Option: Fiction
In addition to the core CRW courses, students must complete CRW 307 , and CRW 407 . They also must complete 6 hours in writing workshops outside of fiction, plus 3 hours of electives within CRW. All CRW majors must complete CRW 496 (6 hours) in their final semester.
Option: Poetry
In addition to the core CRW courses, students must complete CRW 308 , and CRW 408 . They also must complete 6 hours in writing workshops outside of poetry, plus 3 hours of electives within CRW. All CRW majors must complete CRW 496 (6 hours) in their final semester.
Option: Creative Nonfiction
In addition to the core CRW courses, students must complete CRW 309 , and CRW 409 . They also must complete 6 hours in writing workshops outside of creative nonfiction, plus 3 hours of electives within CRW. All CRW majors must complete CRW 496 (6 hours) in their final semester.