Feb 15, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalogue
Oceanography, B.S.
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The B.S. Oceanography program is designed specifically for students interested in pursuing professional, research or academic careers and/or advanced degrees in the ocean sciences. Because oceanography is a truly integrative and synthetic field which continues to become more technological and global in its approach, the oceanography degree program requires students to develop basic proficiencies in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and biology, and effective oral and written communication skills. In addition, the program allows students to focus on their specific interests through selection of appropriate elective course work. The program includes an applied learning component which can be fulfilled through appropriate field- or ship-based course work, internships, and/or faculty directed research.
Oral Communication Requirement:
To satisfy the oral communication requirement for the B.S. degree in Oceanography a student must complete OCN 395 . Applied Learning Requirement:
To satisfy the applied learning requirement for the B.S. degree in Oceanography a student must complete OCN 390 . Requirements for a Major in Oceanography for the B.S. Degree:
In addition, students must take two of the following:
Students must also complete a minimum of 31 hours of electives. Courses must be selected from at least three different disciplines; 21 of which must be above the 299 level; at least 9 must be from the OCN, GLY, or GGY prefixes. Students may select any additional OCN course, or any course from the following list: - BIO 201 - Principles of Biology: Cells Credit Hours: 0 To 4
- BIO 202 - Principles of Biology: Biodiversity Credit Hours: 0 To 4
- BIO 318 - Invertebrate Zoology Credit Hours: 3
- BIO 366 - Ecology Credit Hours: 3
- BIOL 366 - Ecology Laboratory Credit Hours: 1
- BIO 367 - Antarctic Ecology, Geology, History, and Policy Credit Hours: 3
- BIO 434 - Coastal Marine Ecology Credit Hours: 3
- BIO 458 - Fisheries Biology Credit Hours: 3
- BIO 460 - Limnology Credit Hours: 3
- BIO 462 - Deep Sea Biology Credit Hours: 3
- CHM 101 - General Chemistry I Credit Hours: 3
- CHML 101 - General Chemistry Laboratory I Credit Hours: 1
- CHM 102 - General Chemistry II Credit Hours: 3
- CHML 102 - General Chemistry Laboratory II Credit Hours: 1
- CHM 211 - Organic Chemistry I Credit Hours: 3
- CHM 212 - Organic Chemistry II Credit Hours: 3
- CHM 235 - Quantitative Analysis Credit Hours: 3
- CHML 235 - Quantitative Analysis Laboratory Credit Hours: 1
- CHM 312 - Advanced Techniques Organic Chemistry Credit Hours: 2
- CHM 321 - Physical Chemistry II: Thermodynamics and Kinetics Credit Hours: 3
- CHM 365 - Biochemistry I Credit Hours: 3
- CHM 377 - Environmental Chemistry Credit Hours: 3
- CHML 377 - Environmental Chemistry Laboratory Credit Hours: 1
- CHM 435 - Instrumental Analysis Credit Hours: 3
- CHML 435 - Instrumental Analysis Lab Credit Hours: 2
- CHM 445 - Inorganic Chemistry Credit Hours: 3
- DSC 301 - Introduction to Machine Learning Credit Hours: 3
- DSC 302 - Foundations of Data Science Credit Hours: 3
- ECN 330 - Natural Resource Economics Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 310 - Fluid Mechanics for Engineers Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 311 - Coastal Engineering and Fluids Lab Credit Hours: 1
- EGN 320 - Water Resources Engineering Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 330 - Coastal Wave Mechanics Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 340 - Matlab for Engineering Analysis Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 401 - Sediment Transport Processes Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 410 - Field Methods in Coastal Engineering Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 402 - Dredging and Beach Nourishment Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 420 - Applied Coastal Modeling Credit Hours: 3
- EGN 430 - Coastal Structures Credit Hours: 3
- EVS 195 - Introduction to Environmental Sciences Credit Hours: 3
- EVS 445 - Environmental Conservation Credit Hours: 3
- EVS 452 - Offshore Energy & Resource Management Credit Hours: 3
- EVS 455 - Geospatial Analysis for Coastal Management Credit Hours: 4
- EVS 472 - Coastal Protected Areas Management Credit Hours: 3
- EVS 483 - Fisheries Policy and Management Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 222 - Quantitative Methods in Earth Sciences Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 230 - Introduction to Weather and Climate Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 321 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 322 - Introduction to Remote Sensing Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 333 - Applied Climatology Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 421 - Spatial Programming Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 424 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 426 - Environmental Geographic Information Systems Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 428 - Advanced Remote Sensing Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 429 - Aerial Drone Applications in Geoscience Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 433 - Weather Analysis and Forecasting Credit Hours: 3
- GGY 436 - Ice Age Earth Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 335 - Geomorphology Credit Hours: 4
- GLY 337 - Invertebrate Paleontology Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 390 - Field Methods in Geosciences Credit Hours: 2
- GLY 420 - Global Climate Change Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 426 - Geohydrology Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 431 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy Credit Hours: 4
- GLY 439 - Paleoclimatology Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 443 - Tectonics Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 454 - Coastal Geomorphology Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 465 - Introduction to Geophysics Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 472 - Introduction to Geochemistry Credit Hours: 3
- GLY 473 - Isotope Geochemistry Credit Hours: 3
- MAT 335 - Linear Algebra and Matrices Credit Hours: 3
- MAT 361 - Differential Equations Credit Hours: 3
- MAT 365 - Vector Calculus Credit Hours: 3
- MAT 418 - Partial Differential Equations I Credit Hours: 3
- PHY 101 - Elementary College Physics I Credit Hours: 4
- PHY 102 - Elementary College Physics II Credit Hours: 4
- PHY 106 - Physics of Sailing Credit Hours: 4
- PHY 201 - General Physics I Credit Hours: 4
- PHY 202 - General Physics II Credit Hours: 4
- PHY 350 - Fluid Mechanics Credit Hours: 3
- PHY 477 - Observational Methods in Physical Oceanography Credit Hours: 3
- PHY 478 - Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Credit Hours: 3
- PHY 479 - Ocean Circulation Systems Credit Hours: 3
- PHY 480 - Coastal And Estuarine Systems Credit Hours: 3
- PLS 329 - Ocean and Coastal Law and Policy Credit Hours: 3
- STT 215 - Introduction to Statistics Credit Hours: 3
Appropriate 280, 480, 491 and other relevant courses in BIO, CHM, EGN, EVS, GGY, GLY, or PHY can be applied as electives with the approval of the program director and the Earth and Ocean Sciences department chair.
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