For a list of active UNCW faculty members, please visit individual department pages at
Faculty Emeriti
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Sheila A. Adams, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of management
Louis Henry Adcock, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Gur Suran Adhar, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
W. Frank Ainsley, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geography
Franklin H. Allen, M.S., associate professor emeritus of biology
Walser H. Allen, M.A., associate professor emeritus of history
Ferenc Altrichter, Ph.D, professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Arvid Asa Anderson, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of marketing
John M. Anderson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of management information systems
James Applefield, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Robert W. Appleton, M.B.A., associate professor emeritus of accountancy
William Atwill, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of english
Joseph C. Awkard, Jr., Ed.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Saul Bachner, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Ravija Badarinathi, Ph.D., professor emeritus of quantitative methods
Daniel G. Baden, Ph.D., executive principal emeritus of marine biotechnology in North Carolina (MARBIONC)
Jack D. Baker, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of accountancy
Anne Barksdale, M.S., assistant professor emerita of business
Cathy L. Barlow, Ed.D., professor emerita of educational leadership
Paz I. Bartolome, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
James Rush Beeler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of french
Mary Dixon Bellamy, M.A., assistant professor emerita of spanish
John P. Bennett, Ed.D, professor emeritus of physical education
Herb Berg, Ph.D., professsor emeritus of international studies
Anne Berkeley, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of theatre
Kathleen Berkeley, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
David R. Berman, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
Walter C. Biggs, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Eric G. Bolen, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
William Bolduc, associate professor emeritus of Communication Studies
Delilah B. Blanks, Ph.D., assistant professor emerita of social work
Robert Blundo, Ph.D., professor emeritus of social work
Williams Bolduc, Ph.D., professor emerit of communication studies
Perri J. Bomar, Ph.D., professor emerita of nursing
Frank Bongiorno, D.M., professor emeritus of music
Robert Boyce, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of exercise science
Michael Bradley, Ed.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Ralph Bradley, M.I.M., senior lecturer emeritus of computer science
Ralph W. Brauer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of marine physiology
Candice Bredbenner, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of history
William Jasper Brooks, M.A., director emeritus of athletics
Robert T. Brown, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Thomas P. Brown, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics
Deborah Brunson, Ph.D., professor emerita of communication studies
William A. Bryan, Ed.D., professor emeritus of education
Dr. Robert Buerger, Ph.D., professor emeritus of environmental studies
Susan Bullers, Ph.D., professor emerita of sociology
Grace M. Burton, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
Robert H. Byington, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Charles L. Cahill, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Edward “Eddie” Caropreso, Ph.D., associate professor emerit of education
Denis G. Carter, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of economics
William J. Cleary, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
John Clifford, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Sue Ann Cody, M.L.S., associate librarian emerita
Sue Combs, Ph.D., professor emerita of physical education and health
Patricia A. Comeaux, Ph.D., professor emerita of communication studies
Harry Allen Comeskey, D.B.A., assistant professor emeritus of finance
Ann Conner, Ph.D., professor emerita of art and art history
Walter Conser, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion and professor emeritus of history
Joanne K. Corbett, Ph.D., professor emerita of english
Eleanor K. Covan, Ph.D., professor emerita of gerontology and sociology
James Marshall Crews, Ed.D., professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Thaddeus G. Dankel, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics
Derick G.S. Davis, M.S., assistant professor emeritus of parks and recreation management
Richard Ryder Deas, Ed.D., professor emeritus of music
Will Scott DeLoach, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Darwin Dennison, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public health studies
Rosemary DePaolo, Ph.D., chancellor emerita
Jack Dermid, M.S., associate professor emeritus of biology
Richard Dillaman, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
James C. Dixon, Ph.D., professor emeritus of political science
Richard D. Dixon, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
James A. Dockal, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
Charles B. Dodson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Calvin L. Doss, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Deb Dowd, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of exercise science
Michael Durako, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology and marine biology
Fara Elikai, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of accountancy
Patricia Carol Ellis, Ph.D., assistant professor emerita of english
Richard A. Engdahl, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of management
Steven Errante, Ph.D., professor emeritus of music
Elizabeth E. Ervin, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of english
William L. Etheridge, Ph.D., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics
Claude H. Farrell III, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics
Gary L. Faulkner, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Jorge Figueroa, Ph.D., lecturer emeritus of public health
Carole Fink, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
Christopher Fonvielle, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of history
Isabell L. Foushee, M.A., assistant professor emerita of english
Dargan Frierson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics
Charles McGhee Fugler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Philip Furia, Ph.D., professor emeritus of creative writing
Philip Gerard, M.F.A. professor emeritus of creative writing
Bettie J. Glenn, Ed.D., associate professor emerita of nursing
Antolin Gonzalez-del-Valle, Ph.D., professor emeritus of spanish
Barbara A. Greim, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of computer science
Kenneth Gurganus, Ph.D., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics
Helen Hagan, M.L.S., librarian emerita
John H. Haley, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of history
B. Frank Hall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Jack Hall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of environmental science
William (Woody) Hall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics
Arlene A. Hanerfeld, M.S.L.S., associate librarian emerita
Roy E. Harkin, Ph.D, professor emeritus of education
William B. Harris, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
Andrew E. Hayes, Ed.D., associate professor emeritus of education
Hathia A. Hayes, Ed.D., associate professor emerita of education
Sherman L. Hayes, M.L.S., librarian emeritus
Carol Heinrich, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of nursing
Robert T. Herbst, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
Hildelisa C. Hernandez, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of physics
James H. Herstine, Ph.D., professor emeritus of recreation, sport leadership and tourism management
Joe Hickman, Ph.D., professor emeritus of music
Jeffrey M. Hill, Ed.S., professor emerit of environmental sciences
Roger P. Hill, Ph.D., professor emeritus of finance
Barbara Honchell, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
Frederick M. Hornack, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Paul E. Hosier, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
L. Vincent Howe, Jr., professor emeritus of marketing
Claude F. Howell, H.H.D., associate professor emeritus of art
Richard Huber, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Eugene W. Huguelet, M.LIBR, librarian emeritus
John R. Huntsman, Ph.D., associate professor of emeritus of geology
Adrian D. Hurst, M.A., associate professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Mary Louise Jackson, M.L.S., librarian emerita
Lee A. Jackson Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Anthony F. Janson, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of art
David Ronald Johnson, M.L.S., librarian emeritus
Mildred Johnson, M.A., professor emerita of social sciences
W. Lee Johnston, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public and international affairs
Noel K. Jones, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of education
Paula Kamenish, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of english
Donald F. Kapraun, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Subramanyam Kasala, Ph.D., professor emeritus of statistics
Norman R. Kaylor, Ph.D., professor emeritus of accountancy
Robert Keating, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of management
Patricia Kelley, Ph.D., professor emerita of geology
Jeanne Kemppainen, Ph.D., professor emerita of nursing
Robert Kieber, Ph.D., professor emerit of chemistry and biochemistry
Donna King, Ph.D., professor emerit of sociology
Walter B. (Terry) Kinney, Ph.D., professor emeritus of health and applied human sciences
Joseph Kishton, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Kathleen H. Kowal, Ph.D., professor emerita of psychology
RuthAnne Kuiper, Ph.D., professor emerita of nursing
Randy La Grange, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology and criminology
Todd A. LaMaskin, Ph.D., associate professor emerit of geography and geology
C. Sue Lamb, Ph.D., professor emerita of psychology
P.J. LaPaire, Ph.D., professor emerita of french
Luther D. Lawson, Ph.D., professor emeritus of economics
Patricia Lerch, Ph.D., professor emerita of anthropology
James Richard Leutze, Ph.D., chancellor emeritus
Diane Levy, Ph.D., professor emerita of sociology
Jack B. Levy, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
Charles A. Lewis, Ph.D., professor emeritus of health and applied human sciences
Judith B. Lewis, M.Ed., assistant professor emerita of physical education
David G. Lindquist, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Glenn Richard Long, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
William F. Lowe, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of german
Roger Lowery, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public and international affairs
Thomas R. Lupton, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Thomas G. MacLennan, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of English
Dorothy P. Marshall, B.S., registrar emerita
Sherrill V. Martin, Ph.D., professor emerita of music
Maurice Martinez, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Susan McCaffray, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
R. Dale McCall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of anthropology
Anne B. McCrary, Ph.D., professor emerita of biology
James K. McGowan, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Melton A. McLaurin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of history
Sandra C. McLaurin, Ph.D., professor emerita of mathematics
James P. McNab, Ph.D., professor emeritus of french
Stephen McNamee, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Linda Mechling, Ph.D., professor emerita of early childhood, elementary, middle, literacy and special education
James J. Megivern, Th.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
James F. Merritt, Ph.D., director emeritus of the center for marine science
Celeste S. Millen, M.L.S., librarian emerita
David K. Miller, Ph.D., professor emeritus of health and applied human sciences
Robert K. Miller, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Margaret Shannon Morton, M.A., professor emerita of english
John Morrison, Ph.D., professor emeritus of physics
Marvin K. Moss, Ph.D., professor emeritus of physics and physical oceanography
Joann McFerran Mount, Ph.D, professor emeritus of spanish
R. Terry Mount, Ph.D., professor emeritus of spanish
Curt Moyer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of physics
Nathaniel Samuel Morrell, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
John W. Myers, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of art history
Rolla Clayborne Nelson, M.A., assistant professor emeritus of physics
Catherine R. Nesbit, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
Keith Newlin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Darwin R. Newton, Ed.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Daniel Noland, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of english
Fletcher R. Norris, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
Vibeke Olson, Ph.D., professor emerita of art and art history
William Overman, Ph.D, professor emeritus of psychology
D. Ann Pabst, Ph.D., professor emerita of biology
James F. Parnell, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Teresita Parra, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of spanish
Elizabeth A. Pearsall, M.A., assistant professor emerita of english
Daniel Belk Plyler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology
Sylvia K. Polgar, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of social work
Lisa Pollard, Ph.D., professor emerita of history
Rebecca Porterfield, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of management
Ann Potts, Ph.D., professor emerita of early childhood, elementary, middle, literacy, and special education
Debbie Powell, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
Stephen Pullum, Ph.D., professor emeritus of communication studies
John Rack, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of music
Duncan P. Randall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geography
William Madison Randall, Ph.D., president emeritus
Howard O. Rockness, Ph.D., professor emeritus of accountancy
Joanne W. Rockness, Ph.D., professor emerita of accountancy
James H. Reeves, Ph.D., professor emeritus of chemistry
P. Nelson Reid, Ph.D., professor emeritus of social work
John Rice, Ph.D, associate professor emeritus of sociology and criminology
Janet Robertson, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
W. Terry Rogers, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of theatre
Lloyd E. Rohler, Ph.D., professor emeritus of communication studies
Gerald S. Rosselot, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of english
Jamie Rotenberg, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of environmental sciences
James C. Sabella, Ph.D., professor emeritus of anthropology
Shiva Saksena, Ph.D., assistant professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics
Thomas Salzman, M.F.A. professor emerit of theatre
Richard Satterlie, Ph.D., professor emeritus of biology and marine biology
Damon Kim Sawrey, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Rebecca Sawyer, Ph.D., assistant professor emerita of accountancy and business law
John H. Scalf, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
George Schell, Ph.D., professor emeritus of information systems
Eloise Scott, M.A., assistant professor emerita of mathematical sciences
Pamela Seaton, Ph.D., professor emerita of chemistry
Jo Ann Seiple, Ph.D., professor emerita of english
Earl Sheridan, Ph.D., professor emeritus of public and international affairs
Lee M. Sherman, D.B.A., associate professor emeritus of management
Gerald H. Shinn, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Carolyn H. Simmons, Ph.D., professor emerita of psychology
Ronald Sizemore, Ph.D, professor emeritus of biology and marine biology
Douglas D. Smith, Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematics
Harry F. Smith, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of computer science
Anthony Snider, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of environmental sciences
Lynne Snowden, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of criminology
Kenneth Spackman, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of mathematics and statistics
Marcee Steele, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
Betty Holden Stike, M.A., assistant professor emerita of education
John L. Stokes III, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Sally A. Sullivan, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of english
Doris “Jeanne” Swafford, Ph.D., associate professor emerit of education
Doug W. Swink, M.A., associate professor emeritus of drama
John Taggart, Ph.D., professor of emeritus of biology and marine biology
Gene Tagliarini, Ph.D., professor emeritus of computer science
Carole E. Tallant, Ph.D., professor emerita of communication studies
Paul A. Thayer, Ph.D., professor emeritus of geology
Carol Chase Thomas, Ph.D., professor emerita of education
Peter N. Thomas, Ph.D., professor emeritus of spanish
Carmelo Tomas, Ph.D., professor emerita of biology and marine biology
Jack Tompkins, M.A.,, lecturer emerit of computer science
Fred Toney, Jr., Ph.D., professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Robert B. Toplin, Ph.D., professor emeritus of history
Patricia Turrisi, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of philosophy and religion
Robert E. Tyndall, Ph.D., professor emeritus of education
Larry Usilton, Ph.D., professor emeritus of history
Richard C. Veit, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Renee Vincent, Ph.D., professor emerita of theatre
Angela Wadsworth, Ph.D., senior lecturer emerita of sociology
William H. Wagoner, Ph.D., chancellor emeritus
Bradley Walker, Ph.D., professor emeritus of early chidhood, elementary, middle, literacy, and special education
John Lewis Walker, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
David E. Warner, M.Ed., associate professor emeritus of health, physical education and recreation
Wade Watanabe, Ph.D., research professor emeritus of marine science
Barbara Waxman, Ph.D., professor emerita of english
Michael Wentworth, Ph.D., professor emeritus of english
Charles W. West, Jr., Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of management
Elonza M. West, Ed.D., professor emeritus of business administration
Karen S. Wetherill, Ed.D., professor emerita of education
Joan Willey, Ph.D., professor emerita of environmental sciences
John T. Williams, Ph.D., professor emeritus of psychology
Kenneth L. Whipkey, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of mathematical sciences
Cecil Willis, Ph.D., professor emeritus of sociology
Jeffrey Wright, Ph.D, professor emeritus of chemistry and biology
Joe B. Wilson, Ph.D., associate professor emeritus of philosophy and religion
Eleanor B. Wright, Ph.D., associate professor emerita of education
George Zervos, Ph.D., professor emeritus of philosophy and religion