Jul 26, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

Academic Programs

The University of North Carolina Wilmington offers four-year programs leading to the Bachelor of Arts, the Bachelor of Fine Arts in creative writing, the Bachelor of Music, the Bachelor of Science, and the Bachelor of Social Work degrees. Graduate programs lead to the Master of Arts, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Business Administration, Master of Education, Master of Fine Arts in creative writing, Master of Public Administration, Master of School Administration, Master of Science, Master of Social Work, Doctor of Education in educational leadership and administration, and Doctor of Philosophy in marine biology degrees. Professional undergraduate programs include those offered in the Cameron School of Business, the Watson College of Education, and the College of Health and Human Services (School of Health and Applied Human Services, School of Nursing, and School of Social Work). Pre-professional programs are offered in allied health, health-related careers, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, physical therapy, podiatry and veterinary medicine. The university offers special programs in marine science and environmental studies, 2+2 and 3+2 programs in engineering, as well as a number of opportunities for students to enrich their course of study throughout their academic careers as undergraduates.

University Studies Program

The University Studies Program at UNCW encourages students to begin a life-long journey of engaged inquiry and societal contribution. As a consciously integrated component of each student’s overall educational experience, the program reflects our institution’s fundamental commitment to fostering ethical and intellectual development and to promoting the growth of well-informed, creative, literate members of society. The University Studies Program first establishes the basis of an essential liberal education through a multi-faceted exploration of our diverse intellectual heritage. As it extends through each student’s educational career, the University Studies Program builds upon this foundation through a course of study designed to cultivate the skills and capacities students require to respond to and anticipate the complexities of modern citizenship in an inclusive and creative manner.

Students who meet the requirements of the University Studies program will:

  Goal 1. Acquire foundational knowledge, theories and perspectives in a variety of disciplines (Foundational Knowledge);
  Goal 2. Engage in rigorous, open-minded and imaginative inquiry (Inquiry);
  Goal 3. Locate, evaluate, and effectively use information by applying a variety of academic and technological skills (Information Literacy);
  Goal 4. Integrate multiple methods and perspectives to critically examine complex problems (Critical Thinking);
  Goal 5. Effectively express meaningful ideas in speech and writing (Thoughtful Expression);
  Goal 6. Demonstrate basic proficiency in speaking, listening, writing and reading in a language in addition to English (Foreign Language);
  Goal 7. Describe and examine the importance and implications of human diversity (Diversity);
  Goal 8. Describe and examine the intellectual and ethical responsibilities of active global citizenship (Global Citizenship).

University Studies

Categories in this section include:

University Studies Requirements
Curriculum Categories
Waiver of Requirements
Required Physical Education
Transfer Students and University Studies

University Studies Requirements:

Any courses added to University Studies during and after a student’s catalogue year are eligible to fulfill University Studies requirements. If a student takes a course before its addition to University Studies, the course may not automatically fulfill University Studies requirements. Transfer courses fill University Studies requirements based on the date of their catalogue year.

Curriculum Categories:

 The Core Curriculum

Note: This catalogue has been amended per a 2016 UNCW Faculty Senate decision to retroactively remove the Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster requirement from the University Studies program. Students who wish to complete a cluster may do so, however, completion of a cluster is no longer required.


Common Requirements


Waiver of Requirements:


Students who have not qualified for advanced placement but who because of special circumstances may have writing competencies equal or superior to those required in ENG 101 , ENG 103 , or ENG 201  may present evidence of these writing competencies to the chairperson of the Department of English and request a waiver. At the chair’s discretion either or both requirements may be waived. This waiver does not grant academic credit.

First-Year Seminar

Students who meet any of the following conditions will be waived from the UNI 101  requirement:

  • Transfer students.
  • Re-enrolling who have returned and have 27 hours of academic credit (UNCW and transfer credit).
  • The Director of University College will determine if an academically ineligible re-instated student needs to meet this requirement.


Students who have not qualified for advanced placement but who may have competencies equal or superior to those required for successful completion of MAT 151  or MAT 161  may, at the discretion of the chairperson of the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, take a waiver examination for either of these courses. An acceptable score on this exam waives the requirement that one of the introductory mathematics courses be taken. This waiver does not grant academic credit.

Physical Education:

Students who meet either of the following conditions will be waived from the PED 101 requirement: 1.) Current military personnel or veterans who have served two or more years active duty; and 2.) students who are 55 year of age or greater.

Students with Existing Degrees:

For students who already possess an undergraduate degree from an accredited college or university, including UNCW, the dean of  Undergraduate Studies (or her/his designee), after consultation with the chair(s) of the academic unit(s) through which the student is pursuing the second degree, will determine the extent to which the previous course work meets the spirit of UNCW‘s current University Studies requirements and will determine any remaining requirements to be completed.

Students who are transferring to UNCW for a second baccalaureate after having earned a baccalaureate at any UNC institution with a general education requirement will be given a waiver for the following phase I University Studies requirements: Composition; Lifetime Wellness; Mathematics and Statistics; Aesthetic, Interpretive, & Literary Perspectives; Historical and Philosophical Approaches; Scientific Approaches to the Natural World; and Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors. Further, students will receive a waiver for Thematic Transdisciplinary Clusters, since their second degree amounts to a second major. For the foreign language requirement, all students should first consult with the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.

Required Physical Education:

As part of PED 101 , you will be required to participate in physical activity. It is strongly suggested that you visit a medical professional prior to the beginning of the course and obtain a physical. If you have not previously done so within 14 months of the start of class, and based upon information you will provide your instructor (see below), you may be required to obtain a physical prior to being allowed to participate in class. Since participation is a mandatory part of the course, your failure to obtain a physical after being instructed to do so could result in being dropped from PED 101 . Any restrictions placed on your participation following a physical, however, will not adversely affect your grade.

Pre-Activity Screening - All PED 101  students must complete the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) the first week of classes, and prior to any physical activity participation. Students answering “yes” to one or more of the seven questions are required to have a physical exam on file with the Student Health Center within the previous 14 months, and no later than within two weeks of the PAR-Q completion.

The student and physician need to complete pages 4-6 of the Physical Examination/Medical History Form and be sure it is on file with the Student Health Center.

Any student who answers “yes” to one or more of the PAR-Q questions, and does not have a physical exam on file with the Student Health Center within the previous 14 months (and no later than the 2-week post-PAR-Q deadline) will be dropped from PED 101 .

Any student failing to follow these procedures will meet with his/her PED 101  instructor to determine the most reasonable course of action, with consultation from the PED 101  Coordinator and the SHAHS Director.

If any changes in your health status occur throughout the semester, since the PAR-Q completion or physical exam, inform your instructor immediately.

Transfer Students and University Studies

North Carolina Community College transfer students entering UNCW fall 2014 and spring 2015 are held to all components of University Studies. Those who have earned an AA or AS degree will receive a waiver of Foundations and Approaches & Perspectives requirements with the exception of PE, foreign language, Living in Our Diverse Nation, Living in a Global Society, and First Year Seminar. They will be held to all other requirements. All other transfer students will be held to University Studies requirements in their entirety, with the exception of First Year Seminar.

North Carolina Community College transfer students who have earned an AA or AS degree meeting the requirements of the North Carolina Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA) that matriculate summer 2015 will receive a waiver of Foundations and Approaches & Perspectives requirements with the exception of PE; foreign language; and 3 credits from Living in Our Diverse Nation or Living in a Global Society. They will also receive a waiver of 3 credits each of Writing Intensive, Information Literacy, and Quantitative and Logical Reasoning competency requirements. AS and AA degree-holding transfer students will be held to all other University Studies requirements. All other transfer students will be held to University Studies in its entirety, with the exception of First Year Seminar.

University Studies includes both lower division general education components and graduation requirements related to the major. For those articulation agreements specifying transfer of lower division general education requirements, lower division general education components of University Studies include: Foundations, Approaches & Perspectives (only 3 credits of Living in Our Global Society or Living in Our Diverse Nation may apply as lower division credit), 3 credits of Quantitative and Logical Reasoning Competency, 3 credits of Writing Intensive Competency, and 3 credits of Information Literacy Competency.Note that other credit meeting University Studies requirements may transfer on a course-by-course basis and some courses may be exempted by specific agreements (e.g. lifetime wellness and foreign language requirements by the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement).