Jan 14, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

Enrichment Courses and Programs

Depending on their interests and abilities, UNCW students may choose from several kinds of special courses and programs to individualize and otherwise enrich their studies.

Child Welfare Education Collaborative, North Carolina

The North Carolina Child Welfare Education Collaborative is a university-agency partnership that ensures a quality work force in child welfare settings. The educational goal of this program is to directly address the workforce need for social workers in child welfare settings. Administered by the Jordan Institute for Families, the collaborative includes North Carolina social work education programs, the NC Division of Social Services, the NC Association of County Directors of Social Services and the NC Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers. Educating, training, and supporting current and future social workers in child welfare meets the goal of strengthening families and protecting children. The collaborative offers focused educational courses, training and field experience in child welfare agencies. Participating universities include Appalachian State University, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, Joint Masters of Social Work Program at University of North Carolina at Greensboro and North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, and University of North Carolina Wilmington.

Directed Individual Study

This course, designated as 491 in each department, involves investigation beyond what is offered in existing courses. To enroll in a Directed Individual Study, students must be a junior or senior. Additionally, students must have an overall grade point average of at least 2.00 and the approval of (1) the faculty member who will direct the study, (2) the departmental chairperson, and (3) the appropriate dean. Departmental criteria will include (1) the availability of the instructor (ordinarily, instructors will not supervise more than six student credit hours of Directed Individual Study per semester), (2) the appropriateness of and need for the proposed study in the student’s program, (3) the availability of library and other research resources, and (4) the feasibility of completion of the proposed study in the allotted time. Students are limited to nine credit hours of Directed Individual Study toward graduation requirements, not more than three of which can be outside the student’s major.

Field Experiences

Several departments within the College of Arts and Sciences and the professional schools offer field experience courses as part of their semester or summer programs. Participating students conduct individual or group research under faculty guidance at selected areas within and outside the continental United States. Apart from the greater Wilmington area, field experience courses have been conducted in such places as the Florida Keys, Barbados, the Bahamas, Portugal, and parts of Central and South America.

German Studies Consortium

Raymond L. Burt, coordinator

The German Studies Consortium links participating UNC institutions to facilitate the sharing of teaching and learning resources to enhance German Studies across The University of North Carolina system. This consortium offers a broad array of German Studies courses in the language, literature, and culture of the German-speaking countries taught by specialists in the field. The primary focus is on the sharing of upper-level German classes offered each semester on the North Carolina Information Superhighway. Participant universities include Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, the University of North Carolina at Asheville, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, University of North Carolina Wilmington, and Western Carolina University. The website for the consortium is http://portal.northcarolina.edu/gsc

Russian Studies Consortium

Dave Graber, coordinator

The Russian Studies Consortium links participating UNC institutions to facilitate the sharing of teaching and learning resources to enhance Russian Studies across The University of North Carolina system. This consortium offers a broad array of Russian Studies courses in the language, literature, history, film, society and culture in the Russian-speaking countries, which can be taught in the target language and/or in translation by specialists with credentials in Russian Studies. The primary goal focuses on the sharing of elementary, intermediate and upper level Russian Studies classes offered each semester as well as summer session courses on the North Carolina Information Superhighway and/or fully online. Participant universities include Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, North Carolina State University, The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and The University of North Carolina Wilmington.

Graduate Course Credit


Graduate Courses Taken for Undergraduate Credit

Graduate courses at UNCW or other accredited institutions may be used to fulfill undergraduate requirements if approved by the course instructor, student‘s department chair, undergraduate dean, and the dean of the Graduate School. All other transfer credit policies apply. Permission forms may be obtained on the Graduate School home page at http://www.uncw.edu/grad_info/forms-students.htm.

Graduate Course Taken as an Undergraduate to Later Apply to a Graduate Degree

Undergraduate students who wish to take graduate courses and later receive graduate credit for them must (1) obtain permission in advance from the course instructor, student‘s department chair and undergraduate dean, and (2) present it to the Graduate School for approval. Graduate courses taken under this provision may not be used to fulfill undergraduate degree requirements. Permission forms may be obtained on the Graduate School home page at http://www.uncw.edu/grad_info/forms-students.htm.

Credit for Approved Combined Degree Programs

Graduate courses used to fulfill an undergraduate degree requirement at UNCW may be applied to a graduate degree only when taken as part of an approved combined degree program. Courses applied toward an awarded degree may not be applied to a second degree except as described by specific degree programs.

Honors College


Katherine E. Bruce, director
William D. Atwill, associate director

UNCW’s Honors College provides opportunities for undergraduates to engage in independent and creative scholarly activity. The Honors College directs the four-year honors curriculum and departmental honors, offers opportunities to develop a global perspective, supports undergraduate research for all UNCW graduates, and mentors UNCW students through the application process for national scholarships and fellowships.

The mission of the Honors College at the University of North Carolina Wilmington is to attract and retain academically talented students. The Honors College offers a powerful learning experience by encouraging curiosity, critical thinking, and independent work skills, and by developing a community of honors scholars on campus. The program is committed to offering opportunities to students as they pursue their academic passions in college. The vision of the program is to encourage and support life-long learning, including a global perspective.

Admission to Honors

Check with the Honors director for specific requirements and the application process at each level. Multiple points of entry into the Honors College are possible:

  • As entering freshman (based on high academic achievement in high school)
  • As second semester freshman or as sophomores (based on high academic achievement in freshman year, including transfer students)
  • As juniors/seniors in Departmental Honors (including transfer students)

Program Requirements for Graduation with University Honors

To graduate with University Honors, a student must:

  1. complete at least 12 credit hours of university studies courses as honors sections*
  2. complete six credits of “Interdisciplinary Honors Seminars” (HON 110  and HON 210 )*
  3. complete two credits of “Honors Enrichment Seminar” (HON 120 )*
  4. maintain academic eligibility: at the completion of 27 credit-hours at UNCW, an overall grade point average of 3.30 or better in all coursework is required. An overall grade point average of 3.50 or better must be established by the completion of 58 credit hours and maintained thereafter.
  5. earn a minimum of a “C” (2.00) in all honors work (“B” (3.00) in 499 and honors contract courses) and have a 3.00 overall GPA in all honors curriculum coursework. If a student earns a grade below a “C” in an honors university studies course, the grade may count toward that student‘s university studies requirements but not toward his or her honors requirements. If that student wishes to complete the honors requirements for University Honors, he or she must take an additional honors university studies course and earn no lower than a “C.” Students earning below a “C” in HON 210  or HON 120  must take additional seminars, respectively, and earn no lower than a “C.”
  6. complete requirements for Departmental Honors (see below)
  *Note: students entering after the fall of the freshman year must complete HON 210 , two credit hours of HON 120 , and at least nine hours of honors university studies courses.

Honors Courses

These courses are restricted to students formally enrolled in the Honors Program College or others admitted by permission of the Honors director after consultation with the course instructor.

Honors sections of university studies courses: Each semester several honors sections of university studies courses will be offered on a rotating basis. These sections are usually restricted to 20 students to allow for enhanced student-faculty interaction and discussion.

Honors Seminars: Three kinds of honors seminars are offered each year. HON 110  is a team-taught, three-hour interdisciplinary course designed to introduce all freshman honors students to the college experience by direct involvement in research, service, and leadership activities. This course may not be repeated for additional credit. HON 120  is a one-hour enrichment seminar that requires student participation in a variety of campus visual/performing/cultural events, lectures, or research activities. This course may be elected by honors students at any level and may be repeated for a maximum of three semester hours. HON 210  is a three-hour interdisciplinary seminar that offers an in-depth investigation of a special topic using the approaches of several disciplines. This course may be repeated under different subtitles. For a listing of these seminars, see the Course Descriptions  section of this catalogue.

Departmental Honors

Upperclassmen who qualify as candidates for Departmental Honors must perform outstanding scholarly work appropriate to the academic standards of the student’s major in the form of a six-credit Departmental Honors project. A student who fulfills requirements for Departmental Honors will be acknowledged as having done so upon graduation.

A student who previously has not participated in the honors program may qualify as a candidate for Departmental Honors based on the student’s grade-point average. Students with at least 74 semester hours credit who have a grade point average of 3.20 or better on all college work attempted, who have completed at least 30 semester hours of work with a 3.20 or better grade point average at UNCW, and who are recommended by the major department chair (or dean where appropriate) are eligible to enroll in coursework with a 499 designation which indicates the senior project in that discipline. Academic departments may require a higher grade point average for eligibility for Departmental Honors in their discipline.

Departments in each discipline determine appropriate preparatory academic experiences for Departmental Honors in that field. Candidates for Departmental Honors may fulfill preparation for senior capstone work beginning in the junior year through one or more of the following:

  1. Directed Individual Study (DIS) courses which lay the groundwork for more advanced projects;
  2. Departmental or interdisciplinary seminars and/or internships which encourage independent work in a variety of ways such as performance, research, service;
  3. Study Abroad and/or National Student Exchange; or
  4. Honors components of regular department courses: “Honors Contract” courses at the 300 or 400 level in which an honors student and his or her instructor enter into a contract which stipulates enhanced academic responsibilities for the student, such as presentations or papers. Successful performance in such classes is identified by the label “Honors Level Work” on the course as it appears in the student’s transcript.

The Departmental Honors project culminates in independent study under the supervision of a faculty member in the student’s major field. This independent study must be completed in two three-credit hour semesters or three two-credit hour semesters. The results of the honors work are summarized in a paper and presented orally before an examining committee.

If a student must withdraw from the Departmental Honors Project (499), the faculty supervisor must notify the director of the Honors Scholars Program as soon as possible and indicate the reason for the withdrawal. In consultation with the honors director, the faculty supervisor may recommend that the student receive partial credit (0-3 hours total) for the honors work completed in the form of Directed Individual Study (491).

Honors Global Citizen Recognition

The Honors Global Citizen Recognition is an option for students completing University or Departmental Honors that encourages students to make global discoveries on campus and abroad. To qualify for this distinction, students must:

  • Maintain the required honors GPA on all college work attempted in the United States or abroad.
  • Develop and complete an honors project (499) that has shows active engagement with global issues, such as an increased awareness of international issues, understanding of global interdependence, or demonstration of global citizenship. Proposals must be reviewed by the Office of International Programs and Honors Scholars Program, and application is done through the Departmental Honors application process described on the Honors website.
  • Earn at least 6 student credit hours in a UNCW-approved education abroad program.
  • Complete at least the 202 level, or equivalent, of a foreign language with a C or better grade.
  • Complete at least one HON seminar with global content. These classes may be selected from an approved list maintained on the Honors website.
  • Complete nine additional hours of 3-credit hour courses with global content with a C or better in each. These classes may be selected from courses approved for the International Studies major or minor, or from the university studies courses approved for global content. At least two disciplinary areas must be represented.

Co-Curricular Activities

Students will be offered opportunities and incentives to participate in co-curricular activities such as field trips, campus events, study abroad and community events.

Honors House

The Honors House is a living-learning environment for students enrolled in UNCW‘s Honors Program. The Honors House features a dynamic student population with members committed to student leadership, scholarship, and service. In order to participate in the Honors Program and reside in the Honors House, residents must meet the following qualifications: (1) be enrolled in the Honors Program at UNCW; (2) be a full-time student each semester; (3) be in good standing with the university‘s student judicial program; and (4) be an active member of the community. Honors housing is also available in some other residence halls and interested students should contact the Honors Program.

International Programs


Denise M. DiPuccio, assistant provost
Mark A. Gallovic, director of education abroad
Jennifer D. Fernandez-Villa, director of international student and scholar services
Amy M. Mabery, coordinator of international student and scholar services
Kara M. Pike, assistant director of education abroad
Maike C. Walbrecht, English as a second language coordinator

The Office of International Programs was established at the University of North Carolina Wilmington to represent a commitment to international education. The office has responsibility for faculty and student exchange programs and other international activities at the university. Its goal is to expand and strengthen international ties among individuals, units, and programs on campus and to encourage the exchange and flow of ideas and information so crucial for the development of global knowledge and awareness. The office monitors legislation, regulations, and policies at the federal, state and local levels that affect international educational exchange, and interprets those directives in the UNCW environment in support of the teaching, research, and educational goals of the university. In consultation with faculty, administration, and the Office of the General Counsel, the office determines the visa and employment options for international students, scholars, visitors, and employees at the university. The Office of International Programs offers over two hundred semester- and year-long education abroad opportunities in over fifty countries through UNCW‘s bilateral study abroad and exchange partnerships, participation in the University of North Carolina Exchange Program (UNCEP) statewide consortium and as a member institution in the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP). Spring break, summer and other short-term study abroad opportunities in many locations are also available to UNCW students. Programs are offered to suit nearly every major and credit earned through international programs may be applied towards a UNCW degree. Financial aid may be used in conjunction with education abroad programs and scholarships are available.

Academic departments at the university may offer special international study courses during the regular semesters or summer sessions without adding them to their permanent curricula. Each course must be approved by the appropriate dean. These courses will include regular classroom assignments, lectures and discussions, travel and field work, and visits to historic and cultural sites. Study will take place outside the United States, usually in association with local universities abroad. Numbers designating these courses are 294, 394 and 494 and will carry the course prefix of the appropriate discipline.

Students who want a study abroad exchange experience with a university with which UNCW has such an agreement will be enrolled in INT 294  or INT 494  and pay tuition and fees to UNCW at the full-time rate.

UNCW students who study abroad retain their active UNCW student status and will not have to reenroll upon return. Students applying for international programs are required to meet the program‘s particular requirements and minimally have a 2.50 cumulative GPA at time of application. The Office of International Programs or the host institution may require a higher GPA for some programs. Faculty and staff exchanges are encouraged and International travel grants are available to support faculty in the international research and academic endeavors. Further information can be obtained by contacting the assistant provost for International Programs.

International House

The International House is a living-learning environment for students who desire to experience world cultures in on-campus living. The International House consists of 96 spaces. The goal of the program is to have a 50/50 breakdown of international and American students living together in close proximity. In order to accommodate the special needs of international students, the International House remains open during all break periods. Residents are expected to participate in cultural diversity programs and to help coordinate international dinners.

International Student and Scholar Services

The Office of International Programs issues immigration documents for all international students seeking university visa sponsorship and serves as the university‘s only authority on visa and immigration (international travel, employment eligibility and authorization, etc.) matters. Any and all questions regarding these matters should be directed to the Office of International Programs.


Several departments in the College of Arts and Sciences, the College of Health and Human Services, and the Cameron School of Business offer students the opportunity to earn academic credit within a work environment external to the department. The purpose of the internship experience is to enhance, supplement, and integrate the learning that occurs in formal classroom settings. Permission of the dean and department offering the internship is required to enroll, and the department places limits on the number of credit hours earned applicable toward graduation. Internships designated by a 498 number will be graded on a Pass (P), Fail (F) basis. These credit hours earned will count towards the number of hours required to graduate, but the grade of Pass (P) will be excluded from the computation of the GPA. For further information on internships, refer to the courses numbered 498 in the course listings and then contact the departments offering them.

National Student Exchange (NSE)

National Student Exchange is a domestic student exchange program that offers UNCW students the opportunity to attend one of approximately 183 member institutions across the United States and its territories. With member institutions offering tuition reciprocity, and students continuing their eligibility for financial aid at UNCW, NSE represents one of the most cost-effective ways to travel and experience life in a new environment. Since the founding of NSE in 1967-1968, more than 90,000 students have been placed in life-challenging and life-changing experiences. For participating students, the semester or year on exchange is usually the most profitable and enjoyable time of their college career. Students experience a diversity of educational settings, course offerings, and philosophies. In addition, there is an increased awareness of the cultural and geographical differences within the U.S. The NSE application deadline is February 1 for placements in the following academic year. For more information, contact the Office of Housing and Residence Life or visit the NSE Web site at http://www.uncw.edu/NSE.

Pass/Fail Courses

Students who have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher and who have successfully completed 45 hours, with at least 12 hours at UNCW, may take up to 9 hours of elective courses on a pass/fail basis. The intent of this option is to encourage students to explore areas of interest beyond their major or minor without concern about compromising their academic record. Students should be selective in choosing such courses. A change of major might mean that a course taken on a pass/fail basis must later be retaken for a grade. In addition, graduate and professional schools and future employers may evaluate such course work differently from graded courses. The following restrictions apply:

  • A student may enroll in a course on a pass/fail basis only with the permission of the instructor.
  • No more than one course may be taken on a pass/fail basis in a semester or summer session.
  • Courses used to fulfill university studies requirements or the requirements of the student‘s major, minor, or certificate program may not be taken on a pass/fail basis. Courses repeated to replace a grade may not be taken on a pass/fail basis.
  • Students may not change the designation (from graded to pass/fail or from pass/fail to graded) after the drop/add period.
  • Pass/fail students are required to complete all course work and examinations and are graded as if they were taking the course for a grade. Students who achieve a passing average receive a grade of “P” for the course. A “P” grade is equivalent to a “D-” or better.
  • Credit hours in courses for which a student has earned a “P” are counted toward the hours required for graduation, but are excluded in the computation of the student‘s grade point average. Grades of “F” are included in the computation of the grade point average.
  • Internships do not count in these elective pass/fail courses.
  • Students should be aware of the ramifications which could result from using the pass/fail option:
    1. Many graduate schools will not consider “P” grades for entry into a program.
    2. Many institutions do not award transfer credit for “P” grades.
    3. Pass/fail hours will not be used in the calculation of Dean‘s List and Chancellor‘s Achievement Awards.


Several UNCW courses employ service-learning opportunities. Service-learning is an innovative method of teaching and learning that combines thoughtfully organized service to the community with other means of instruction. Community service-projects are integrated into and enhance the academic curriculum of students, fitting naturally into the philosophy and pedagogy of a variety of disciplines and fostering civic responsibility. Both students and the community benefit from service-learning. Service-learning courses have several strengths, not the least of which is that they are adaptable to the needs of the community while providing structured time for the students to reflect on the service experience.

Summer School


Summer School constitutes an integral part of the university’s year-round program. The principal academic terms of summer are two five-week sessions and one ten-week session. A variety of courses are offered for students who wish to accelerate their progress toward graduation, to supplement the academic load carried during the regular terms, or to remove grade deficiencies. In addition, courses are offered for K-12 school teachers to renew or change fields of certification. During the summer sessions, students from other colleges and universities may be admitted as visitors by using the “Visiting Student” application on the Summer School Web page. Students may earn a maximum of 8 credit hours per session. Credit hours earned during the summer are excluded from the fifty percent (50%) tuition surcharge imposed on students who take more than 140 credit hours to complete a baccalaureate degree in a four-year program. Further information concerning the summer sessions may be obtained by visiting the Summer School Web page at www.uncw.edu/summer/.