Jun 16, 2024  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalogue 
2019-2020 Graduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

SWK 543 - Assessing and Treating Eating Disorders, Exercise and Food Addictions

Course Description: This course has been designed to help students identify the warning signs, DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for feeding and eating disorders, and relevant assessment tools for eating disorders, exercise addiction, body image, and food addiction. Students will learn about the need for a comprehensive treatment team and treatment plan as well as how individual, group, and family modalities may be helpful. The course material will address the Twelve Core functions of substance abuse counseling, cover the need for relapse prevention, and ways to facilitate a healthy recovery process among clients. This course will also include a special presentation about HIV/AIDS as part of the substance use disorders and addictions certificate program.

Credit Hours: 3

Corequisite Courses: None
Prerequisite Courses: None
Additional Restrictions/ Requirements: None
Course Repeatability: Course may not be repeated


Equivalent Courses: None
Undergraduate Crosslisting: None
Additional Course Fees: None
Course Attribute: None

Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.