2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
RTH 459 - Research & Evaluation Methods in Recreation Therapy This course will provide students a basic introduction to research and evaluation methods, including qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods research designs. Philosophical worldviews, and fundamental principles associated with conducting a literature review, formulating a research proposal, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data will be covered. Applying research-specific knowledge and skills when implementing the APIE process will also be addressed.
Credit Hours: 3
Prerequisite Courses: RTH 380 Additional Restrictions/Requirements: Prerequisite course or consent of instructor. University Studies: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive, Building Competencies/Information Literacy, Common Requirements/Critical Reasoning Crosslisting: RTH 559 Course Repeatablility: Course may not be repeated. Maximum Repeatable Hours: 3
Click here for the Spring 2025 Class Schedule.