Feb 11, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
I. Foundations
a. Composition (3-6 hours):
Students must complete ENG 101 and ENG 201, or must complete ENG 103. Placement is determined by an English placement test or by scores on the Advanced Placement or the CLEP test. ENG 103 is a 3-credit course, but successful completion of the course satisfies the university studies composition requirement. Waiver may apply. c. Mathematics and Statistics (3 hours):
Required: One of the following courses: (Waiver may apply.) d. World Language and Cultures (3-6 hours):
Students are required to demonstrate proficiency through at least the Intermediate I level by completing a course at the 201 level or higher in a language they have studied previously through the language placement test. If a student begins a language not previously studied, they are required to attain the 102 level in that second foreign language. Most students continuing in the language studied in high school will likely take 3-6 hours from this component. Students who graduated high school more than 7 years prior to matriculation at UNCW are required to demonstrate proficiency at or above the Beginner II level by completing a course at the 102 or 120 level in any language, or by completing a higher level based on a language placement test score. Any student with sufficient background may elect to fulfill the language requirement by CLEP examination, which can provide academic credit at the 201 level or above. e. First Year Seminar
Waiver may apply. Additional Information for First Year Seminar - Students who have completed and passed UNI 101 while in the Isaac Bear Early College program have met this requirement.
- Students must enroll in UNI 101 during their first semester at UNCW.
- Students who drop or withdraw from UNI 101 must take the course during the following spring semester.
- Students who fail UNI 101 must repeat the course during the following spring semester. Because UNI 101 is required for graduation, students must repeat this course, even if they have used all of their course repeats.
- Students who fail HON 110 must take UNI 101 the following spring semester, to meet the University Studies requirement. This does not serve as a course repeat.
- Under the course repeat policy, students who earn a C- or below in UNI 101 may retake the course. This must be done in the spring semester after they have taken the course the first time.
- Students who fail UNI 101 more than twice must meet with the Director of University College to determine how this requirement will be met.