A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Hannah Dela Cruz Abrams, lecturer in English, B.F.A., M.F.A., University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Nancy Ahern, associate professor of nursing, M.S.N., B.S.N., University of Delaware; M.E.D., Salisbury University; Ph.D., University of Central Florida
Shah Alam, research associate professor in Center for Marine Science, B.S., M.S., Bangladesh Agricultural University; M.S., Ph.D., Kagoshima University
A. Midori Albert, professor of anthropology, B.A., M.A., University of Florida; Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder
William L. Alexander, associate professor of anthropology, B.S., University of Southern Mississippi; M.A., Ph.D., University of Arizona
Moorad Alexanian, professor of physics, B.S., University of Rhode Island; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana University
David B. Allen, lecturer in physical education, B.S., M.S., Springfield College
Antje Pokorny Almeida, professor of chemistry, Diplom, M.S., Universität Bonn, Germany; Ph.D., Universität Osnabrϋck, Germany
Paulo F. Almeida, professor of chemistry, Licenciatura, University of Coimbra, Portugal; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Omar Alzaghari, assistant professor of nursing, B.S., M.S.C., University of Jordan; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina Greensboro
Jane Anderson, lecturer in nursing, A.A.S., Virginia Western Community; B.S.N, Virginia Commonwealth University; M.S.N., Radford University
Florentina Andreescu, associate professor in international studies, B.S., Dunarea de Jos University; Ph.D., University of Miami
Kristin Wells Andrews, lecturer and social sciences and humanities librarian, B.A., Hamilton College; M.L.I.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Martha C. Andrews, professor of management, B.S., University of Florida; M.B.A, Ph.D., The Florida State University
Brian S. Arbogast, professor of biology, B.S., Wake Forest University; M.S., Louisiana State University; Ph.D., Wake Forest University
Tamatha Arms, associate professor of nursing, A.S.N, Eastern Kentucky University; B.S.N, M.S.N., The University of North Carolina Greensboro; D.N.P., University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Diana L. Ashe, professor of English, B.A., Southwestern University; M.A., Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Candace Ashton-Forrester*, professor of recreation therapy, B.S., University of Florida; M.S., Florida State University; Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Ana Asua, lecturer in Spanish, B.S., University of North Carolina Pembroke; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Anthony T. Atkins, associate professor of English, B.A., M.A., East Carolina University; Ph.D., Ball State University
Brooks Avery, Jr., professor of chemistry, B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Melanie H. Bachmeyer, assistant professor of psychology, B.A., The University of North Carolina Asheville; M.S., Georgia State University, Ph.D., The University of Iowa
Joni Backstrom, lecturer in environmental sciences, B.S., Florida Atlantic University; M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., Ulster University
Laurie Badzek, professor of nursing, B.S., West Virginia University; M.S., M. L., DePaul University; J.D., West Virginia University
J. Craig Bailey, associate professor of biology, B.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., College of William and Mary; Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Kathryn Bailey, lecturer in anthropology, B.A., The Ohio State University, M.A., Ph.D., Texas A & M University
David V. Baker, lecturer in criminology, B.A. California State University, Northridge, M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, J.D., California Southern Law School
Ashlee S. Balena, senior lecturer in Spanish, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., University of Alabama; M.A. The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Christian G. Barnes, lecturer in exercise science, B.S., Graduate Diploma in Science, University of Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia
Donald C. Barnes, assistant professor of marketing, B.S., State University of New York Fredonia; M.B.A., Clemson University; Ph.D., Mississippi State University
Daisyane Barreto, associate professor in education, B.S.Ed., Universidad Federal do Ceara, Brazil; M.Ed., PH.D., The University of Georgia
Pascale M. Barthe, professor of French, Licence, Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia
H. Timothy Bass, senior lecturer in creative writing, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.F.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Wendy Strangman Bassett, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Rebecca Baugnon, lecturer and libararian, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington, M.L.I.S., Pratt Institute
Kathryn N. Batten, lecturer and librarian, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.L.S., North Carolina Central University
Bradley L. Baumgarner, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.S., Clemson University; M.S., Clemson University; Ph.D., Purdue University
Traci Jo Belles, lecturer in education,B.A., Mercer University; M.Ed., Elon University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina Greensboro
Michael M. Benedetti, professor of geography, A.B., The University of Chicago; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison
Susannah J. Benedetti, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Southern Methodist University; M.L.I.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison
E. Jacqueline Benitez-Galbraith, senior lecturer in Spanish, B.A., University of San Diego; M.I.B.A., United States International University; Graduate Certificate in Hispanic studies, M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Joseph Betts, lecturer in accountancy and business law, B.A., M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington, J.D., University of North Carolina School of Law
Herbert Berg, professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., University of Waterloo, Ontario; M.A., Ph.D., University of Toronto, Ontario
Todd M. Berliner, professor of film studies, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Jennifer C. Biddle, associate professor of public and international affairs, B.S., The Pennsylvania State University; M.S., Ph.D., George Mason University
Frederick M. Bingham, professor of physics and physical oceanography, B.A., Oberlin College; Ph.D., University of California, San Diego
Shawn Bingham, associate professor of sociology, B.A., Flagler College; M.Ed., University of Maryland at College Park; Ph.D., American University
David E. Blake, associate professor of geology, B.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.S., North Carolina State University; Ph.D., Washington State University
Greta Bliss*, associate professor of French, B.A., Grinnell College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota
James E. Blum, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.A., The University of Michigan; M.S., Ph.D., Oklahoma State University
Jess M. Boersma, associate professor of Spanish, B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison; Ph.D., Emory University
Natalie Boeyink, lecturer in music, B.M., Indiana University, M.M., University of Louisville, D.M.E., Indiana University
William J. Bolduc, associate professor of communication studies, B.S., M.B.A., Miami University, Ohio; Ph.D., Florida State University
David M. Bollinger, senior lecturer in communication studies, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Kristin W. Bolton, associate professor of social work, B.A., Purdue University; M.S.W., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Arlington
Frank J. Bongiorno, professor of music, B.M., Ithaca College; M.M., North Texas State University; D.M., Indiana University
Amanda R. Boomershine, professor of Spanish, B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Mark E. Boren, professor of English, B.A., University of Florida; M.F.A., State University of New York at Buffalo; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Stuart R. Borrett, professor of biology, B.A., Austin College; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Marshall Botvinick, lecturer in theatre, B.A., Duke University; M.F.A., Harvard University
Andrea J. Bourdelais, research assistant professor in the Center for Marine Science, B.A., University of Vermont; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., Washington State University
Stephen D. Boul, lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.S., The University of Manchester; M.S., University of Missouri
Jason J. Bowers, lecturer in philosophy and religion, B.A., Reed College; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Robert W. Boyce*, associate professor of exercise science, B.A., Erskine College; M.A., Appalachian State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Babette Jones Boyd, lecturer in criminology, B.A., Boston State College; J.D., George Washington University
Ralph L. Bradley II, lecturer in computer science, B.A., Syracuse University; M.B.A., The University of Connecticut; M.I.M., Washington University
Traci Bramlett, assistant professor of nursing, A.S.N., Dalton State College; B.S.N, M.S.N., Kennesaw State University; DNP, Mercer University
John F. Brennan, associate professor of public and international affairs, B.A., The University of Akron; M.A., Miami University; Ph.D., Cleveland State University
Wendy M. Brenner, associate professor of creative writing, B.A., Oberlin College; M.F.A., University of Florida
Philip Bresnahan, assistant professor of earth and sciences, B.S., Lehigh University; M.A., Ph.D., University of California San Diego
Brandon Brice, lecturer in economics and finance, B.A. West Virgina University, M.S., Florida State University
Francisco Brignole, assistant professor of Spanish, B.A., M.A., M.B.A., University of Hawaii, Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Michelle Britt, lecturer in English, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Lisa Brooks, lecturer in social work
Jeffrey L. Brown, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., M.A., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Kirk W. Brown, associate professor of athletic training, B.S., Seattle Pacific University; M.S., Ohio University; Ph.D., Virginia Tech University
Jennifer Brubaker, associate professor of communication studies, B.S., M.A., The Ohio State University; Ph.D., Kent State University
Katherine E. Bruce, professor of psychology, B.A., Rhodes College; M.S., M.A., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Jeffrey L. Brudney, Betty and Dan Cameron Family Distinguished Professor of Innovation in the Non-Profit Sector in public and international affairs, B.A., University of California Berkeley; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan Ann Arbor
Jamie Brummitt, assistant professor of philosophy and religion, B.A. University of North Carolina Wilmington, M.A., Ph.D., Duke University
Lolita B. Bryant, lecturer in nursing, A.S.N., James Sprunt Community College; B.S.N., M.S.N., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Lisa B. Buchanan, associate professor of education, B.S., B.A., Elon University; M.Ed., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Julia Buck, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., B.A., Washington University, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Daniel T. Buffington, associate professor of sociology, B.A., The University of New Mexico; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Tammala A. Bulger, senior lecturer in communication studies, B.A., M.A., University of Virginia
Susan Bullers*, professor of sociology, B.A., M.A., University of Colorado-Denver; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Theodore W. Burgh, professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., Hampton University; M.A., Howard University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Arizona
Robert T. Burrus, professor of economics, B.S., Wake Forest University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Raymond L. Burt, professor of German, B.A., North Carolina State University; M.A., Middlebury College, Vermont; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Donald E. Bushman, associate professor of English, B.S., M.A., Illinois State University; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Maia Butler, assistant professor of English, B.A., University of Alaska Anchorage; M.A., Ph.D., University of Louisiana at Lafayette
James L. Byrd III, lecturer in mathematics, B.S., M.A., East Carolina University
Jameson Cahill, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S.,M.A., San Francisco State University; Ph.D., University of Missouri
Lawrence B. Cahoon, professor of biology, B.S., Washington and Lee University; Ph.D., Duke University
Maria A. Cami-Vela, professor of Spanish, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida
Jessie Campbell Jarvis, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., Chowan University; M.S, Ph.D., The College of William and Mary
Sasha Canan, assistant professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Cem Canel, professor of production/operations management, B.S., Istanbul State Academy; M.S.I.E., M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Houston
Jeanne Cardenas, lecturer in education
Tom Cariveau, assistant professor of psychology, B.A.S., University of Minnesota; M.S., Ph.D., University of Oregon
Edward J. Caropreso, associate professor of education, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Marsha L. Carr, associate professor of educational leadership, B.A., M.A., West Virginia University; M.Ed., Frostberg State University; Ph.D., University of Phoenix
Rachell Carroll, assistant professor of mathematics, B.S., Charleston Southern University, Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina
Paul C. Castagno, professor of theatre, B.F.A., The University of Connecticut; M.F.A., Stanford University; Ph.D. The Ohio State University
Gretchen I. Casterella, associate professor of accountancy, B.S., University of Florida, M.S., Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder
Nicholas Castro, assistant professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Hannah Priest Catalano, associate professor of public health, B.S., East Carolina University; M.A.Ed., East Carolina University; Ph.D., The University of Alabama
Michelle Cathorall, associate professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Nancy Cerezo, lecturer in early childhood, elementary, middle level, literacy and special education, B.A., University of Florida, M.S., North Carolina A&T University, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Greensboro
Alex Chambers, assistant professor of education
Brian T. Chandler, associate professor of Spanish, B.A., Lenoir-Rhyne College; M.A., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Keri Nicholson Chandler, lecturer in Spanish, B.A., University of South Carolina; M.A., University of South Carolina, Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Yaw O. Chang, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., National Chiao-Tung University, Taiwan; M.S.E., Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University
Ophelia Chapman, lecturer and librarian in the Randall Library
Cuixian (Tracy) Chen, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., M.S., Zhongshan University; M.A., State University of New York at Binghamton; Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
Hsiang-yin Chen, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.S., M.S., National Changhua University of Education, Taiwan; Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham
Sue-Jen Chen, associate professor of education, B.A., National Taiwan Academy of Arts; M.S., North Texas State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Xuemei Chen, assistant professor of data science, B.S., East China Normal University; M.S., Ph.D., Vanderbilt University
Yixin Chen, associate professor of history, B.A., Anhui Normal University; M.A., Nanjing University; M.A., Ph.D., Washington University
Lenis Chen-Edinboro, assistant professor of public health, B.S., Duke University; Ed.M., Harvard Graduate School of Education; Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University
Sabrina Cherry, assistant professor of public health, B.S. Morris Brown College; M.S.P.H., University of South Carolina; M.T.H. Emory University; D.P.H., University of Georgia
Jennifer A. Chin, senior lecturer in communication studies, B.A., M.A., English, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Jamy Chulak, lecturer in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Cetin Ciner, professor of finance, B.A., Bogazici University (Turkey); Ph.D. Louisiana State University
Ulku Y. Clark, professor of information systems, B.S., Boğazici University, Istanbul, Turkey; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas
Caroline M. Clements, professor of psychology, B.A., M.S., Ph.D., Northwestern University
Lisa Coats, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Temple University; M.A., Virginia Commonwealth University
Dale J. Cohen, professor of psychology, B.A., B.F.A., Alfred University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Clarice S. Combs*, professor of healthful living and fitness education, B.S., University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh; M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio State University
William S. Compton, professor of finance, B.S., State University New York College, Buffalo; M.B.A., Ph.D., Florida State University
Sheri Lyn Conklin, assistant professor of instructional technology, foundations and secondary education, B.A., M.S., The University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ed.D., Boise State University
David Conley, lecturer in social work
Kimberly J. Cook, professor of sociology, B.A., University of Maine; M.A., Ph.D., University of New Hampshire
Thomas C. Coombs, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., Lycoming College; Ph.D., Emory University
Amanda Cosgrove, lecturer in English, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Joseph A. Covi, associate professor of biology, B.S., Colorado State University; Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Mark D. Cox, professor of creative writing, B.A., DePauw University; M.F.A., Vermont College
Carolyn Craddock, lecturer in social work, B.S., Virginia Tech, M.S.W., Boston College
Elizabeth O. Crawford, associate professor of elementary education, A.B., The University of Georgia; M.S., The Florida State University; Ph.D., The College of William and Mary
Rebecca Crawford, assistant professor of nursing, A.A., Sampson Community College; B.S.N., Jacksonville University; M.S.N., Duke University; Ph.D., University of Arizona
Elizabeth Creath, lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.S., Longwood University; M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Jeanne Glaubitz Cross, lecturer and librarian, B.A., SUNY at Fredonia; M.L.I.S., M.A., SUNY at Buffalo
Melissa Crowe, lecturer in creative writing, B.A., University of Maine; M.F.A., Sarah Lawrence College, Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Nathan Crowe, associate professor of history, B.A., St. Mary’s College of Maryland; M.A., North Carolina State University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Stephanie Crowe, lecturer and librarian, B.A., University of Maryland College Park; M.A., North Carolinal State University; M.L.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Amanda Culp-Roche, assistant professor of nursing
Jeffrey Cummings, associate professor of management information systems, B.B.A., M.B.A., Texas Tech University; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana University
Lance Cummings, associate professor of English, B.A., M.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., Miami University
Daniella Daidone, assistant professor of Spanish, B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University
Karen A. Daniels, associate professor of psychology, B.S., University of Toronto at Scarborough; M.S., Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology
Tim Daniels, assistant professor of physics and physical oceanography, B.A. St. John’s College, M.S., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Raymond Danner, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.A., B.S., University of Missouri-Columbia; Ph.D, Virginia Tech
Alissa Dark-Freudeman, associate professor of psychology, B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Florida
Amrita Das, associate professor of Spanish, B.A., M.A., University of Delhi, India; Ph.D., Florida State University
Sayantani Dasgupta, assistant professor of creative writing, B.A., St. Stephen’s College, Dehli University, M.A. Jawaharlal Nehru University, M.F.A., University of Idaho
Leslie Daspit, lecturer in international studies, B.A., The University of Texas at Arlington; M.S., Central Washington University; Ph.D., Purdue University
Brian F. Davis, professor of physics, B.S., Bowling Green State University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Jacob Day, associate professor of sociology and criminology, B.S. Oregon State University; M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Marina Diane de Gramont, assistant professor of creative writing, B.A., The Colorado College; M.F.A, University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Andrea Deagon, associate professor of classics, B.A., Guilford College; Ph.D., Duke University
Donna DeGennaro, associate professor of education, B.S., Susquehanna University; M.S. Chestnut Hill College; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Van O. Dempsey, professor of education, B.A., M.A.T., Ph.D, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Kristen E. DeVall, professor of sociology, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Western Michigan University
James DeVita, associate professor of education, B.A., Colgate University; M.S., Ph.D., The University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Venkat Dhulipala, associate professor of history, B.A. Osmania University; M.A., University of Hyderabad; M.A., University of Wisconsin, Madison; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
B. Suzy Diggle-Fox, assistant professor of nursing, B.S.N., State University of New York Downstate Medical Center; M.S.N., Hunter College of the City University of New York; Ph.D., Capella University
Amy Garrett Dikkers, associate professor of educational policy, leadership, and international education, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Deborah A. Dowd, associate professor of exercise science, B.A., Glassboro State College; M.S., Arizona State University; Ed.D., The University of Georgia
Thomas Downen, associate professor of accountancy, B.B.A., Eastern New Mexico University; M.B.A., The University of New Mexico; Ph.D, Texas Tech University
Helene Ducros, lecturer in international studies, B.A., University of Maryland; J.D., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Christopher F. Dumas, professor of environmental sciences, B.S., North Carolina State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Michael J. Durako, professor of biology, B.S., Florida Atlantic University; M.A., Ph.D., University of South Florida
Vance A. Durrington, associate professor of education, B.S., Harding University; M.Ed., Ed.D., Texas Tech University
Elhham Ebrahimi, assistant professor of computer science, B.S.c., Shahrood University of Technology, M.S.c., K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Ph.D., Clemson University
Clyde C. Edgerton, Thomas S. Keenan, III Distinguished Professor of creative writing, B.A., M.A.T., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Dana El Hajj, assistant professor of nursing
Kelly A Ellington, associate professor of nursing, B.S.N. Winston-Salem University; M.S.N., D.N.P., University of South Alabama
Steven M. Elliott, professor of healthful living and fitness education, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Cory Ellithorpe, lecturer in history, B.A., Universty at Albany, M.A., The University of Arizona, Ph.D, The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Steven D. Emslie, professor of biology, B.A., M.A., University of Colorado; M.S., Northern Arizona University; Ph.D., University of Florida
Randall Enlow, associate professor of theatre, B.A., The University of Akron; M.F.A., Case Western Reserve University
C. Steven Errante, professor of music, B.M., M.A., University of Michigan; D.M.A., The Julliard School
Jeffrey G. Ertzberger, lecturer in education, B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A., Ph.D, Pepperdine University
Patrick M. Erwin, associate professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., University of Richmond; M.S., Ph.D., University of Alabama at Birmingham; M.B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Matthew C. Eshleman, associate professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., University of Minnesota; M.S., Ph.D., Duquesne University
Graciela Espinosa-Hernandez, assistant professor of psychology, B.S., Universidad de las Américas; M.S., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Hayley Estrem, assistant professor of nursing, B.S.N., Truman State University, M.S.N., Duke University, Ph.D., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Devon Eulie, assistant professor in environmental sciences, B.S., M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington, Ph.D., East Carolina University
Allison Evans, associate professor of accountancy, B.S., M.S.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
W. Taylor Fain, associate professor of history, B.A., University of Virginia; M.S., Georgetown University; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Joseph A. Farinella, associate professor of finance, B.S., Illinois State University; M.B.A., DePaul University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina; CFA
Sarah Fausett, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.S., Central Michigan University; Ph.D., Duke University
Gene Felice, assistant professor of art and art history, B.F.A., Ohio State University, M.F.A., University of California Santa Cruz
George M. Felis, lecturer in philosophy and religion, B.A., M.A., Miami University Oxford; Ph.D., The University of Georgia Athens
Regina R. Felix, professor of Portuguese, Bacharelado, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Brasil; A.M., Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Wei Feng, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Anastasiya Ferrell, assistant professor of nursing
Clayton S. Ferner, professor of computer science, B.S., Wake Forest University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Denver
Marni J. Ferner, lecturer in computer science, B.S., University of Colorado; M.S., University of Denver
Vivian Ferreya, lecturer in world languages and cultures, B.A., M.A., Universidad Nacional De Salta; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Jorge L. Figueroa, lecturer of public health, B.A., University of Central Florida; M.S., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Christopher M. Finelli, professor of biology, B.S., St. Francis College; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Daniel Fisher, assistant professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Terry S. Fleck, senior lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A.T., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Alyson Fleming, assistant professor of biology and marine biology
Jason Fleming, lecturer and librarian, B.A., University of Florida; M.A. University of South Florida
Nicole Fogarty, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.A., Wittenberg University, Ph.D., Florida State University
Jason Foster, lecturer in recreation, sport leadership & tourism management, B.S., Slippery Rock University; M.S., James Madison University
Jane A. Fox, professor of nursing, B.A., College of White Plains; B.S.N., Cornell University; M.S. Long Island University; M.A., M.A., Ed.D., Teachers College, Columbia University
Kathy R. Fox, professor of education, B.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.A., California State University; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Arthur R. Frampton, associate professor of biology, B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Arthur J. Frankel, professor of social work, B.S., University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, M.S.W., Ph.D., University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
Alexia F. Franzidis, associate professor of recreation, sport leadership & tourism management, B.S., Queensland College of the Arts, Griffith University; M.B.A., The University of Queensland; Ph.D., Indiana University
Marcella Fredriksson, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Boston University; M.S.L.S., The Catholic University of America
Michael A. Freeze II, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., North Carolina State University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Brandon Troy Frensley, lecturer in environmental sciences, B.S., Coastal Carolina University, M.S., Nova Southeastern University, Ph.D., Virginia Tech
R. Peter Fritzler, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College; M.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Elizabeth I. Fugate-Whitlock, lecturer in gerontology, B.S.W., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth
Philip Furia, professor of creative writing, B.A., Oberlin College, Ohio; M.A., University of Chicago; M.F.A., Ph.D., University of Iowa
Donald E. Furst, professor of art, B.A., M.A., M.F.A., University of Iowa
Sarah Gaby, assistant professor in sociology and criminology
Craig S. Galbraith, professor of management, B.A., M.S., San Diego State University; Ph.D., Purdue University
J. Mark Galizio*, professor of psychology, B.A., Kent State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Matthew Gallek, associate professor of nursing, B.S., Allegheny College, B.S.N., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Sean Gallen, assistant professor of geology, B.A., University of Vermont and State Agricultural College; M.S., Western Washington University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Douglas W. Gamble, professor of geography, B.A., Miami University; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Liping Q. Gan, professor of physics, B.S., M.S., Beijing University; Ph.D., University of Manitoba
Bei Gao, associate professor of international studies, B.A., M.L., The University of Kitakyusyu; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Peng Gao, assistant professor of paleontology, B.S. Yangzhow University, China; M.S., China Academy of Sciences; Ph.D., University of South Carolina Columbia
Elizabeth A. Gazza, professor of nursing, B.S.N., M.S.M., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., Duquesne University
Judith Gebauer, professor of information systems, M.S., Ph.D., University of Freiburg, Germany
Avinash Geda, assistant professor in the Congdon School of Supply Chain, Business Analytics and Information Systems
Philip Gerard, professor of creative writing, B.A., University of Delaware; M.F.A., University of Arizona
David M. Gessner, professor of creative writing, B.A., Harvard College; M.A., University of Colorado, Boulder
Eman M. Ghoneim, professor of geography, B.A., M.A., Tanta University; Ph.D., Southampton University
Indranil Ghosh, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., M.S., University of Calcutta, India; Ph.D., University of California
Nadine Gibson, assistant professor of public and international affairs, B.A., Virginia Tech, M.S., Ph.D., The University of Texas, Austin
Tiffany N. Gilbert, associate professor of English, B.A., The College of William and Mary; M.A., Clemson University; Ph.D., University of Virginia
S. David Gill, associate professor of education, B.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; M.Ed., University of Tennessee, Chattanooga; Ed.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Timothy Gill, assistant professor of sociology and criminology, B.A., John Carroll University; M.A. Cleveland State University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
John T. Gironda, assistant professor marketing, B.S., M.B.A., East Carolina University; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Monica R. Gisolfi, associate professor of history, B.A., Barnard College; M.A., Ph.D., Columbia University
Anne P. Glass*, professor of gerontology, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic University and State University; M.S., The University of Georgia; Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University (Virginia Tech)
David J. Glew, associate professor of management, B.S., M.O.B., Brigham Young University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Christalyn Schnoor Goodnight, assistant professor of special education, B.S., James Madison University, M.A.T., Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Cameron L. Gordon, associate professor of psychology, B.S., University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana; M.A., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Michael Gordon*, associate professor of Spanish, B.A., Duke University; M.A., Middlebury College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison
David Graber, lecturer in Russian and German, B.A., Lawrence University, M.A., University of Minnesota, M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington
J. Edward Graham, professor of finance, B.S., Washington and Lee University; M.B.A., University of North Florida; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Nancy M. Grant, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., The University of the State of New York; M.S.N., The University of Akron
Cara Gray, assistant professor of recreation therapy, B.A., Indiana University; M.S.; Indiana University; Ph.D., Indiana University
Artel Great, assistant professor of film studies, B.A., M.A., University of California Los Angeles, Ph.D., New York University, Tisch School of the Arts
Charles Grimes, visiting lecturer in theatre, B.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology; M.A., Villanova University; Ph.D., New York University
Nathaniel P. Grove, professor of chemistry, B.S., University of Pittsburg; M.S., Youngstown State University; Ph.D., Miami University
Mouchine Guettabi, associate professor of economics and finance
Margaret Guggenheimer, lecturer in education, B.A, North Carolina State University, M.Ed., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Rebecca M. Guidice, professor of management, B.A., Whitworth College; M.B.A., Eastern Washington University; Ph.D., Washington State University
Curry I. Guinn, associate professor of computer science, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State; M.S., Ph.D., Duke University
Daniel X. Guo, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.A., M.A., Wuhan University; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University
Gaurav Gupta, assistant professor of accountancy, Bachelor of Commerce, University of Delhi; M.B.A., Pepperdine University; Ph.D., The University of Texas, El Paso
Linda S. Gurganus, lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.A., Kentucky Christian College; B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Don A. Habibi, professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., University of California, Los Angeles; M.A., Ph.D., Cornell University
Frederick M. Hackler, associate professor of film studies, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.F.A., Goddard College
Linda Haddad, director and Irwin Belk Distinguished Professor of Nursing, B.S.N., Jordan University; M.S.N., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Maryland
Lester D. Hadsell, lecturer in information systems and operations management, A.S, State University of New York Cobleskill; B.A., SUNY at Albany; Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Robert L. Hakan, associate professor of psychology, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Wyoming
Kevin Hale, lecturer in accountancy and business law
Christopher J. Halkides, professor of chemistry, A.B., Wabash College; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Jon C. Hall, professor of social work, B.A., Rhodes College; M.S.S.W., Ph.D., University of Louisville
Sarah O. Hallenbeck, associate professor of English, B.A., The College of William & Mary; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Joanne N. Halls, professor of geographic information systems, B.S., University of Denver; M.S., Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Robert D. Hancock, B.Sc., Rhodes University; Ph.D., University of Cape Town; D.Sc., University of the Witwatersrand
Victoria J. Hansen, associate professor of accountancy, B.S., Marist College; M.S., SUNY at Albany; Ph.D., University of South Carolina, Columbia
Conor Haney, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., University of Pittsburgh, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Randall K. Hanson, professor of business law, B.S., B.A., J.D., University of North Dakota; L.L.M., Southern Methodist University
Peter Haproff, assistant professor of geology, B.S., University of California Santa Barbara, Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles
Charles J. Hardy, professor of health and applied human sciences, B.S. East Carolina University; M.S., The University of Tennessee; Ph.D., Louisiana State University and A&M College
Tracy Y. Hargrove, associate professor of education, B.A., M.Ed., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Huili Hao, assistant professor of environmental sciences, B.A., M.A., Hebei University, People’s Republic of China; M.P.A., Ph.D., University of North Carolina Charlotte
Allison Harris, assistant professor of literature, B.A., North Georgia College and State University; M.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Ph.D., University of Miami
Emmanuel D. Harris II, professor of Spanish, B.A., Indiana University, Bloomington; M.A., Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis
Glen A. Harris, associate professor of history, B.A., M.A., North Carolina Central University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Andrea D. Hawkes, professor of geology, B.S., M.S., Dalhousie University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Brent Hawkins, associate professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
H. Daniel Heist, assistant professor of public and international affairs, M.A., Indiana University; Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Kimberly Faxon Hemingway, lecturer in English, B.A., St. Lawrence University; M.F.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Martha Hepler, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., West Virginia University; M.S.N., Duke University
Russell L. Herman, professor of mathematics and statistics and professor of physics, B.A., Empire State College; M.A., Temple University; M.S., Ph.D., Clarkson University
Susan D. Hermanson, Cameron Distinguished professor of accountancy, B.B.A., The University of Georgia; Ph.D, Texas A&M University
Ethan Higgins, assistant professor of criminology, B.S. and M.A., East University of Louisville.
Heidi J. Higgins, associate professor of education, B.S., M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Nevada, Reno
Carol N. Highsmith, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., M.P.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Jeremy Hilburn, associate professor of education, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., Columbia University; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jeffery M. Hill, professor of environmental sciences, B.A., M.A., M.S., Ed.S., Re.D., Indiana University
Stephen E. Hill, associate professor of operations management, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., The University of Alabama
Margaret M. Hodgson, lecturer in English, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Sharon Hoffmann, assistant professor of geology, B.A., Columbia University; Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Justin Hoke, assistant professor of music, B.M., UNC Wilmington; M.M. Appalachian State University; Directory of Music, Florida State University
Kathleen Holland, lecturer in environmental sciences, B.A.Ed., The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, M.A., Miami University, Ph.D., Clemson University
William Hunter Holland, lecturer in health and applied human sciences, B.S., Appalachian State University, M.S., Ohio University
Michael Holmes, lecturer in theatre, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.F.A., Northern Illinois University
David R. Hoot, lecturer in Latin and Classics, B.A., Baylor University; M.A., Bryn Mawr College; Ph.D., University of Florida
Jennifer E. Horan, associate professor of political science, B.A., University of Missouri, St. Louis; M.A., University of New Orleans; Ph.D., Tulane University
Xiaojie Hou, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., M.S., Shandong Teacher’s University, China; Ph.D., The University of Iowa
David Houpt, assistant professor of history, B.A., The George Washington University, M.A., George Mason University, Ph.D., The City University of New York Graduate Center
Angela M. Housand, associate professor of education, B.Arch., Kansas State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Connecticut
L. Vincent Howe, Jr.*, associate professor of marketing, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Michaela Howells, assistant professor of anthropology, B.A., B.S., Central Washington University; M.A., Iowa State University; Ph.D., University of Colorado
Sara Hubbell, assistant professor of nursing, B.S.N., M.S.N., The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; D.N.P., Duke University
Nicholas F. Hudson, associate professor of art, B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Amelia Huelskamp, assistant professor of healthful living and fitness education, B.S., M.A., Ohio University; Ph.D., University of Toledo
Christine E. Hughes, associate professor of psychology, B.A., McMaster University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville
Anne E. Hungerford, associate professor of psychology, B.A., Kenyon College, M.S., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
James B. Hunt, professor of marketing, B.S., High Point College; M.B.A., Vanderbilt University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Tammy G. Hunt, professor of management, B.S., High Point College; M.B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; Ph.D., Florida State University
Josalin Hunter-Jones, assistant professor of social work, B.S., Xavier University of Louisiana, A.S.W., University of Missouri St. Louis, M.P.H., Emory University, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Mercedes Hyman, lecturer in world languages and cultures, B.S., National University; M.A., The University of North Carolina Wilmington
Mark T. Imperial, professor of public and international affairs, B.A., University of Miami; M.A., University of Rhode Island; Ph.D., Indiana University
Elizabeth Z. Irvin, lecturer in Spanish, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Asheville; M.A., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Edward C. Irvine, associate professor of art, B.F.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.P.D., North Carolina State University
Daniel M. Ivancevich, professor of accountancy, B.A., Baylor University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Tamara Ivins, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Davidson College; M.S.L.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Debra Jackson, lecturer in social work, B.S., Campbell University; M.S.W., East Carolina University
Dijana Jakelić, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., University of Zagreb, Croatia; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University
Scott M. James, associate professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., Connecticut College; B.A., University of Washington, M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland
Thomas N. Janicki, professor of management information systems, B.S., Carnegie Mellon University; M.B.A., University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., Kent State University
Marianella Jara, senior lecturer in Spanish, B.A., Louisiana State University; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
David W. Jessen, lecturer/executive-in-residence in accountancy, B.B.A., University of New Mexico
Courtney Johnson, associate professor of art and art history, B.F.A., New York University; M.F.A., University of Miami
Daniel C. Johnson, professor of music, B.A., Emory University; M.M., St. Louis Conservatory of Music; Ph.D., The University of Arizona
Danny E. Johnson, associate professor of recreation therapy, B.S., Morningside College; M.Ed., Memphis State University; Ph.D, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mariana C. Johnson, associate professor of film studies, B.A., Sewanee University; M.A., Ph.D., New York University
Winifred M. Johnson, assistant professor of marine and atmospheric chemistry, B.A., Haverford College; Ph.D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology-WHOI
Adam T. Jones, associate professor of economics, B.A., Austin College; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Allison Renee Jones, associate professor of early childhood and special education, B.S., M.E.D., University of Maryland; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Andrea L. Jones, associate professor of social work, B.A., Temple University; M.S.W., University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Maryland
Carolyn Jones, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., Lenoir-Rhyne College; M.S.N., Medical University of South Carolina
Janet Jones, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., Oklahoma Panhandle State University; M.S.N. Dominican University of California
Lindsey Jones, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, M.S.N., East Carolina University
S. Bart Jones, professor of chemistry, B.S., Davidson College; Ph.D., West Virginia University
Levi Jost, lecturer in English, B.A., South Dakota State University; M.A., Kansas State University; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Scott D. Juall, professor of French, B.S., B.A., Michigan State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder
Charles Jurich, associate professor of early childhood, elementary, middle level, literacy and special education, B.S., The University of Texas at Austin; M.A., Ph.D., The University of New Mexico
Stephanie Kamel, associate professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., University of Guelph; Ph.D., University of Toronto
Yoko Kano, senior lecturer in Japanese, B.A., The Kansai University of Foreign Studies, Japan; M.S., Iona College
J. Carlos Kase, associate professor of film studies, B.A., Columbia University; M.A., New York University; Ph.D., University of Southern California
J. Elizabeth Kaylor, lecturer and librarian, B.A., M.S.A., The University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.L.S., North Carolina Central University
Julian R. Keith, professor of psychology, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., Ph.D., University of Colorado
William A. Kerler III, associate professor of accountancy, B.S., M.Ac., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Hengemeh Kermani, associate professor of education, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Jared Kerr, assistant professor of clinical research, B.S., Auburn University; M.P.H., Emory University; J.D., Samford University
Cecilia B. Kieber, lecturer in chemistry, B.S., Rutgers University; M.S., The American University
Robert J. Kieber, Jr., professor of chemistry, B.S., Cook College, Rutgers University; Ph.D., University of Maryland
HyunBum Kim, associate professor of computer science, B.S. Pyeongtaek University; M.S., Hanyang University; Ph.D., The University of Texas at Dallas
Yeoun Soo Kim-Godwin, professor of nursing, B.S., Seoul National University; M.A., Asian Center for Theological Seminary; M.P.H., Yonsei University; M.N., Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Brian R. Kinard, professor of marketing, B.S., Clemson University; M.B.A., Francis Marion University; Ph.D., Mississippi State University
Aaron S. King, associate professor of public and international affairs, B.A., Michigan State University; M.A., Ph.D., Duke University
Donna King*, professor of sociology, B.A., State University of New York at New Paltz; M.A., West Georgia College; Ph.D., City University of New York, Graduate Center
Nancy A. King, associate professor of music, B.M., University of Western Ontario; M.M., Boston University
Stephen T. Kinsey, professor of biology, B.S., Old Dominion University; M.S., University of South Florida; Ph.D., Florida State University
Kirsten Kinzer, assistant professor of public and international affairs, B.A. Rice University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Amy H. Kirschke, professor of art, B.A., Loyola University; M.B., Ph.D., Tulane University
Kevin B. Kiser, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.A., Boston University; Ph.D., Medical University of South Carolina
Jonathan Kladder, assistant professor music education, B.M., Hope College; M.M. Boston University; Ph.D., University of Florida
Remonda B. Kleinberg, professor of political science, B.A., York University; M.A., University of Waterloo; Ph.D, University of Toronto
Douglas M. Kline, professor of information systems, B.S., M.B.A., Ph.D., Kent State University
Shannon Klotsko, assistant professor of earth and ocean sciences, B.S., Coastal Carolina University; M.S., Ph.D., The University of California San Diego
Ashley Knox, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Campbell University; M.L.S., North Carolina Central University; Specialist Library Info Sci., The University of South Carolina
Hikmet Kocamaner, assistant professor of anthropology, B.A., Hacettepe University; M.A., Middle East Technical University; Ph.D., The University of Arizona
Julie Koester, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.S., The University of British Columbia; M.S., University of Maine; Ph.D., University of Washington
Rachel A. Kohman, associate professor of psychology, B.A., Augsburg College; M.S., Ph.D., Texas Christian University
Athena Kolbe, assistant professor of social work, B.A., Skidmore College, M.A., Golden Gate Seminary; M.S.W., Wayne State University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Michigan
Stacey R. Kolomer, professor of social work, B.A., State University of New York Stony Brook; M.S.S.W., Columbia University; Ph.D., University of Albany
Heather N. Koopman, professor of biology, B.Sc., M. Sc., University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada; Ph.D., Duke University
Georg Koszulinski, associate professor of film studies, B.A., M.A., University of Florida; M.F.A., University of Iowa
Martin A. Kozloff, Donald R. Watson Distinguished Professor of Education, A.B., A.M., Ph.D., Washington University
Alexandra Krallman, assistant professor of marketing, B.B.A., M.B.A., Eastern Kentucky University; Ph.D. Mississippi State University
Julie Krueger, lecturer in gender studies, B.A. University of Wisconsin, La Crosse; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign
Tina Kruger, professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Dennis S. Kubasko, Jr., associate professor of education, B.S., M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
RuthAnne Kuiper, professor of nursing, B.S.N., The University of the State of New York; M. N., University of California, Los Angeles; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Robert Kurian, lecturer in chemistry, B.S., Calicut University; M.S., Mahatma Gandi University; Ph.D., University of Maine
Kelly B. Laham, assistant professor of nursing, B.A., Salem College; B.S.N., Barton College; M.S.N., East Carolina University, D.N.P., East Carolina
Aruna Lakshmanan, lecturer in business analytics, B.S., M.S., University of Madras, M.A., M.Ap.Stat., Louisiana State University, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Todd A. LaMaskin, associate professor of geography and geology, B.S., Radford University; M.S., The University of New Mexico; Ph.D., University of Oregon
Mark C. Lammers, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., Southwest Missouri State University; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Missouri
Richard D. Lancaster, lecturer in chemistry, B.A., M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Chad S. Lane, professor of geography, B.S., University of Denver; M.S., Ph.D., The University of Tennessee
Julie D. Lane, lecturer in public and international affairs, B.A., M.A., University of Wyoming, Ph.D., University of Texas Austin
Tiffany Lane, associate professor of social work
Lawone Lane, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., University of North Carolina Charlotte, M.S.N, East Carolina University
Heather Lang, lecturer in social work, B.A., Goucher College; M.S.W., California State University Northridge
Christina L. Lanier, professor of criminology, B.A., University of Central Florida; M.A., Ph.D., University of Delaware
Thomas E. Lankford, Jr., associate professor of biology, B.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S., Ph.D., The University of Delaware
Chris Lantz, professor of exercise science, B.A., West Virginia Wesleyan College; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ed.D., West Virginia University
Louis J. LaNunziata, Jr., associate professor of education, B.S., East Stroudsburg University; M.Ed., Bloomsburg University; Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Matthew Lastner, assistant professor of marketing, B.B.A., James Madison University, M.B.A., University of Maryland, Ph.D., Louisana State University
Nicholas C. Laudadio, associate professor of English, B.A., B.S., Boston University; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
David L. La Vere, professor of history, B.A., M.A., Northwestern State University of Louisiana; Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Roger Laverty, lecturer in English, B.A., Amherst; M.F.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Sarah Lawson, associate professor of nursing, B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Lucas Layman, assistant professor of computer science, B.S. Loyola University of Maryland; M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Len B. Lecci, professor of psychology, B.A., M.A., Carleton University, Ottawa; Ph.D., Arizona State University
Hee-Seung Lee, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., M.S., Seoul National University, Korea; Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Hyun Jung Lee, lecturer in chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., M.S., Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology; Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Jacquelyn Lee, associate professor of social work, B.S.W., B.A., M.S.W., University of Southern Mississippi
Lorraine S. Lee, professor of accountancy, B.S., Duke University; M.S., National Technological University; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Rebecca L. Lee, associate professor of creative writing, B.A., St. Olaf College; M.F.A., University of Iowa
Soon Goo Lee, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., Sogang University, Ph.D., Washington University
Lynn A. Leonard, professor of geology, B.S., College of William and Mary; M.S., Duke University; Ph.D., University of South Florida
Pamela Levesque, assistant professor of nursing, B.S., University of New Hampshire; M.S., Northeastern University; DNP, Regis College
Somer M. Lewis, lecturer in education, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Pierre Le Pabic, assistant professor of marine biology, B.S., European Institute for Marine Studies; Ph.D., East Carolina University
Jennifer Le Zotte, assistant professor of history, B.S., M.A., University of Florida, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Xiaosong Li, lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.S., University of Science and Technology of China; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University
Lido Lima de Alburquerque, lecturer in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Anne Lindberg, associate professor of art, B.F.A., M.A., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; M.F.A., Washington University of St. Louis
Christine Ling-Yin Liao, associate professor of elementary, middle level and literacy education, B.Ed., M.Ed., National Hsinchu Teachers College; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Terry J. Linehan, Iecturer of film studies, B.S., University of Wisconsin; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Tamara Link, assistant professor of nursing, B.S.N., Bowling Green State University; M.S.N., Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences; D.N.P., Duke University
Qianqian Liu, assistant professor of physics and physical oceanography
Ai Ning Loh, associate professor of oceanography, B.S., University of South Carolina; M.S., Ph.D., The College of William and Mary
Amy Long, lecturer of environmental sciences, B.S., University of Pittsburgh; M.S., Rutgers University
Joseph Long, assistant professor of oceanography, B.S., Clarkson University, M.Oc.Eng., Oregon State University, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Zachary T. Long, assistant professor of biology, B.S., M.S. University of Pittsburgh; Ph.D., Rutgers University
Elizabeth Lopartis, lecturer in music, Diploma, Franz List Academy of Music; M.M., Illinois State University; D.M.A., The University of North Carolina, Greensboro
Susanna Lopez-Legentil, associate professor of biology and marine biology, B.S, University of Barcelona and Perpignan; M.S., University of Paris VI; M.B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., University of Barcelona and Perpignon
Christina Lord, assistant professor of French, B.A., M.A., University of Iowa, Ph.D., University of Kansas
John Lothes II, lecturer in physical activity & wellness, B.A., Shepherd College; M.A., Unversity of North Carolina Wilmington
Xin Lu, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., Huazhong University of Science and Technology; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Gabriel G. Lugo, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Shanhong Luo, professor of psychology, B.S., M.Ed., Beijing University; Ph.D., The University of Iowa
Barbara Lutz, McNeill Distinguished Professor of nursing, B.S., University of Iowa; M.S., Northern Illinois University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Max W. Lydy, associate professor of theatre, B.A., M.F.A., Purdue University
Charles Allen Lynn, associate professor of education, B.A., Georgia State University; M.A., Teachers College Columbia University; Ph.D., University of Georgia
James A. Lyon, lecturer in clinical research, B.S., University of Pittsburgh; Doctor of Pharmacy, University of Michigan
Sally J. MacKain, professor of psychology, B.A., University of California, Santa Cruz; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Jane K. MacLennan, senior lecturer in English, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
David MacQueen III, assistant professor of psychology, B.S., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington, Ph.D., University of South Florida
Jessica M. Magnus, professor of management, B.S., University of Florida; M.S., Christopher Newport University; Ph.D., Florida International University
Rania Mahmoud, assistant professor of Arabic, B.A., University of Alexandria, Egypt; M.A., Old Dominion University, Ph.D., University of Washington
Victor Malo-Juvera, associate professor of English, B.A., University of Miami; M.S., Ph.D., Florida International University
Michael A. Mallin, research professor in the Center for Marine Science, B.S., Ohio University; M.S., University of Florida; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Ruth Michelle Manning, senior lecturer in English, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., M.F.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Christopher Marino, associate professor of theatre, B.A., Bard College; M.F.A., The George Washington University
Jennifer Martinez, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.S., St. Joseph’s College, Ph.D., State University of New York, Stony Brook
Lilit Martirosyan, assistant professor of mathematics, B.A., The City University of New York; Ph.D., University of California Berkeley
Patricia Mason, lecturer in geology, B.S., M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Daniel S. Masters, associate professor of international studies, B.S., M.A., Appalachian State University; Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Shirley A. Mathews, senior lecturer in English, B.A., University of Toledo; M.S., Columbia University
Kevin Matthews, assistant professor in the Congdon School of Supply Chain, Business Analytics and Informations Systems
April D. Matthias, associate professor of nursing, B.S., Waynesburg College; M.S., Duke University, Ph.D., East Carolina University
Michael O. Maume, professor of criminology, B.A., Virginia Wesleyan College; M.A., College of William and Mary; Ph.D., Louisiana State University
R. David Mautz, professor of accountancy, B.S., B.A., Oklahoma State University; M.Acc., Ph.D., University of Tennessee
Darquillius Mayweather, lecturer in educational leadership, B.A., Grand Valley State University; M.Ed., Grand Valley State University; Ph.D., Eastern Michigan University
Kevin McClure, associate professor of educational leadership, B.A., University of Richmond; M.A., Ph.D., University of Maryland-College Park
Heather J. McCreery, lecturer in chemistry, B.S., M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Anita K. McDaniel, associate professor of communication studies, B.A., Texas A&M University; M.A., University of Houston; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Alexander McDaniel, lecturer in exercise science, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington, M.H.Sc., Nova Southeastern University
Michelle R. McEwen-Campbell, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., East Carolina University; M.S.N., Duke University
Stephen L. McFarland, professor of history, B.A., University of Kansas; Ph.D., M.A., University of Texas
Daniel M. McGhan, lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.S., North Carolina State University; M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Beverley N. Foulks McGuire, professor of religion, B.A., Stanford University; M.Div., Harvard Divinity School; Ph.D., Harvard University
Bruce C. McKinney, professor of communication studies, B.A., University of New Hampshire; M.A., Ph.D., Penn State University
Dylan E. McNamara, professor of physics and physical oceanography, B.S., Salisbury University; M.S., San Diego State University; Ph.D., University of California San Diego
Carol P. McNulty, associate professor of education, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.Ed., Mercer University; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Ralph N. Mead, professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., Florida State University; Ph.D., Florida International University
Brandy M. Mechling, associate professor of nursing, B.S.N., Indiana University of Pennsylvania; M.S.N., Hampton University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Eva M. Mehl, assistant professor of history, B.A., Ph.D., University of Alicante; Ph.D., University of California, Davis
Stephen S. Meinhold, professor of political science, B.A., University of Missouri-St. Louis; M.A., Ph.D., University of New Orleans
Diane L. Melroy, senior lecturer in biology, B.S., University of Minnesota, St. Paul; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Michele Mendes, assistant professor of nursing, B.A., Simmons College, M.S., Boston University, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
Ken Mentor, lecturer in criminology, B.A., M.A., Central Michigan University; J.D., Ph.D., Syracuse University
Michael Messina, professor of chemistry, B.S., State University of New York at Stony Brook; Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Erin Michaels, assistant professor of sociology and criminology, B.A., M.A., Portland State University, Ph.D., The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Ryan Mieras, assistant professor of physics and physical oceanography
Derrick R. Miller, associate professor of German B.A., Davidson College; M.A., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sara E. Miller, lecturer in recreation therapy, B.S., Slippery Rock University; M.S., East Carolina University
Jeanine Minge, professor of communications studies
Minoo Modaresnezhad, assistant professor of information systems and operations management, B.S., M.S., Ferdowsi University; Ph.D, The University of North Carolina Greensboro
Clay M. Moffett, associate professor of finance, B.S., Auburn University; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Alabama
Lynn W. Mollenauer, associate professor of history, B.A., Amherst College; M.A., University of Chicago; Ph.D., Northwestern University
David M. Monahan, professor of film studies, B.S., South Dakota State University; M.F.A., Columbia University
Katherine L. Montwieler, professor of English, B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.A., University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Amelia K. Moody, professor of education, B.S., Radford University; M.S., Loyola College; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Virginia
Gary S. Moore, lecturer and librarian, B.S., North Carolina State University; M.L.I.S., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Kemille S. Moore, associate professor of art, B.A., M.A., Arizona State University; Ph.D., University of Washington
Jeremy B. Morgan, associate professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., West Virginia University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Shelby P. Morge, associate professor of education, B.A., Indiana State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Indiana
Magdalena A. Mörling, professor of creative writing, B.A., Hampshire College; M.A., New York University; M.F.A., University of Iowa
Julia Morris, assistant professor of international studies, B.M., M.M., University of London, Ph.D., University of Oxford
John M. Morrison*, professor of physics and physical oceanography, B.A., College of the Holy Cross; M.S., Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Sara Movahedazarhouligh, assistant professor of education
N. Ariana Mrak, associate professor of Spanish, B.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Houston
Nancy L. Murdock, lecturer in nursing, B.S., M.S., University of Virginia
Mary Murray, lecturer in nursing, B.S., M.S.N., University of North Carolina Wilmington
N. Samuel Murrell*, professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., Jamaica Theological Seminary; M.A., Wheaton Graduate School; Ph.D., Drew University; M.Ed., The State University of New Jersey Rutgers
Bryan P. Myers, professor of psychology, B.A., M.A., Carleton University, Ottawa; Ph.D., Ohio University
Jennifer G. Myers, senior lecturer in psychology, B.A., Ohio University; M.A., Western Carolina University
Jerome L. Naar, research assistant professor in the Center for Marine Science, D.E.A., Ph.D., Aix-Marseille II, France
Lindsey Nanney, lecturer in physical activity and wellness, B.A., North Carolina State University, M.S., East Carolina University
Sridhar Narayan, professor of computer science, B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Madras; M.S., M.S., Ph.D., Clemson University
Thomas Nietman, lecturer in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
Xaver Neumeyer, assistant professor of management, M.S., Illinois Institue of Technology, Ph.D., Northwestern University
Keith Newlin, professor of English, B.A., M.A., Colorado State University; Ph.D., Indiana University
Peter Nguyen, professor of social work, B.A. The University of Texas at Austin; M.S.W., Ph.D., University of Houston
Simone P. Nguyen, professor of psychology, B.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; M.A., Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Nora E. Noel, professor of psychology, B.A., University of Cincinnati; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
Erica C. Noles. lecturer in psychology, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., University of Las Vegas, Nevada
Daniel W. Noland*, associate professor of English, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., Furman University; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Kate B. Nooner, professor of psychology, B.A., Wellesley College; M.S., Ph.D., San Diego State University
Scott L. Nooner, professor of geology, B.A., Hendrix College; M.S., Texas A&M University; Ph.D. University of California
Hana S. Noor Al-Deen, professor of communication studies, B.A., Al-Mustansiriyah University; M.A., California State University-Sacramento; Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Richard L. Ogle, professor of psychology, B.A., Point Loma Nazarene University; M.A., San Diego State University; Ph.D., University of New Mexico
Wilson Okello, assistant professor of educational leadership, B.S.Ed., Youngstown State University; M.S., The University of Rhode Island; Ph.D., Miami University
Richard K. Olsen, professor of communication studies, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., The Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Regent University
Vibeke C. Olson, professor of art, B.F.A., University of Denver; M.A., California State University, Northridge; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Edward A. Olszewski, Jr., professor of physics, B.S., Worchester Polytechnic Institute; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
William Opoku-Agyeman, assistant professor in the School of Health and Applied Human Sciences
John E. Osinski, lecturer and librarian, B.S., Syracuse University; M.L.S, North Carolina Central University
Denise M. Ousley, associate professor of education, B.A., Flagler College; M.A., University of South Florida, Tampa; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Symphony Oxendine, assistant professor of education, M. Ed., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina Greensboro
D. Ann Pabst, professor of biology, B.S., University of Maryland; Ph.D., Duke University
Glenn A. Pack, senior lecturer in film studies, B.S., University of South Carolina, Spartanburg; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Timothy N. Palmer, professor of film studies, B.A., M.A., Warwick University, Coventry, England; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, Madison
Ruthanne Palumbo, assistant professor of nursing, A.A.S., Cape Fear Community College; M.S.N., The University of North Carolina Wilmington, D.N.P., Gardner-Webb University
Viral Panchal, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, M.P.H., D.P.H., Georgia Southern University
Jennifer A. Parlier, assistant professor of accountancy, B.A., B.S., High Point University; M.Acc., University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Ph.D., Virginia Tech
Nancy E. Pappamihiel, professor of education, B.A., College of Charleston; M.Ed., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Michele A. Parker, professor of education, B.A., State University of New York at Stony Brook, M.Ed., University of Vermont; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Noelle Parker, lecturer in English, B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Sonia B. Parker, senior lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.S., Fayetteville State University; M.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Diane K. Pastor*, professor of nursing, B.S.N., University of Maryland; M.B.A., Boston College; Ph.D., Columbia University
Raymond S. Pastore, associate professor of instructional technology, B.A., M.S., Bloomsburg University; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Diana W. Pasulka, professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., University of California at Davis; M.A., Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, CA; Ph.D., Syracuse University
Laurie J. Patterson, associate professor of computer science, B.A., M.Ed., University of Minnesota; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University
Joseph R. Pawlik, professor of biology, B.S., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego
Viral Panchal, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, M.P.H., D.P.H., Georgia Southern University
Aaron Peisner, assistant professor of music, B.A., Wesleyan University; M.M., Yale University; D.M.A., University of Maryland
Mark Pelletier, assistant professor of marketing, B.S.B.A., The University of Las Vegas; M.B.A., The University of Wisconsin; Ph.D., Mississippi State University
Anne E. Pemberton, lecturer and librarian, B.A., M.S.I.S., University of Tennessee
Toni B. Pence, assistant professor of computer science, B.S., Winthrop University; M.S., Ph.D., Clemson University
Darin S. Penneys, associate professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., Southern Connecticut State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Florida
Barbara Jo Pennington, lecturer in clinical research, A.S., Georgia Perimeter College; B.S., Milligan College; M.S., Georgia State University
Todd Peterson, assistant professor of psychology, B.A., M.S., University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Lizzette Perez Lespier, assistant professor of supply chain management, B.S., University of Puerto Rico, M.S., Ph.D., Missouri University of Science and Technology
David Pernell, senior lecturer in communication studies, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S., Middle Tennessee State University
Jeanne M. Persuit, associate professor of communication studies, B.S., The Pennsylvania State University; M.A., Ph.D., Duquesne University
Daniel M. Pfohl, lecturer and associate librarian, B.A., University of Northern Iowa; M.L.S., North Carolina Central University; M.A., Austin Peay State University
Anup Phayal, assistant professor of political science, B.A., Tribhuvan University; M.S., London School of Economics and Political Science, M.A., Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Anna Lena Phillips, lecturer in creative writing, B.A., Guilford College; M.F.A., Emerson College
Carol Ann Pilgrim, professor of psychology, B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; M.S., Ph.D., University of Florida
Nathan L. Pilkington, assistant professor of Mediterranean history, B.A., UNC Chapel Hill; M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D., Columbia University.
Raymond C. Pitts, Jr., professor of psychology, B.A., M.S., Ph.D., University of Florida
Carol Plautz, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.A., New College of Florida; Ph.D., University of Virginia
Richard S. Pond, Jr., associate professor of psychology, B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University; M.A., The College of William and Mary; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Alex S. Porco, associate professor of English, B.A., Queens University; M.A., Concordia University; M.A., Ph.D., The State University of New York Buffalo
Thomas W. Porter, associate professor of marketing, B.S., Purdue University; M.B.A., Ph.D., Indiana University
Martin H. Posey, professor of biology, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ph.D., University of Oregon
Christopher Prentice, associate professor of public and international affairs, B.A., University of California; M.P.A., The George Washington University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Narcisa Pricope, associate professor of geography, B.A., Babes-Bolyai University; M.S., Western Kentucky University; Ph.D., University of Florida, Gainesville
Carolina Priester, lecturer in Biology, B.S., M.S., The University of North Carolina Wilmington
Antonio E. Puente, professor of psychology, B.A., University of Florida; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Stephen J. Pullum, professor of communication studies, B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; M.A., The University of Tennessee; Ph.D., Indiana University
Menaka Raguparan, assistant professor of criminology, B.S., University of Ottawa; M.A., Ph.D., Carleton University, Ontario
Ursula L. Ramsey, assistant professor of business law, B.A. Furman University, J.D., University of Tennessee
Linwood J. Randolph, Jr., associate professor of Spanish, B.A., M.A., Ed.D., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
Elizabeth Rawitsch, lecturer in film studies, B.A., Dickinson College, M.A., Ph.D., University of East Anglia
Anirban Ray, associate professor of English, B.A., M.A., University of Calcutta; M.S., St. Cloud State University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University
Melissa Raymer, lecturer and librarian, M.S., North Carolina Central University
Eleanora A. Reber, professor of anthropology, B.S., Beloit College; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University
Justine Reel, professor of health and applied human sciences, B.A., North Carolina State University; M.A., M.S., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Paula V. Reid, associate professor of nursing, B.S.N., Columbia Union College; M.S.N., University of Alabama at Birmingham; Ph.D., Texas Woman’s University
Angelia R. Reid-Griffin, professor of education, B.S., MAED., East Carolina University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Colleen A. Reilly, professor of English, B.A., John Carroll University; M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University
Ginger A. Rhodes, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., North Carolina State University; M.A.Ed., East Carolina University; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Ryan Gregory Rhodes, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., Ursinus College; M.S., Edinboro University of Pennsylvania; Ph.D., University of Rhode Island
Karl Ricanek, Jr., professor of computer science, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina A & T State University
Eric Richardson, assistant professor of health and applied human sciences, B.S., University of Virginia, M.P.H., M.B.A., Liberty University, Ph.D., Capella University
Granetta L. Richardson, senior lecturer in film studies, B.A., University of Akron; M.A., The Ohio State University; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Nivine F. Richie, professor of finance, B.S., The Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University; CFA
Sharon Richter, associate professor of early childhood, elementary, middle level, literacy and special education, B.A., Georgian Court University, M.Ed., Ph.D., University of North Carolina Charlotte
Valerie J. Rider, senior lecturer in Spanish, B.A., University of Central Florida; M.A.T., Florida Atlantic University
Adina L. Riggins, lecturer and librarian, B.A. American University; M.A., Carnegie Mellon University; M.S.L.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Sergi Rivero-Navarro, assistant professor of Spanish; B.A., Universidat de Barcelona; M.A., San Diego State University; Ph.D., Harvard University
Chadwick Roberts, associate professor of communication studies, B.A., The University of Southern Mississippi; M.A., Ohio University; Ph.D., Bowling Green State University
Anka Roberto, assistant professor of nursing, B.S., Fairfield University; M.S., M.P.H., Hunter College of the City University of New York, D.N.P., Fairfield University
Janet Robertson, professor of special education, B.S., West Chester University of Pennsylvania; M.A., University of Santa Clara; Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Carolyn Jost Robinson, associate professor of anthropology, B.A., University of Colorado; M.S., Ph.D., Purdue University
Kerry Robinson, assistant professor of education, B.A., Michigan State University; M.A., Kean University; Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
John R. Roby, lecturer in anthropology, B.J., University of Missouri; M.A., Georgia State University; Ph.D., Binghamton University
Rebecca Rock, lecturer in mathematics and statistics, B.A., M.S., The University of North Carolina Wilmington
Carlos L. Rodriguez, associate professor of management, B.A., Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; M.I.B.S., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., Florida Atlantic University
Meghan Rogers, assistant professor of sociology, B.A., University of Illinois; M.A., University of Missouri; M.S., Ph.D., Indiana University
Joshua Roiland, lecturer in computer sciences, B.A., University of North Dakota; M.A. University to Saint Thomas, MN; Ph.D., Saint Louis University, MO
Kathleen M. Roney, professor of education, B.S., Bloomsburg State University; M.T.S., Washington Theological Union, Washington, D.C.; Ed.D., Temple University
Robin Root, associate professor of theatre, B.A., The Colorado College; M.F.A., The Ohio State University
Donyell L. Roseboro, professor of education, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
L. Drew Rosen, professor of production/operations management, B.S., M.B.A., Old Dominion University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Lew Clark Rosenbloom, lecturer in Spanish, B.A., University of Pennsylvania; M.A., University of Virginia
Steve W. Ross, research professor in the Center for Marine Science, B.S., Duke University; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Ann M. Rotchford, lecturer in sociology, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., Ph.D., The State University of New York at Stony Brook
James A. Rotenberg, associate professor of environmental sciences, B.A., University of Denver; M.S., California State University, Northridge; Ph.D., University of California, Riverside
Monica Rother, assistant professor of environmental sciences, B.A., Willamette University, M.A., University of Tennessee Knoxville, Ph.D., University of Colorado Boulder
Noell Rowan, associate professor of social work, B.S.W., M.S.W., The University of Georgia; Ph.D., University of Louisville
Caitlin Ryan, associate professor of early childhood, elementary, middle, literacy and education, B.A., University of Virginia; M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Andrew Ryder, associate professor of educational leadership, B.A., College of William and Mary; M.S., Ph.D., Iowa State University
William H. Sackley, professor of finance, B.A., Central College; M.B.A., Drake University; Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln; CFA
Barry D. Salwen, associate professor of music, B.M., M.M., D.M.A., The Julliard School; Diploma with highest honors, Vienna Academy of Music, Austria
Thomas Salzman, professor of theatre, B.F.A., M.F.A., Carnegie Mellon University
Marta Sanchez, associate professor of instructional technology, foundations and secondary education, B.A., Mundelein College Chicago; M.Ed., Loyola University Chicago; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Shannon A. Santana, associate professor of criminology, B.A., M.S., University of Central Florida; Ph.D., University of Cincinnati
Angela Sardina, lecturer in recreation therapy, B.S., Florida Gulf Coast University; M.S., The University of North Carolina Greensboro
Richard A. Satterlie, professor of biology, B.A., Sonoma State University; Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Penny Sauer, associate professor of nursing, B.S.N., M.S.N., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Nathan Saunders, lecturer and librarian, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of South Carolina; M.A., Duke University; M.Div., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Rebecca S. Sawyer, assistant professor of accountancy, B.S., North Carolina State University; M.B.A., Duquesne University; CPA
Michelle Scatton-Tessier, professor of French, B.A., The Pennsylvania State University; M.A., The Ohio State University; Ph.D., The University of Iowa
Frederick S. Scharf, professor of biology, B.Sc., State University of New York at Stony Brook; M.Sc., Ph.D., University of Massachusetts
George P. Schell*, professor of management information systems, B.S., M.A., University of Florida; Ph.D., Purdue University
Kathleen A. Schlichting, associate professor of education, R.N., Brookdale College; B.A., M.Ed., University of North Carolina Wilmington; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Walter Thomas Schmid, professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., M.Phil, Ph.D., Yale University
Peter W. Schuhmann, professor of economics, B.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.E., Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Lorian Schweikert, assistant professor integrative biology, B.S., University of Tampa; Ph.D., Florida Institute of Technology
Lee Schweninger, professor of English, B.A., University of Colorado; M.A., The University of Connecticut at Storrs; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Cynthia Schweizer, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., University of St. Francis, M.S.N., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Eva Sclippa, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Furman University; M.S.L.S., M.A., The University of Chapel Hill
Julie-Ann Scott, professor of communication studies, B.A., Gordon College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Maine
Rebecca Scott, assistant professor of business analytics, and supply chain management, B.B.A., M.S., Texas A&M University; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of North Texas
Lisa A. Scribner, associate professor of marketing, B.S., Ball State University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Alana Seaman, assistant professor in recreation, sport leadership & tourism management, B.A., College of Saint Mary, M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Ph.D., Clemson University
Joshua Sears, assistant professor of management
Pamela J. Seaton, professor of chemistry, B.A., University of Washington, Seattle; M.A., University of Alaska, Fairbanks; Ph.D., University of Vermont, Burlington
Michael Seidman, professor of history, B.A., Swarthmore College; M.A., University of California, Berkeley; Ph.D., University of Amsterdam
Melissa Sexton, lecturer in English, B.A., Hope College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Oregon
Priyadarshini Shanker, assistant professor of film studies, B.A., Patna University; M.A., Jamia Millia Islamia, New York University; Ph.D., New York University
Lynn Shay, lecturer and assistant librarian, B.A., State University of New York at Oswego, M.L.S., University of Missouri
Kenneth P. Shefsiek, associate professor of history, B.M., Ithaca College; M.M., New England Conservatory of Music; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
M. Blevin Shelnutt, assistant professor of literature, B.A. Davidson College; M.A., Ph.D., New York University
Roger D. Shew, senior lecturer in geography and geology, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.Sci.Ed., University of Houston
Yao Shi, lecturer in the Congdon School of Supply Chain, Business Analytics and Informations Systems
A. Tamlyn Shields, lecturer in exercise science, B.S., M.A., East Carolina University
Sheri Shiflett, assistant professor of environmental sciences, B.A., B.S., M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
Masha Shpolberg, assistant professor of film studies, B.A. Princeton University; M.A. Universite´ Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris; Ph.D., Yale University
Jerald G. Shynett, associate professor of music, B.M., University of South Florida, Tampa; M.M., University of Miami
Chris Sibona, assistant professor of information systems, B.S., Virginia Tech, M.S., Ph.D., University of Colorado Denver
Robert A. Siegel, associate professor of creative writing, B.A., Harvard University; M.F.A., University of Iowa
Kevin J. Sigler, professor of finance, B.S., Cornell University; M.B.A., Creighton University; Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Lincoln
Lynn Sikma, associate professor of early childhood, elementary, middle level, literacy and special education, M.A.T., National Louis University; B.S., Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andre B. Silva, associate professor of film studies, B.S., University of Texas, Austin; M.F.A., University of Iowa
Shannon L. Silva, associate professor of film studies, B.F.A., Texas State University; M.F.A., University of Iowa
Devon M. Simmonds, associate professor of computer science, B.S., University of the West Indies (Mona); M.S., McGill University, Montreal; Ph.D., Colorado State University
Scott E. Simmons, professor of anthropology, B.A., State University of New York at Plattsburgh; M.A., University of Massachusetts, Boston; Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder
Susan J. Simmons, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., Clarion University of Pennsylvania; M.S., West Virginia University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Thomas D. Simpson, executive-in-residence, B.A., University of Minnesota; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Susan S. Sinclair, professor of clinical research, B.S.N., East Carolina University; M.P.H. Columbia University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Chamindika Siriwardana, lecturer of biology and marine biology, B.S., University of Peradeniya, M.S., Texas State University, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Stephen A. Skrabal, professor of chemistry, B.S., M.A., College of William and Mary; Ph.D., University of Delaware
Prosper Bangwayo-Skeete, associate professor of economics and finance, B.S., University of Zimbabwe; Ph.D., University of Siena
Kelli M. Slaten, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., Middle Tennessee State University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Erik Slivken, assistant professor of mathematics and statistics, B.A., Macalester College; M.A., Ph.D., University of Washington
Emily L. Smith, senior lecturer in creative writing, B.A., Davidson College; M.F.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Justin Smith, assistant professor of sociology and criminology, B.S., M.A., Western Michigan University, Ph.D., University of Florida
Meghan Smith, lecturer and librarian, B.A., The University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; M.L.I.S., University of Denver
Robert W. Smith, professor of education, B.Sc., M.Sc., Manchester University, England; Ed.D., University of Massachusetts
Stephanie D. Smith, assistant professor of nursing, B.S. Pembroke State University; B.S.; Western Carolina University; M.P.A., Auburn University at Montgomery; Ph.D., Auburn University
Anthony G. Snider, associate professor of environmental sciences, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., University of Vermont; M.F.A., Vermont College; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Sophia Stid, post graduate fellow/lecturer in creative writing
Daniel Soques, assistant professor of economics, B.S., The University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Mark D. Sorensen, professor of theatre, B.F.A., University of North Texas; M.F.A., University of Cincinnati
Robert M. Spaulding, Jr., professor of history, B.A., University of Rochester; M.A., Ph.D., Harvard University
Fredrika J. Spencer, assistant professor of marketing, B.S., Business Administration, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.B.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., Duke University
Helena K. Spencer, associate professor of music, B.M., Cleveland Institute of Music; M.M., Ph.D., University of Oregon
David Spieser, assistant professor of French, M.A., Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Laura M. Spivey Morris, assistant professor of recreation, sport leadership and tourism management, B.S., M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Ed.D, East Carolina University
Lisa K. Sprod, associate professor of exercise science, B.A., Mesa State College; M.S., Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado
Ann E. Stapleton, associate professor of biology, B.S., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor; Ph.D., University of Chicago
Shawn Andrea Steele, associate professor of studio art, B.F.A., University of South Carolina; M.F.A., The University of Georgia
William L. Sterrett, associate professor of educational leadership, B.S., Asbury University; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Virginia
John Joseph Stevens, associate professor of Spanish, B.A., University of Southern California; M.A., San Diego State; Ph.D., University of Southern California
Curt H. Stiles, associate professor of management, B.S., University of North Texas; M.S., Ph.D., Northwestern University
James Stocker, assistant professor of education, B.A., M.A., Seton Hall University; M.A., Kean University; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Geoff Stoker, lecturer in computer science, B.S., United States Military Academy, M.C.S., University of Virginia, Ph.D., University of Maryland
Hala Strohmier, lecturer in computer science, B.C., Cairo University; M.S., Ph.D., The George Washington University
Jessica D. Strong, assistant professor of social work, B.A., St. Mary’s College; M.S.W. Fayetteville State University
Elisabeth Struckell, lecturer in management
Christopher Stuart, assistant professor in computer science, B.A., Montclaire State University; M.A., Eastern Michigan; Ph.D, Clemson University
Sutara H. Suanda, assistant professor of earth science physics, B.A., Wesleyan University; M.S., Ph.D., Oregon State Univeristy
Kati E. Sudnick, assistant professor in computer science, B.A. King’s College, PA; M.A. Ph.D., Duquesne University
Elizabeth Ashley Sumerel, lecturer in English, B.A., B.F.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., Carnegie Mellon University
Berta Summers, assistant professor of psychology, B.A., North Carolina State; M.A., Ph.D., Florida State University
Jean-Anne Sutherland, associate professor of sociology, B.A., Georgia State University; M.S., University of West Georgia; M.A., Ph.D., University of Akron
D. Jeanne Swafford*, associate professor of education; B.S., M.Ed., Ed.S, Middle Tennessee State University; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Meghan M. Sweeney, associate professor of English, B.A., John Carroll University; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo
Laura Szech, assistant professor of early childhood, elementary, middle, literacy and education, B.A., Ph.D., The University of Iowa; M.A., University of Northern Colorado
Talanca, Dominic, assistant professor of music, B.M., M.M., University of North Texas
Jarrod M. Tanny, associate professor of history and the Charles and Hannah Block Distinguished Scholar of Jewish History, B.A., McGill University; M.A., University of Toronto; Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Alison R. Taylor, professor of biology, B.Sc., University of Leicester; Ph.D., Oxford Brookes University
Amy R. Taylor, professor of education, B.S., M.A., East Carolina University; Ph.D., North Carolina State University
James B. Taylor, assistant professor in public and international affairs, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Georgia State University
Nicole Tekulve, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Middle Tennessee State University; M.S., Florida State University
Matthew L. TenHuisen, associate professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S., Hope College; M.S., Ph.D., Clemson University
Eric Tessier, lecturer in world languages and cultures, B.A., M.A., University of Rennes Il-Upper Brittany
Michael Tift, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., M.S., Sonoma State University, Ph.D., Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Beth J. Thompson, lecturer and librarian, B.A., University of Wisconsin Green Bay; M.A., Kent State University; M.L.I.S., Kent State University
Candace M. Thompson, associate professor of education, B.S., University of Connecticut; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of South Carolina
Charlotte Elise Thompson, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., University of North Carolina at Charlotte; M.S.N., University of Hawaii at Manoa
Jeremy Tirrell, associate professor of English, B.A. University of Oklahoma; M.A., University of Texas at San Antonio; Ph.D., Purdue University
Marsha A. Todd, lecturer in physical activity and wellness, B.S., M.S., Indiana State University
Pamela W. Toll, associate professor of art, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.F.A., East Carolina University
Allison F. Toney, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.A., Salem College; M.A., Indiana University-Bloomington; Ph.D., University of Northern Colorado
Adam Toth, lecturer in world languages and literatures, B.A., University of California Riverside, M.A., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Jeffrey P. Toth, associate professor of psychology, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; M.A., Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Paul A. Townend, associate professor of history, B.A., Colgate University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Chicago
Frank P. Trimble, professor of communication studies, B.S., M.S., Southern Illinois University
Olga V. Trokhimenko, professor of German, M.A., University of Vermont; Ph.D., Duke University
Wayland Tseh, professor of exercise science, B.S., M.S., California State University, Fresno; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Stephanie Tucker, lecturer in Spanish, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.A., The University of North Carolina Wilmington
Michael Turner, lecturer in world languages and cultures, B.A. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, M.A., University of Texas
Stephanie L. Turrise, associate professor of nursing, B.S.N., Bloomsburg University; M.S.N., Rutgers University; Ph.D., Rutgers University
Patricia A. Turrisi, associate professor of philosophy and religion, B.A., Queens College City University of NY; M.A., Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Rachael Urbanek, assistant professor of environmental sciences, B.S., The Pennsylvania State University; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
Blake Ushijima, assistant professor microbiology, B.S., Ph.D., University of Hawaii
Larry W. Usilton III*, professor of history, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., Mississippi State University
Manoj Vanajakumari, associate professor in business analytics and supply chain management, BTech, University of Kerala, MTech, Indian Institute of Technology, M.S., Ph.D., University of Texas Dallas
Carole M. Van Camp, associate professor of psychology, B.S., M.A., Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Angie Nance Vandenberg, lecturer in social work, B.S., B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Jennifer A. Vanderminden, associate professor of sociology and criminology, B.A., The University of Vermont and State Agricultural College; M.A., Ph.D., University of New Hampshire
Jessica Van Meter, lecturer in exercise science, B.S., M.A., East Carolina University,
Sridhar Varadarajan, professor of chemistry, B.S., B.S. Tech, Bombay University, India; Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University
Aprel Ventura, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., University of North Carolina at Pembroke; M.S.N., Duke University
Richard Verrone, executive-in-residence, A.B., B.S, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.B.A., University of Virginia
Margaret M. Verzella, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., Thomas Edison State College; M.S.N., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Donald Vestal, assistant professor in management, B.A., University of Central Florida; M.B.A., Ph.D., University of Central Florida
Ronald J. Vetter, professor of computer science, B.S., M.S., North Dakota State University; Ph.D., University of Minnesota
Aswani Volety, professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., M.S., Andhra University; Graduate Certificate, Harvard Institute for Higher Education; Ph.D., College of William and Mary
Colette Waddill, lecturer in nursing, B.S.N., Virginia Commonwealth University, M.S., University of Phoenix
Angela L. Wadsworth, senior lecturer in sociology, B.A., M.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; Ph.D., University of Kentucky
Edwin H. Wagenseller, associate professor of theatre, B..A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.F.A., The University of North Carolina at Chapel-Hill
Till Wagner, assistant professor of physics and oceanography, M.S., University of Bristol, MASt, University of Cambridge, Ph.D., University of Cambridge and British Antartic Survey
Julia Waity, associate professor of sociology and criminology, B.A., Washington and Lee University; M.A., Ph.D., Indiana University
Tamara M. Walser, professor of education, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; M.S., Ph.D., Utah State University
Elizabeth M. Walters, lecturer in chemistry and biochemistry, B.S., University of Wisconsin Madison; Ph.D., The University of Georgia
Ying Wang, assistant professor of chemistry and biochemistry, B.S. Tsinghua University; Ph.D., Texas Christian University
Yishi Wang, professor of mathematics and statistics, B.S. University of Science and Technology Beijing, China; M.A., Ph.D., State University of New York at Binghamton
Yu Wang, assistant professor in the Congdon School of Supply Chain, Business Analytics and Information Systems
Rebecca Warfield, lecturer in English, A.A., Coastal Carolina Community College; B.A., M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Jacob Warner, assistant professor of biology and marine biology, B.S., High Point University, Ph.D., Duke University
Wendy Donlin Washington, associate professor of psychology, B.A., West Virginia University; M.S., Ph.D., Auburn University
Martin J. Wasserberg, associate professor of elementary education, A.B., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.S., Ph.D., Florida International University
Wade O. Watanabe, research professor in the Center for Marine Science, B.S., Oregon State University; M.S., University of Hawaii, Honolulu; Ph.D., University of Hawaii, Manoa
Ethan D. Watson, associate professor of finance, B.S., Mississippi State University; M.B.A., M.S.H.A., University of Alabama, Birmingham; Ph.D., University of Mississippi
Michael R. Webb, associate professor of chemistry, B.S., Union College; Ph.D., Indiana University
David E. Weber, associate professor of communication studies, B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara; M.S.Ed., University of Southern California; Ph.D., University of Denver
Jordan Weber, lecturer in healthful living and fitness education, B.S., SUNY Brockport; M.A. Ed, East Carolina University
W. David Webster, professor of biology, B.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S., Michigan State University; Ph.D., Texas Tech University
Zhangping Wei, assistant professor of coastal engineering, B.E., Hohai University; M.E., Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute; Ph.D., University of Mississippi
Jessica L. Weinkle, assistant professor of public and international affairs, B.S., The University of Texas at Austin; M.A., Columbia University; Ph.D., University of Colorado, Boulder
Elizabeth Wellman, assistant professor of theatre, B.A., Adams State University; M.A., Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Kerry L. Whipple, associate professor of public health studies, B.A., M.S., Western Illinois University; Ph.D., Southern Illinois University
J. Wilson White, assistant professor of biology, B.S., Davidson College; Ph.D.,University of California Santa Barbara
Mary J. White, professor of music, B.M., East Carolina University; M.M., Michigan State University; D.M.A., Boston University
Michael D. White, professor of creative writing, B.A., University of Missouri; Ph.D., University of Utah
Patricia H. White, lecturer in nursing, B.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; M.S., East Carolina University
Shauna White, lecturer in computer science, B.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.E., North Carolina State University; M.S., UNC Wilmington
William H. White, professor of philosophy and religion, B.S., Gordon College; Ph.D., Georgetown University
Michael Whiting, lecturer in business analytics, information systems and supply chain management, B.S., United States Naval Academy; M.S., Old Dominion University
Laura K. Wiegand, lecturer and librarian, B.A., Loyola University Chicago; M.L.I.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Ami E. Wilbur, professor of biology, B.S., University of North Carolina Wilmington; M.S., University of South Carolina; Ph.D., University of Delaware
Aaron T. Wilcox, professor of art, B.A., M.A., The University of North Carolina at Greensboro; M.F.A., Cranbrook Academy of Art
Lisa M. Williams, lecturer and associate librarian, B.S., East Carolina University; M.L.S., North Carolina Central University; M.A., University of North Carolina Wilmington
Robert Thomas Williamson, Distinguished Professor of Chemistry, B.A., M.S., The University of North Carolina Wilmington, Ph.D., Oregon State University
Amanda Southwood Willard, associate professor of biology, B.Sc., Auburn University; M.Sc., Ph.D., University of British Columbia, Vancouver
Anita Williams, lecturer in nursing, B.S., B.S., Virginia Commonwealth University; Ph.D., The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Christine Willingham, assistant professor of communication studies, B.A., Salisbury University; M.A., Barry University; Ph.D., Florida State University.
Cynthia R. Wiseman, lecturer in education, B.S.Ed., M.A.Ed., East Carolina University
Allison Witman, assistant professor of economics, B.S., Westminster; M.A., Ph.D., The University of Florida
Stephan Woditschka, lecturer in biology and marine biology, B.S., The University of Tennessee Knoxville; M.S., Stanford University; Ph.D., The University of Wisconsin Madison
Elizabeth Woodard, associate professor of nursing
Andrew Woolum, assistant professor in management, B.S., B.A., Clemson University; M.A., M.S., M.A., Ph.D., University of Florida
Barry A. Wray, associate professor of quantitative methods, B.S., Bridgewater College; M.S., Ph.D., Virginia Polytechnic and State University
Jeffrey L. Wright, Carl B. Brown Distinguished Professor of Marine Sciences, B.Sc., Ph.D., The University, Glasgow, Scotland
YiYi Yang, assistant professor of communication studies, B.A. Communication University of China; M.A., Ph.D. The University of Alabama.
Helen Yates, assistant professor of social work
Vonzell Yeager, lecturer and librarian, B.A., North Carolina A&T State University; M.S., University of Pittsburgh
Kara Yopak, assistant professor of marine biology, B.A., Boston University; Ph.D., University of Auckland
Reginald O. York*, professor of social work, B.A., The University of North Carolina at Charlotte; M.S.W., Ph.D., Tulane University
Susan Young, assistant professor of nursing
Karla Zaccor, assistant professor of education
Peter Zamora, assistant professor of geology, B.S., Central Luzon State University; M.S., University of the Phillipines; Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin
Hongyu Zhang, assistant professor of public and international affairs, B.A., Xiamen University, M.A., Institut d’Etudes Politques de Paris, M.S., Ph.D., University of Georgia
Shaoling Zhang, assistant professor of marketing, Bachelors of Management and Masters of Management, Sun Yat-Sen University, Gaungzhou, China, Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Angela Zombek, assistant professor of history, B.A., The College of Wooster, M.A., The University of Akron, Ph.D., The University of Florida
Renata Conde-Zuege, lecturer in nursing, A.S., Excelsior College; B.S., M.S., State University of New York Polytechnic InstituteRenata Conde-Zuege, lecturer in nursing, A.S., Excelsior College; B.S., M.S., State University of New York Polytechnic Institute
* In phased retirement
Faculty Emeriti ![](/mime/media/62/1374/right-undergrad-change.jpg)
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Sheila A. Adams, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of management
Louis Henry Adcock, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
W. Frank Ainsley, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geography
Franklin H. Allen, M.S., associate professor emeritus of biology
Walser H. Allen, M.A., associate professor emeritus of history
Ferenc Altrichter, Ph.D, professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Arvid Asa Anderson, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of marketing
John M. Anderson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of management information systems
James Applefield, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Robert W. Appleton, M.B.A., associate professor emeritus of accountancy
William Atwill, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of English
Joseph C. Awkard, Jr., Ed.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Saul Bachner, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Ravija Badarinathi, Ph.D., professor emeritus of quantitative methods
Jack D. Baker, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of accountancy
Anne Barksdale, M.S., assistant professor emerita of business
Cathy L. Barlow, Ed.D., professor emerita of educational leadership
Paz I. Bartolome, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
James Rush Beeler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of French
Mary Dixon Bellamy, M.A., assistant professor emerita of Spanish
John P. Bennett, Ed.D, professor of physical education
Kathleen Berkeley, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
David R. Berman, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
Walter C. Biggs, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Eric G. Bolen, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Delilah B. Blanks, Ph.D., assistant professor emerita of social work
Robert Blundo, Ph.D., professor emeritus of social work
Perri J. Bomar, Ph.D., professor emerita of nursing
Michael Bradley, Ed.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Ralph W. Brauer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of marine physiology
Candice Bredbenner, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of history
William Jasper Brooks, M.A., director emeritus of athletics
Robert T. Brown, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Thomas P. Brown, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics
Deborah Brunson, Ph.D., professor emerita of communication studies
William A. Bryan, Ed.D., professor emeritus of education
Dr. Robert Buerger, Ph.D., professor emeritus of environmental studies
Grace M. Burton, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
Robert H. Byington, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English
Charles L. Cahill, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Denis G. Carter, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of economics
William J. Cleary, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
John Clifford, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English
Sue Ann Cody, M.L.S., associate librarian emerita
Patricia A. Comeaux, Ph.D., professor emerita of communication studies
Harry Allen Comeskey, D.B.A., assistant professor emeritus of finance
Ann Conner, Ph.D., professor emerita of art and art history
Walter Conser, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion and professor emeritus of history
Joanne K. Corbett, Ph.D., professor emerita of English
Eleanor K. Covan, Ph.D., professor emerita of gerontology and sociology
James Marshall Crews, Ed.D., professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Thaddeus G. Dankel, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics
Derick G.S. Davis, M.S., assistant professor emeritus of parks and recreation management
Richard Ryder Deas, Ed.D., professor emeritus of music
Will Scott DeLoach, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Darwin Dennison, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public health studies
Rosemary DePaolo, Ph.D., chancellor emerita
Jack Dermid, M.S., associate professor emeritus of biology
Richard Dillaman, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
James C. Dixon, Ph.D., professor emeritus of political science
Richard D. Dixon, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
James A. Dockal, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
Charles B. Dodson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English
Calvin L. Doss, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Fara Elikai, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of accountancy
Patricia Carol Ellis, Ph.D., assistant professor emerita of English
Richard A. Engdahl, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of management
Elizabeth E. Ervin, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of English
William L. Etheridge, Ph.D., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics
Claude H. Farrell III, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics
Gary L. Faulkner, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Carole Fink, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
Christopher Fonvielle, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of history
Isabell L. Foushee, M.A., assistant professor emerita of English
Dargan Frierson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics
Charles McGhee Fugler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Phillip Furia, Ph.D., professor emeritus of creative writing
Bettie J. Glenn, Ed.D., associate professor emerita of nursing
Antolin Gonzalez-del-Valle, Ph.D., professor emeritus of Spanish
Barbara A. Greim, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of computer science
Kenneth Gurganus, Ph.D., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics
Helen Hagan, M.L.S., librarian emerita
John H. Haley, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of history
B. Frank Hall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Jack Hall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of environmental science
William (Woody) Hall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics
Arlene A. Hanerfeld, M.S.L.S., associate librarian emerita
Roy E. Harkin, Ph.D, professor emeritus of education
William B. Harris, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
Andrew E. Hayes, Ed.D., associate professor emeritus of education
Hathia A. Hayes, Ed.D., associate professor emerita of education
Sherman L. Hayes, M.L.S., librarian emeritus
Carol Heinrich, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of nursing
Robert T. Herbst, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
Hildelisa C. Hernandez, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of physics
James H. Herstine, Ph.D., professor emeritus of recreation, sport leadership and tourism management
Joe Hickman, Ph.D., professor emeritus of music
Roger P. Hill, Ph.D., professor emeritus of finance
Barbara Honchell, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
Frederick M. Hornack, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Paul E. Hosier, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Claude F. Howell, H.H.D., associate professor emeritus of art
Richard Huber, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Eugene W. Huguelet, M.LIBR, librarian emeritus
John R. Huntsman, Ph.D., associate professor of emeritus of geology
Adrian D. Hurst, M.A., associate professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Mary Louise Jackson, M.L.S., librarian emerita
Lee A Jackson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Anthony F. Janson, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of art
David Ronald Johnson, M.L.S., librarian emeritus
Mildred Johnson, M.A., professor emerita of social sciences
W. Lee Johnston, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public and international affairs
Noel K. Jones, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of education
Paula Kamenish, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of English
Donald F. Kapraun, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Subramanyam Kasala, Ph.D., professor emeritus of statistics
Norman R. Kaylor, Ph.D., professor emeritus of accountancy
Robert Keating, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of management
Patricia Kelley, Ph.D., professor emerita of geology
Jeanne Kemppainen, Ph.D., professor emerita of nursing
Walter B. (Terry) Kinney, Ph.D., professor emeritus of health and applied human sciences
Joseph Kishton, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Kathleen H. Kowal, Ph.D., professor emerita of psychology
RuthAnne Kuiper, Ph.D., professor emerita of nursing
C. Sue Lamb, Ph.D., professor emerita of psychology
P.J. LaPaire, Ph.D., professor emerita of French
Luther D. Lawson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics
Patricia Lerch, Ph.D., professor emerita of anthropology
James Richard Leutze, Ph.D., chancellor emeritus
Diane Levy, Ph.D., professor emerita of sociology
Jack B. Levy, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Charles A. Lewis, Ph.D., professor emeritus of health and applied human sciences
Judith B. Lewis, M.Ed., assistant professor emerita of physical education
David G. Lindquist, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Glenn Richard Long, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
William F. Lowe, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of German
Roger Lowery, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public and international affairs
Thomas R. Lupton, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Thomas G. MacLennan, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of English
Dorothy P. Marshall, B.S., registrar emerita
Sherrill V. Martin, Ph.D., professor emerita of music
Maurice Martinez, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Susan McCaffray, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
R. Dale McCall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of anthropology
Anne B. McCrary, Ph.D., professor emerita of biology
James K. McGowan, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Melton A. McLaurin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of history
Sandra C. McLaurin, Ph.D., professor emerita of mathematics
James P. McNab, Ph.D., professor emeritus of French
Stephen McNamee, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Linda Mechling, Ph.D., professor emerita of early childhood, elementary, middle, literacy and special education
James J. Megivern, Th.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
James F. Merritt, Ph.D., director emeritus of the Center for Marine Science
Celeste S. Millen, M.L.S., librarian emerita
David K. Miller, Ph.D., professor emeritus of health and applied human sciences
Robert K. Miller, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Margaret Shannon Morton, M.A., professor emerita of English
Marvin K. Moss, Ph.D., professor emeritus of physics and physical oceanography
Joann McFerran Mount, Ph.D, professor emeritus of Spanish
R. Terry Mount, Ph.D., professor emeritus of Spanish
Curt Moyer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of physics
John W. Myers, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of art history
Rolla Clayborne Nelson, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of physics
Catherine R. Nesbit, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
Darwin R. Newton, Ed.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Fletcher R. Norris, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
William Overman, Ph.D, professor emeritus of psychology
James F. Parnell, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Teresita Parra, Ph.D., associate professor Emerita of Spanish
Elizabeth A. Pearsall, M.A., assistant professor emerita of English
Daniel Belk Plyler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Sylvia K. Polgar, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of social work
Lisa Pollard, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
Rebecca Porterfield, Ph.D., Associate professor emerita of management
Debbie Powell, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
Duncan P. Randall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geography
William Madison Randall, Ph.D., president emeritus
Howard O. Rockness, Ph.D., professor emeritus of accountancy
Joanne W. Rockness, Ph.D., professor emerita of accountancy
James H. Reeves, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
P. Nelson Reid, Ph.D., professor emeritus of social work
W. Terry Rogers, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of theatre
Lloyd E. Rohler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of communication studies
Gerald S. Rosselot, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of English
James C. Sabella, Ph.D., professor emeritus of anthropology
Shiva Saksena, Ph.D., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics
Damon Kim Sawrey, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
John H. Scalf, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Eloise Scott, M.A., assistant professor emerita of mathematical sciences
Jo Ann Seiple, Ph.D., professor emerita of English
Earl Sheridan, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public and international affairs
Lee M. Sherman, D.B.A., associate professor emeritus of management
Gerald H. Shinn, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Carolyn H. Simmons, Ph.D., professor emerita of psychology
Ronald Sizemore, Ph.D, professor emeritus of biology and marine biology
Douglas D. Smith, Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics
Harry F. Smith, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of computer science
Kenneth Spackman, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics
Marcee Steele, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
Betty Holden Stike, M.A., assistant professor emerita of education
John L. Stokes III, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English
Sally A. Sullivan, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of English
Doug W. Swink, M.A., associate professor emeritus of drama
John Taggart, Ph.D., professor of emeritus of biology and marine biology
Carole E. Tallant, Ph.D., professor emerita of communication studies
Paul A. Thayer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
Carol Chase Thomas, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
Peter N. Thomas, Ph.D., professor emeritus of Spanish
Carmelo Tomas, Ph.D., professor emerita of biology and marine biology
Fred Toney, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Robert B. Toplin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of history
Robert E. Tyndall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Richard C. Veit, Ph.D., professor emeritus of English
William H. Wagoner, Ph.D., chancellor emeritus
David E. Warner, M.Ed., associate professor emeritus of health, physical education and recreation
Barbara Waxman, Ph.D., professor emerita of English
Charles W. West, Jr., Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of management
Elonza M. West, Ed.D., professor emeritus of business administration
Karen S. Wetherill, Ed.D., professor emerita of education
Joan Willey, Ph.D., professor emerita of environmental sciences
John T. Williams, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Kenneth L. Whipkey, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Jeffrey Wright, Ph.D, professor emeritus of chemistry and biology
Cecil Willis, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Joe B. Wilson, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Eleanor B. Wright, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education