Sep 27, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

Course Descriptions

All undergraduate courses offered by the university are listed. Not all of the courses listed are offered within a single academic year. A listing of the courses offered during a given semester is available online before preregistration each semester.

Note: This catalogue has been amended per a 2016 UNCW Faculty Senate decision to retroactively remove the Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster requirement from the University Studies program. Students who wish to complete a cluster may do so, however, completion of a cluster is no longer required. Course description references to Thematic Transdisciplinary Clusters apply to students who choose to complete a cluster.

Trial Courses

Academic departments may offer special trial courses during the fall and spring semesters on a one-time basis without adding them to their regular departmental offerings. A second trial offering, if additional data are essential, must be within two regular semesters of the first. Numbers designating these special courses are 292 and 492. Descriptive information on trial courses does not appear in the catalogue but is on file in the Office of the Registrar.

Sequenced Courses

A hyphen connecting courses (e.g., 201-202) indicates that the first course in the sequence must be satisfactorily completed prior to registration in the second course of the sequence. When course numbers are separated by a comma (e.g., 201, 202), the first course is not necessarily prerequisite to those following. 

Online Courses

The university currently offers a variety of online courses, and two degree programs, the RN to B.S. option in nursing and Bachelor of Science in clinical research (CLR), are delivered totally online. Such courses are so designated in the Class Schedule and are open to both on- and off-campus students. Students interested in these programs should consult the online courses Web site

Credits and Class Meetings

Unless specifically indicated at the end of the course description, the number of hours a class meets each week is the same as the credit hour value of the course. The semester hours credit for each course is indicated in parentheses immediately below the title of the course. For example, if three hours of credit may be earned, the credit is indicated as follows: (3). In variable credit courses, the minimum and maximum hours are shown as follows: (1-3).

Course Prefixes

The prefixes used to designate courses are abbreviations of the names of departments or fields of study within departments, as shown below:



  • ACG 201 - Financial Accounting

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite or corequisite: MAT 111 . Corequisite ACGL 201 . An introduction to the basic framework of accounting for students majoring in accountancy or other disciplines. Includes preparation of financial records and external financial reports. Emphasis on the underlying accounting concepts and constraints.The lab for this course is ACGL 201 .

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 301 - External Financial Reporting I

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in ACG 201  and ACG 203 . Analysis of traditional financial accounting topics and theory. Examines recent developments in accounting measurement and promulgations of the leading professional accounting organizations. ACG 301 emphasizes the development of accounting standards and theory, financial statements, and current assets.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 302 - External Financial Report II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of C or better in ACG 301  and admission to Cameron School of Business. Analysis of traditional financial accounting topics and theory. Examines recent developments in accounting measurement and promulgations of the leading professional accounting organizations. Emphasizes plant assets, long term investments, liabilities, and stockholders’ equity.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 305 - Advanced Managerial Accounting

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in ACG 201  and ACG 203  and admission to Cameron School of Business. Identifying, capturing, developing, and reporting financial and other information to support strategic planning and decision making, short run management decisions, and management control of enterprise programs and activities. Specific topics include: strategic cost analysis, activity-based management, profit planning and budgeting, short run decision structures, and management systems for strategic and operational control.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 306 - Accounting Information Systems

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in ACG 201 , ACG 203  and MIS 213 . Corequisite or prerequisite: ACG 301 . An introduction to the aggregation of data in an accounting information system with an emphasis on documentation, internal controls, and transaction cycles. Laboratory projects include advanced spreadsheet functions, an accounting software package and a database package.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 403 - Non-Profit Organization Accounting

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ACG 302  and admission to Cameron School of Business. Accounting for not-for-profit organizations including governments, colleges and universities, hospitals, charities, and other not-for-profit organizations. Emphasis is on objectives and preparation of financial statements, the use of managerial reports, and budgetary data.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 404 - Federal Income Taxes

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ACG 301  and admission to Cameron School of Business or consent of department chair. The study of federal income taxation of individuals with emphasis on business income and expense items and property transactions.

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  • ACG 406 - Auditing Concepts

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: A grade of “C” or better in ACG 301  and ACG 306  and admission to Cameron School of Business. Study of the objectives, standards, procedures and reporting requirements associated with a public accountant’s role in auditing financial statements, auditing internal controls over financial reporting and performing assurance engagements. Students will learn how to make client acceptance decisions, plan and conduct audits and generate appropriate report(s) in light of competitive, legal and ethical constraints.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 445 - Current Topics in Accounting

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in ACG 306 , senior standing, and admission to Cameron School of Business. A study of the security issues in a distributed computing environment and the impact of electronic commerce on the production and dissemination of financial information, security problems and solutions for UNIX and Windows NT operating systems are studied. Addresses risks faced by firms engaging in e-commerce, as well as, procedures for managing those risks. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 470 - Topics in Auditing

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisites: Consent of the department chair and admission to Cameron School of Business MSA Program. Accelerated coverage of the objectives, standards, procedures and reporting requirements associated with a public accountant’s role in auditing financial statements and internal controls over financial reporting.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 471 - Topics In Managerial Accounting

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Consent of department chair and admission to Cameron School of Business. Contemporary topics related to managerial accounting.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior standing and consent of department chair and admission to Cameron School of Business. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 495 - Seminar In Accountancy

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing consent of the department chair and admission to Cameron School of Business. This course may be repeated under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ACG 498 - Internship In Accountancy

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: Admission to Cameron School of Business. Involves the application of accounting knowledge in a “real world” setting. The participant receives hands-on experience under the guidance of a manager from a business or not-for-profit organization, or CPA firm. Six (6) semester hour internships are available to students who plan to enter the Master of Science in Accountancy program at UNCW, achieve satisfactory performance on the Graduate Management Admission Test, and complete specific course work prior to commencement of the internship. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


Africana Studies

  • AFN 130 - African American Studies

    Credits: 3
    Interdisciplinary exploration of salient issues in the black experience and the role of African-Americans in the development of American culture from 1619 to the present. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • AFN 290 - Readings in Literatures of the African Diaspora

    Credits: 3
    This course explores the literary expressions of Africans and peoples of African descent as they are found in the Caribbean, Latin America, and in the United States. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

American Sign Language

  • ASL 101 - Introductory American Sign Language I

    Credits: 3
    Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language and a strong foundation of ASL vocabulary and language structure. Students will be expected to demonstrate a basic/minimal level of competency in expressive and receptive skills of ASL. The basic cultural characteristics of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities will be introduced. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ASL 102 - Introductory American Sign Language II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ASL 101  or equivalent. Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language and a strong foundation of ASL vocabulary and language structure. Students will be expected to demonstrate a progressively stronger competency in expressive and receptive skills of ASL. The cultural characteristics of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities will be discussed. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ASL 201 - Intermediate American Sign Language I

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ASL 102  or equivalent. A continuation and building on achievement of an active command of the language and a strong foundation of ASL vocabulary and language structure. Students will be expected to demonstrate a progressively stronger competency in expressive and receptive skills of ASL. The cultural characteristics of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities will be discussed.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ASL 202 - Intermediate American Sign Language II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ASL 201  or equivalent. A continuation and building on achievement of an active command of the language and a strong foundation of ASL vocabulary and language structure. Students will be expected to demonstrate a progressively stronger competency in expressive and receptive skills of ASL. The cultural characteristics of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing communities will be discussed.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

American Studies

  • AMS 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • ANT 105 - Introduction to Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the physical, archaeological, linguistic, and ethnological fields of anthropology; biological and cultural evolution of man. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Modeling.

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  • ANT 205 - Human Societies

    Credits: 3
    (SOC 205 ) The comparative study of human society and culture, with selected ethnographic examples to illustrate human adaptation to specific environments and reveal patterns of major social institutions–economy, marriage and kinship, politics and religion–which underlie and support a particular way of life. Comparisons are drawn among hunter-gatherer, tribal horticultural, peasant and modern industrial societies. Perspectives on the dynamics of social process and cultural change are also introduced. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 206 - Cultural Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    A presentation of the content and historical development of cultural anthropology. Deals with the cultural relativism, ethnocentrism, institutional analysis and cultural integration and shifts in theoretical perspectives by comparing ethnographies of selected cultures. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 207 - Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    The concepts and aims of archaeology, its history as a scientific discipline and its present role in the social sciences. Attention to basic principles in field work and to recent advances. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Modeling. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Historical and Philosophical Approaches.The lab for this course is ANTL 207 .

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 208 - Language & Culture

    Credits: 3
    Human language, its characteristics and its relationship to other communication systems will be examined. The use of language to illuminate historical relationships and current sociocultural processes will be discussed, as well as ways in which one can investigate culture through cognitive structures elicited from speech. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Linguistics.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 210 - Physical Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the study of human evolution. Consideration given to the fossil evidence for humans and putative human ancestors, early development of culture, and dynamics of cultural and biological changes in recent and living human populations. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 211 - Fundamentals of Forensic Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    The role of physical anthropology in the forensic sciences. Topics include (with reference to case studies): history of forensic anthropology in the US; procedures for search and recovery of human remains; method of identification from the skeleton; trauma analyses; manners of death; time since death estimations; facial reconstruction; photo/video superimposition techniques.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 300 - Tribal Society in Crisis

    Credits: 3
    Examination of the great challenges facing tribal societies from war, terrorism, violent upheavals, famine, political and social collapse, and illness like HIV. The origin and nature of the tribe, the influence of colonialism, the post-colonial upheavals, and the future of tribes are studied via cases currently in the news.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 301 - Shamanism, Witchcraft & Cults

    Credits: 3
    Beliefs and ideas concerning the supernatural in a variety of cultures around the world. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Global Diversity.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 303 - Culture and Gender

    Credits: 3
    A cross-cultural study of gender in a selection of societies from African, American Indian, Asian, and Central and South American cultures.

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  • ANT 304 - South American Indians

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 105  or ANT 206 , or consent of instructor. Human populations and their adaptations to the South American continent. Approximately equal emphasis is given Native Americans in past and contemporary societies.

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  • ANT 305 - North American Indians

    Credits: 3
    Descriptive accounts of North American Indian cultures and the contemporary issues they face in the modern world such as identity, spirituality, land claims, treaty rights, energy resources, self-determination, nation-building, health, and education. A study of changes influenced by colonialism and contact with Euro-American and African American people. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Human Rights.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 307 - New World Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 105  or ANT 207  or consent of instructor. The entry of humans into North America and South America will be examined using archaeological data. Other topics include the post-Pleistocene expansion of big game hunters, woodland hunter-gatherers, and the development of agricultural societies. Diffusion versus independent invention will be considered.

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  • ANT 308 - Old World Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 105  or ANT 207  or consent of instructor. Studies the interplay of early state-level civilizations in the Old World, with emphasis on Mesopotamia, Egypt, and the Indus Valley. Other topics include nomads, invaders, and the collapse of state-level societies. Lecture and discussion. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 309 - Environmental Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 105  or ANT 206  or ANT 207  or consent of instructor. A study of cultural adaptations as responses of human populations to varied environments; this course will focus upon cultural vs. biological adaptation from the archaeological past to the ethnographic present.

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  • ANT 310 - The Ancient Maya

    Credits: 3
    Explores the achievements of one of the most remarkable civilizations in the Americas. Artistic, architectural, economic and religious components of pre-Columbian Maya Society; the rise and decline of the civilization; Spanish impacts on Maya cultural history.

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  • ANT 311 - Field Methods in Archaeology

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisite: ANT 207 . Practical field methods of land-site archaeology will be taught through the excavation of local archaeological sites. Scientific excavation, sampling, and preservation techniques will be presented as the basic tools of the archaeologist.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 312 - Collapse. The Fall of Complex Civilizations

    Credits: 3
    A sampler of political and systemic collapses over the course of world history, applying theories of collapse to case studies including Easter Island, Mesopotamia, the Maya, and Rome. Evaluation of various theories explaining collapses and their relation to contemporary political trends and imperatives. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Climate Change and Society.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 313 - Plantation Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    Exploration of the history, concepts, and current research in the archaeology and history of antebellum and postbellum southern US plantations. Topics include plantation economics, the roles of various individuals and groups in plantation society, and the integration and influence of plantations on 19th century and later American life. Study and interpretation of plantation remains using historical and archaeological approaches.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 315 - Ancient Mesoamerica

    Credits: 3
    Overview if the development, characteristics and decline of the pre-Columbian peoples and cultures of Central America, with particular attention to archaeological and ethnographic research in Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

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  • ANT 316 - Exploring World Cultures

    Credits: 3
    Contemporary and classic ethnographies (“writing about a people”) from the field of cultural anthropology focused on a specific culture or theme. Examination of critical questions regarding how research data are gathered, analyzed, represented, and shared in books written by cultural anthropologists. May be repeated under a different subtitle. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Immigration.

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  • ANT 317 - Social Issues in Latin America

    Credits: 3
    Complex national cultures of Latin America. Contemporary issues such as the rights of native peoples, peasant land reform, urban slum settlements, development of resources, and political and economic reform movements. Case studies of individual countries. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Human Rights.

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  • ANT 320 - Human Origins

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 210  or consent of instructor. Classification and history of human evolution deduced from the fossil record and molecular data. Discussion of Tertiary hominoids and emergence of humans with emphasis on Australopithecines and later Pleistocene hominins. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

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  • ANT 322 - Primate Biology & Behavior

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 210  or consent of instructor. Ecology, social behavior, and functional morphology and classification of living primates (prosimians, monkeys, and apes); their evolutionary history and development. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 324 - Human Biological Variation

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 210  or consent of instructor. Nature and extent of heritable differences among human populations in evolutionary perspective. Consideration of effects of environmental factors on genic expression. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 325 - Human Growth and Development

    Credits: 3
    ANT 210  or permission of instructor. Human growth and development from an evolutionary perspective. Topics to be addressed include differences and similarities in primate life histories, uniqueness of particular human life history traits, and the evolution of human development as traced through the fossil record. Relationships among growth, development, and health will be explored.

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  • ANT 326 - Human Osteology

    Credits: 0 - 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 210 . Corequisite: ANTL 326 . The human skeleton focusing on bone biology and skeletal anatomy. Topics include: techniques to examine and measure bones, methods for the estimation of age, sex, ancestry and stature, analyses of pathology (disease and trauma). Topics presented within the context of specialized areas of physical anthropology, such as skeletal biology, paleodemography, and forensic anthropology.The lab for this course is ANTL 326 .

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  • ANT 327 - Globalization & Culture Change

    Credits: 3
    Explores processes of globalization in local communities by addressing issues and dynamics of culture change in the contemporary world. Themes include: economic development and underdevelopment; legacies of colonialism; immigration; transnational culture; market and meaning exchanges in media and the arts; and organized resistance to globalization. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Immigration. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Human Rights.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 328 - Bioarchaeology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 210  or consent of instructor. Contextual study of human skeletal remains from archaeological sites to reconstruct evidence of behavior and biological variability. Methods using these data to interpret or suggest how prehistoric and ancient people have lived. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 329 - Environmental Justice Ethnography

    Credits: 3
    Ethnographic survey of the emergence of social movements organized around environmental issues. Through the writings of cultural anthropologists, students learn how communities around the world threatened by environmental destruction seek justice, accountability, and sustainability. Environmental crises are analyzed in terms of globalization, structures of poverty, and human rights.

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  • ANT 330 - The Immigrant Experience

    Credits: 3
    Through ethnographic accounts and personal narratives from a variety of global settings, the course examines the economic, social and political factors that prompt migration and explores the cultural adaptations, ethical questions, human rights issues, and public policy debates of immigration and resettlement. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Immigration. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Human Rights.

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  • ANT 346 - Medical Anthropology

    Credits: 3
    Investigation of systems of medical knowledge and healthcare; representations of health and illness; interactions between environmental, biological, and social factors that shape risk in vulnerable communities; and encounters between Western biomedicine and non-Western healing traditions. Emphasis on applied anthropology in global health settings. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Human Rights.

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  • ANT 380 - Life in Ancient Britain and Ireland

    Credits: 3
    Archaeological study of ancient life in England, Wales, Scotland, and Ireland. Exploration of the development of ancient British and Irish cultures from Paleolithic to Roman times, with particular focus on major sites and features investigated. Travel to Britain and Ireland is an integral part of the course (required).

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  • ANT 387 - Museum Studies

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 206  or consent of instructor. Study of museums in cultural, social, and historical context by examining museum types and their role in society. Field trips to local museums, guest lectures, and case studies examine such topics as collections, interpretation, marketing, visitor behavior and learning, virtual museums, and museum law and ethics.The lab for this course is ANTL 387 .

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  • ANT 411 - Advanced Field Training in Archaeology

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisite: ANT 311 , and consent of instructor. Supervisory training for field archaeologists. Students direct specific aspects of archaeological excavation, including research design, data recovery, daily site management, and field analysis. Summers.

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  • ANT 412 - Historical Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 105  or ANT 207 , or consent of instructor and graduate status. Substantive investigation of the special excavation and analysis procedures, subject matter, and goals of archaeology as applied to the historic past of North America. Special emphasis placed upon historic archaeological sites in the local region. Lecture, laboratory, and fieldwork.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 426 - Forensic Osteology Method and Theory

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ANT 326  and ANTL 326  with a grade of ‘C’ (2.00) or better in both courses. This is an advanced osteology seminar/laboratory course focusing on the application of skeletal and dental analyses for establishing human identification, time since death, and manner of death.

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  • ANT 430 - Evolutionary Biology

    Credits: 3
    (BIO 430 ) Prerequisite: BIO 335  (Genetics). Advanced survey of organizational principles of the genetic apparatus of prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Emphasis of the course directed to critical evaluation of current concepts and models of evolutionary dynamics using relevant illustrative examples from the literature.

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  • ANT 435 - Archaeology and the Media

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 207  or consent of instructor. Explorations of how archaeology is practiced today and the ways in which the field is portrayed in the popular media in the United States. Topical foci include sensationalism, accuracy of reporting and reporting criteria, and the ways in which media depictions of the field of archaeology shape public perceptions and foster misconceptions about the field.

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  • ANT 440 - Seminar in Southeastern Archaeology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 207  and any 300-level ANT course. Integrates southeastern archaeology, archaeological theory, and contemporary issues in archaeology. Emphasis on the southeast as a regional unit and the interplay of local environment and culture throughout the region.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 445 - Practicing Ethnography

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ANT 206  or consent of instructor. An exposure to contemporary research practices in cultural anthropology through reading ethnographies and practicing data collection using oral histories, narratives of memory, photo images, video, and interview guides. An individual project requiring fieldwork and research.

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  • ANT 449 - Anthropology Three-Field Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 206 , ANT 207  or ANT 210 , or permission of instructors. A team-taught, three-field examination of some topic of general anthropological interest. The topic will be approached from an archaeological, cultural anthropological, and physical/biological anthropological perspective. Using discussion and writing, students will apply the three-field approach of anthropology to the topic. May be repeated under a different subtitle. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

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  • ANT 450 - History of Anthropological Theory

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 206 ; six hours of anthropology above the introductory level or consent of instructor. Development of anthropological theory through the research and writings of key figures in the field. Attention is directed toward social and intellectual contexts out of which anthropological theories emerge. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 455 - Reading Material Culture

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ANT 207  or ANT 412 . Examination of the theoretical continuities among cultural anthropology, linguistics, and history as evidenced in the record of material culture revealed through archaeology. Emphasis on the historical archaeology of the post-medieval European expansion. Two lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANT 498 - Internship In Anthropology

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: junior or senior standing,consent of instructor, open only to majors in anthropology. Supervised practical experience with public or private agency, organization or institution. Area of concentration, requirements, and means of evaluation to be defined in consultation with supervising faculty. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANTL 207 - Archaeology Lab

    Credits: 1
    Corequisite or prerequisite: ANT 207 . Course is designed to familiarize students with techniques of archaeological recovery, preparation, preservation, and analysis of recovered archaeological materials. Laboratory work will parallel lecture, providing practical experience in techniques covered as part of lecture course. It is not necessary to take the lab in order to take lecture. Three hours each week. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. This course is the lab for ANT 207 .

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ANTL 387 - Museum Studies Practicum

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Practicum includes exhibit installations, sales gallery operations, working with the permanent collection, and assessing and developing educational programs. Three hours each week.This course is the lab for ANT 387 .

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.



  • ARB 101 - Introductory Arabic I

    Credits: 3
    Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice; intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken Arabic; reading, writing, and basic conversation. For students with one unit or less of high school Arabic.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ARB 102 - Introductory Arabic II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ARB 101  or equivalent. Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice; intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken Arabic; reading, writing, and basic conversation. Only for students who have successfully completed ARB 101  or the equivalent.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.



  • ART 102 - Three Dimensional Design

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to concepts of three-dimensional design. Focus on the elements, principles, and basic construction of three dimensional form. One lecture and three studio hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 211 - Beginning Life Drawing

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 111  or permission of instructor. Drawing from the model: structure, geometric form, and composition using various media: pencil, charcoal, India ink, etc. Six hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 220 - 3-D Computer Graphics Tools and Literacy

    Credits: 3
    (CSC 220 , FST 220 ) Prerequisite: CSC 105 , CSC 121  or permission of instructor. Project-based approach to learning fundamental principles of 3D computer graphics using high-level software tools. Modeling of objects, geometrical transformations, surface algorithms, lighting and shading, alternative rendering techniques, and providing background skills necessary to create animated movies.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 221 - Beginning Ceramics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 102  or consent of instructor. Ceramic art-making with emphasis on manipulating the material with hand-building techniques. Includes introduction to ceramic art history and technical issues including glaze application and firing practice. One lecture and five studio hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 233 - Beginning Intaglio & Relief

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 101 . Survey of intaglio and relief printmaking history and techniques. Introduction to relief processes on blocks and intaglio processes on plates. Woodcut, linocut, monotype, dry point, line etching, and soft ground etching. Six studio hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 237 - Beginning Lithography

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: ART 233  or ART 235 . Introduction to the history, chemistry, and technique of stone lithography. Crayon drawing, tusche wash, rubbing crayon, and maniere noire. Six studio hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 251 - Beginning Sculpture

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 102  or consent of instructor. Survey of sculpture concepts and processes. Study of object based sculpture, functional sculpture, and installation. Introduction to metal fabrication, wood fabrication, and casting. One lecture and five studio hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 252 - Beginning Sculpture

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 102  or consent of instructor. Survey of sculpture concepts and processes. Study of object based sculpture, functional sculpture, and installation. Introduction to metal fabrication, wood fabrication, and casting. One lecture and five studio hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 260 - Introduction To Graphic Design

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 101  or permission of instructor. Basic principles of graphic design and communication. Projects focus on the graphic expression of form through two-dimensional composition to communicate information, concepts, and emotions, and combine development of computer software skills with off-line creative processes and production methods.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 280 - Introduction to Photography

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 101  or permission of instructor. Basic darkroom processes for developing and printing black and white photographic film. Introduction to aesthetics of fine art photography, including pictorial design and development of a personal imagery.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 282 - Introduction to Digital Photography

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Art Studio Majors only and ART 101  or permission of instructor. Digital photography concepts and methods. Designing, processing, critiquing, and displaying of images created with digital cameras and printed with digital media.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 311 - Intermediate Life Drawing

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 211  or permission of instructor. Drawing from the model: structure, composition, and development of personal expression. Six studio hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 312 - Intermediate Life Drawing

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 211 , ART 212, or permission of instructor. Drawing from the model: structure, anatomy, and development of personal expression. Six studio hours per week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 313 - Intermediate Drawing

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite ART 111 . Builds on basic skills with more difficult and sustained challenges. Traditional and contemporary materials and approaches explored. Drawing considered as a final medium of expression, as well as a tool to develop ideas for other forms of art.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • ART 314 - The Art of Pastel

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: ART 211  or ART 242 . Historical survey and technical exploration of the soft pastel medium. Aesthetic issues; pigment properties; application and preservation methods. Two lecture and two studio hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


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