics not covered in other GLY course offerings. Specific topics will vary by instructor, but could include concepts in Earth tectonics, geophysics, structure, petrology, geochronlogy, basin analysis, geochemistry, stable and radiogenic isotopes, paleontology, coastal dynamics, as well as field work design, techniques, and sampling strategies using GPS and other digital mapping technology. May be taken more than once for credit. Variable credit (1 - 3).

    Credit Hours: 1 To 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GEO 501 - Research Methods in Geoscience

    Course Description: Scientific proposal preparation, experimental design, scientific ethics, library use, safety, project management, data analysis, quality assurance and computer applications. One lecture and two laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 2

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 501
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 502 - Technical Communication in Geoscience

    Course Description: Scientific manuscript preparation and communication techniques, writing techniques, manuscript former abstracts, oral and poster presentations. One lecture and two laboratory hours per week.

    Credit Hours: 2

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 502
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 503 - Advanced Field Methods

    Course Description: A variety of field techniques utilized in geoscience such as: geospatial analysis, coastal and marine science, climatology, Earth science, structural geology, geophysics, hydrology (surface and groundwater), geomorphology, soil and sediment description, and economic geology. Required field trips.

    Credit Hours: 4

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 15


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 503
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Course Description: Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in exsisting courses.

    Credit Hours: 1 TO 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: GGY 591, GLY 591
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 592 - Topics in Geoscience

    Course Description: Advanced special topics in geoscience through lectures, seminars, and laboratory or field experiences. More than one topic may be taken for credit. 

    Credit Hours: 1 To 4

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 15


    Equivalent Courses: GGY 592, GLY 592
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 593 - Advanced Topics in Earth Processes

    Course Description: Advanced study of topics relating to the study of subsurface, surface, and atmospheric processes on Earth. May be taken more than once for credit under different instructors. Variable credit (1 - 3).

    Credit Hours: 1 To 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 593
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 595 - Research Seminar

    Course Description: Research and discussion of selected topics in geoscience. Oral presentation at a departmental seminar and attendance at selected university seminars are required.

    Credit Hours: 1

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 595
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 597 - Final Project

    Course Description: Focused study of a research topic in the practical application of geoscience. Project topic is selected by the student with approval from his/her faculty advisor. Written analysis and oral public presentation of the project is required.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 597
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 598 - Internship

    Course Description: Supervised practical experience with a professional organization involved in the practice of geology, geoscience, earth science, geospatial analysis, or other related disciplines. The specific area of concentration is agreed upon between the student, professional organization, and faculty supervisor. Students complete a final report based on their internship activities and give an oral presentation. May be repeated for up to six credits.

    Credit Hours: 1 TO 4

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Permission of instructor.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: GGY 598, GLY 598
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: Additional Fee - General Professional Internship Liability Insurance Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 599 - Thesis

    Course Description: Intensive research study of a topic selcted by the student and approved by their advisor and thesis committee. A scholarly oral presentation and defense of thesis is required.

    Credit Hours: 1 To 6

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: GLY 599
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GEO 600 - Continuous Enrollment in Geoscience

    Course Description: This course is intended for degree or certificate seeking graduate students who have completed all course work required for their program, but have not finished exit requirement (comprehensive exam, oral and written exam, defense, etc.). Students may register for this course up to 3 times, beyond that, students should complete a form to request permission to extend continuous enrollment. A continuous enrollment form, which is located on the Graduate School website, must be completed to register for this course.

    Credit Hours: 0

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Repeat Limit: 2


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: Continuous Enrollment Tuition Charge Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GRN 501 - Aging and Society

    Course Description: Study of age as a structural feature of changing societies and groups, aging as a social process, and age as dimension of stratification. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: SOC 501
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 503 - Investigative Inquiry in Gerontology

    Course Description: Principles of quantitative and qualitative methods used in gerontological research and inquiry. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 518 - Women and Aging

    Course Description: Examines women’s experience of old age and the aging process. Specific emphasis on family, medical, and economic institutions. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: SOC 518
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: SOC 418
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 522 - Family Health and Aging

    Course Description: Study of family systems theory, paradigms for caregiving (spatial, temporal, and transactional axes), altruism versus distributive justice, illness and life-stage challenges for caregiving, and the interface between formal caregivers and caregiving families. Students review case studies with regard to geriatric care management and community health education.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: RTH 522
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 524 - Literature of Aging

    Course Description: Contemporary fiction and nonfiction by Philip Roth, Doris Lessing, May Sarton, and others, selected for their depictions of older protagonists and explorations of opportunities and challenges of later life, are analyzed. Literary theories, literary criticism, and gerontological scholarship contribute to the interpretations. The texts’ ways of challenging our culture’s ageism are emphasized. Students give oral reports, write essays, and participate in an e-mail project with a senior group in the community. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 525 - Health and Aging

    Course Description: An introduction to health characteristics of the aging population. Topics include biomedical changes of various body systems and lifestyle factors such as nutrition, stress, drugs, exercise, and sexuality.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3Repeat Limit: 1


    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: No

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 526 - Psychosocial Adjustment to Retirement and Later Life

    Course Description: A seminar focusing on the psychosocial aspects of retirement and post-employment years. Theories of aging and scientific inquiry applied to retirement, and their significant others. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 540 - Current Issues in Gerontology

    Course Description: Study of current issues and topics in the field of aging from an interdisciplinary and global perspective.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: RTH 540
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 544 - Midlife Transitions for Women

    Course Description: The interdisciplinary study of social construction of menopause and midlife as embodying a culture’s image of aging for women.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 546 - Health Care Access for the Older Adults

    Course Description: An introduction to the US health care system with an emphasis on issues related to the older adults. Problems of access to health care for the aging population, their families, and communities. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3


    Equivalent Courses: RTH 546
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: GRN 446
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 562 - Death, Dying, and Bereavement

    Course Description: Multidisciplinary and interprofessional collaborative approaches are used to explore death, dying and bereavement from a variety of biopsychosocial perspectives.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 570 - Impact of Combat on Aging

    Course Description: Examines life histories of combat veterans.  Emphasis on personal attributes, cohort effects, period effects and stratification as predictors of combat impact on social institutions.  May be taken for credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 586 - Interprofessional Collaboration: Careers in Aging

    Course Description: A capstone class providing theoretical and applied examination of existing professional careers in gerontology and those that might exist in the future.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 590 - Practicum in Gerontology

    Course Description: A field experience designed to demonstrate knowledge and skills related to geriatric or gerontological practice. Must be repeated to earn 6 credit hours by Master of Science students. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: (GRN 501 with minimum grade of C or SOC 501 with minimum grade of C) and PSY 524 with minimum grade of C and GRN 523 with minimum grade of C
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: Additional Fee - General Professional Internship Liability Insurance Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 591 - Directed Independent Study

    Course Description: May be repeated for credit with consent of program director. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Three hours of graduate work with content in human aging.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 595 - Special Topic Seminar in Gerontology

    Course Description: Discussion of special topic related to gerontology. May be taken for elective credit in the MALS program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 12


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 597 - Master’s Project Proposal Development

    Course Description: The seminar is intended to cover the research process required to complete the gerontology program final project and prepare an individual for publishing final project results.  The course will cover the general purpose, content, and function of proposal writing, reviewing specifically the requirements of UNCW’s Gerontology Program .

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 598 - Final Project in Gerontology

    Course Description: Focused study of issue in gerontology of importance to professionals from the worlds of business, government, not-profit agencies and/or research. Synthesizes interdisciplinary curriculum with student’s interest and practical experience.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: (GRN 501 with minimum grade of C or SOC 501 with minimum grade of C) and GRN 503 with a minimum grade of C and PSY 524 with minimum grade of C and GRN 523 with minimum grade of C and GRN 540 with minimum grade of C and GRN 590 with minimum grade of C
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: Prerequiste courses and permission of Gerontology program coordinator.
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Maximum Repeatable Hours: 6


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 600 - Continuous Enrollment in Gerontology

    Course Description: This course is intended for degree or certificate seeking graduate students who have completed all course work required for their program, but have not finished exit requirement (comprehensive exam, oral and written exam, defense, etc.). Students may register for this course up to 3 times, beyond that, students should complete a form to request permission to extend continuous enrollment. A continuous enrollment form, which is located on the Graduate School website, must be completed to register for this course.

    Credit Hours: 0

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may be repeated Repeat Limit: 2


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Full-Time Enrollment Equivalent: Yes
    Additional Course Fees: Continuous Enrollment Tuition Charge Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • HEA 504 - School Health Methods

    Course Description: This course acquaints teacher candidates with theory-based, research-driven methods of teaching health education. The course focuses on functional health content knowledge and strategies for teaching health-related skills that will empower K-12 students to make decisions that improve health outcomes for a lifetime.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Additional Course Fees: Additional Fee - General Professional Internship Liability Insurance Additional Fee Amounts
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Healthcare Administration

  • HCA 500 - Introduction to Healthcare Management

    Course Description: This foundational course explores the principles of management in the context of contemporary healthcare, exploring the dynamic healthcare environment and challenges of change. Focusing on leadership and management principles, this course will explore topics that include organizational behavior, corporate compliance, cultural competency and diversity, revenue cycle considerations, healthcare reform legislation, and critical management processes. This course serves as a pre- and/or co-requisite to all other courses in the MHA program.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: None
    Prerequisite Courses: None
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • HCA 501 - Healthcare Systems

    Course Description: Healthcare in the 21st century is experiencing historic evolution impacted by local, national, and global factors. This course will provide an introduction to the foundations of healthcare administration and related systems. Topics explored include but are not limited to a historical overview, theoretical foundations, major developments and characteristics of global healthcare systems; types of healthcare providers; issues related to cost, access and quality of care; and the future of health services delivery.

    Credit Hours: 3

    Corequisite Courses: HCA 500
    Prerequisite Courses: HCA 500 (min grade B-)
    Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
    Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


    Equivalent Courses: None
    Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
    Course Attribute: None

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


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