Mar 03, 2025
2015-2016 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue
Economics, B.A.
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While the B.S. degree in business administration with an option in economics requires the completion of core classes in many business disciplines, the B.A. degree in economics is, in essence, a liberal arts program that focuses on economics. Because of the relatively small number of required hours in the B.A. major, students are provided the flexibility to pursue a second major, a minor, or classes that will prepare them for employment opportunities or graduate work. The B. A. is especially recommended for students who desire to pursue graduate work in economics, public policy, and law.
Computer Requirement:
To satisfy the computer requirement for the B.A. degree in Economics a student must successfully complete ECN 377 . Oral Communication Requirement:
To satisfy the oral communication requirement for the B.A. degree in Economics a student must successfully complete COM 101 or ECN 495 . Requirements for a B.A. Degree in Economics:
33 hours in economics, successful completion of QMM 280 or STT 215 , and successful completion of MAT 151 or MAT 161 (MAT 161 required for those students who will pursue additional math courses). Economics courses must include:
Plus six additional hours numbered above 299 Three hours above 399 Additional Information:
A minimum grade of “C-” is required in each course counting toward the major, and students must earn a minimum GPA of “C” (2.00) in major courses. Students who wish to pursue graduate studies (economics graduate school, law school, etc.) should consult a faculty advisor early in the major to identify elective courses outside the economics program that will aid them in gaining acceptance to graduate school. Students must complete the Cameron School of Business Assurance of Learning assessments prior to graduation. |
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