2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
OCN 470 - Ocean Observing Systems Examination of the U.S. Integrated Ocean Observing System. U.S. IOOS is an organization of systems that routinely and continuously provides quality controlled data and information on current and future states of the oceans and Great Lakes from the global scale of ocean basins to local scales of coastal ecosystems. This course explores the technology, data management practices, governance structures, and stakeholder engagement that enables IOOS to help decision makers address seven societal goals.
Credit Hours: 1 To 6
Prerequisite Courses: Prerequisite or corequisite: OCN 350 . Additional Restrictions/Requirements: Junior or senior Oceanography major status or consent of instructor. Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated.
Click here for the Spring 2025 Class Schedule.