2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
Department of English
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Dr. Gilbert, chair. Ms. Abrams, Dr. Ashe, Dr. Atkins, Ms. Britt, Dr. Boren, Dr. Cummings, Dr. Gilbert, Ms. Gosgrove, Dr. Hallenbeck (composition coordinator), Dr. Harris, Ms. Hemingway, Ms. Hodgson, Mr. Jost, Mr. Laverty, Dr. Laudadio, Ms. MacLennan, Dr. Malo-Juvera (undergraduate coordinator), Ms. Manning, Ms. Mathews, Dr. Montwieler, Dr. Newlin, Ms. Parker, Dr. Peel, Dr. Porco, Dr. Ray, Dr. Reilly, Dr. Roiland, Dr. Schweninger, Ms. Sexxton, Dr. Shelnutt, Ms. Sumerel, Dr. Sweeney (graduate coordinator), Dr. Tirrell, .
The English Department offers programs that foster intellectual development and personal exploration through the study of literature, writing, and the English language, and that emphasize analytical, expository, and technical skills to prepare students for careers in many fields, including education, law, business, public service, and publishing, and for graduate study.
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