Feb 08, 2025  
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2011-2012 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

University Calendar

The UNCW undergraduate catalogue includes a calendar for the current academic year and a tentative calendar for the following year. Both calendars are subject to change, especially the tentative calendar, and will be updated online as necessary. The 2012-2013 calendar will not be official until published in the 2012-2013 online catalogue.

University Calendar 2011-2012

Fall Semester, 2011

Registration and SeaNet dates–Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg/
New student orientation–Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

August 15, Monday Academic year begins
August 17-18, Wednesday-Thursday Transfer student orientation and advising
August 20, Saturday On-campus housing opens for new and transfer students only 8 a.m.
August 21-22, Sunday-Monday Freshman orientation and advising
August 22, Monday On-campus housing opens for returning students 10 a.m.
August 22, Monday Convocation
August 24, Wednesday Classes begin
August 31, Wednesday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class. Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
September 1, Thursday Faculty meeting
September 5, Monday Labor Day State holiday; No classes
October 10-11, Monday-Tuesday No classes
October 12, Wednesday Classes resume 8 a.m.
October 13, Thursday Last day to withdraw with W—undergraduate students
November 15, Tuesday Last day to withdraw with W—graduate students
November 15, Tuesday Graduation application deadline—Spring, 2012—undergraduate and graduate students
November 23, Wednesday No classes
November 24-25, Thursday-Friday Thanksgiving State holiday; No classes
November 28, Monday Classes resume 8 a.m.
December 7, Wednesday Last day of classes
December 8, Thursday Reading Day
December 9-10, Friday-Saturday Final Examinations
December 12-15, Monday-Thursday Final Examinations
December 15, Thursday Fall semester ends
December 17, Saturday Commencement
December 18, Sunday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.
December 26-28, Monday-Tuesday Winter break State holiday
December 29-30, Wednesday-Friday University vacation

Spring Semester, 2012

Registration and SeaNet dates–Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg/
New student orientation–Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

January 2, Monday New Year’s State holiday
January 8, Sunday On-campus housing opens
January 9, Monday Spring semester begins
January 9-10, Monday-Tuesday Orientation and advising
January 11, Wednesday Classes begin
January 16, Monday Martin Luther King State holiday; No classes
January 18, Wednesday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class. Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge. Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class that meets Monday-only is January 24.
February 28, Tuesday Last day to withdraw with W—undergraduate students
March 10, Saturday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.
March 10-18, Saturday-Sunday No classes
March 18, Sunday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
March 19, Monday Classes resume 8 a.m.
April 4, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with W—graduate students
April 5, Thursday No classes
April 6, Friday Good Friday State holiday; No classes
April 9, Monday Classes resume 8 a.m.
April 12, Thursday Faculty Meeting
April 16, Monday Graduation application deadline—Summer 2012 and Fall 2012—undergraduate and graduate students
April 30, Monday Last day of classes
May 1, Tuesday Reading Day
May 2-5, Wednesday-Saturday Final Examinations
May 7-8, Monday-Tuesday Final Examinations
May 8, Tuesday Spring semester ends
May 11-12, Friday-Saturday Commencement
May 12, Saturday Academic year ends
May 13, Sunday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.

Summer Session I, 2012

Registration and SeaNet dates–Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg/
New student orientation–Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

May 15, Tuesday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
May 15-16, Tuesday-Wednesday Transfer student orientation and advising
May 17, Thursday Classes begin
May 22, Tuesday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class. Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
May 28, Monday Memorial Day State holiday; No classes
June 4-5, Monday-Tuesday Freshman student orientation and advising 
June 6, Wednesday Transfer student orientation and advising for Professional Schools
June 7, Thursday Transfer student orientation and advising for College of Arts and Sciences
June 7, Thursday Last day to withdraw with W—undergraduate students
June 11, Monday Last day to withdraw with W—graduate students
June 11-12, Monday-Tuesday Freshman student orientation and advising
June 13-14, Wednesday-Thursday Freshman student orientation and advising
June 18, Monday Last day of classes
June 19, Tuesday Final examinations/Term ends
June 20, Wednesday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.
June 20-21, Wednesday-Thursday Freshman student orientation and advising

Summer Session II, 2012

Registration and SeaNet dates–Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg/
New student orientation–Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

June 25, Monday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
June 25-26, Monday-Tuesday Freshman student orientation and advising
June 27, Wednesday Classes begin
July 2,Monday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class. Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
July 4, Wednesday Independence Day State holiday; No classes
July 12, Thursday Last day to withdraw with W—undergraduate students
July 19, Thursday Last day to withdraw with W—graduate students
July 26, Thursday Last day of classes
July 27, Friday Final examinations/Term ends
July 28, Saturday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.

University Calendar 2012-2013

Fall Semester, 2012

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg
New student orientation – Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

August 13, Monday Academic year begins
August 15-16, Wednesday-Thursday Transfer orientation and advising
August 18, Saturday On-campus housing opens for new and transfer students only at 8 a.m.
August 19-20, Sunday-Monday Freshman Orientation and advising
August 20, Monday On-campus housing opens for returning students 10 a.m.
August 20, Monday Convocation
August 22, Wednesday Classes begin
August 29, Wednesday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class.
August 30, Thursday Payment Due Date - Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
September 3, Monday Labor Day State holiday; No classes
September 6, Thursday Faculty Meeting
October 8-9, Monday-Tuesday No classes
October 11, Thursday Last day to withdraw with a W – undergraduate students
November 15, Thursday Last day to withdraw with a W – graduate students
November 15, Thursday Graduation application deadline – Spring 2013 – undergraduate and graduate students
November 21, Wednesday No classes
November 22-23, Thursday-Friday Thanksgiving State holiday; No classes
November 26, Monday Classes resume 8 a.m.
December 5, Wednesday Last day of classes
December 6, Thursday Reading Day
December 7-8, Friday-Saturday Final Examinations
December 10-13, Monday-Thursday Final Examinations
December 13, Thursday Fall semester ends
December 15, Saturday Commencement
December 16, Sunday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.
December 24-27, Monday-Thursday Winter break State holiday
December 28, Friday University vacation
December 31, Monday University vacation

Spring Semester, 2013

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg
New student orientation – Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

January 1, Tuesday New Year’s Day, State holiday
January 6, Sunday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
January 7, Monday Spring semester begins
January 7-8, Monday-Tuesday Orientation and advising
January 9, Wednesday Classes begin
January 16, Wednesday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or add a class.
January 17, Thursday Payment Due Date - Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
January 21, Monday Martin Luther King State holiday; No classes
February 27, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with a W – undergraduate students
March 2, Saturday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.
March 2-March 10, Saturday-Sunday No classes
March 10, Sunday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
March 28, Thursday No classes
March 29, Friday Good Friday State holiday; No classes
April 1, Monday Classes resume 8 a.m.
April 3, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with a W – graduate students
April 11, Thursday Faculty Meeting
April 15, Monday Graduation application deadline – Summer 2013 and Fall 2013– undergraduate and graduate students
April 26, Friday Last day of classes
April 27, Saturday Reading Day
April 29-May 4, Monday-Saturday Final Examinations
May 4, Saturday Spring semester ends
May 10-11, Friday-Saturday Commencement
May 11, Saturday Academic year ends
May 12, Sunday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.

Summer Session 1, 2013

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg
New student orientation – Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

May 15, Wednesday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
May 15-16, Wednesday-Thursday Transfer orientation and advising
May 20, Monday Classes begin
May 22, Wednesday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or ad a class.
May 23, Thursday Payment Due Date - Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
May 27, Monday Memorial Day State holiday; No classes
June 7, Friday Last day to withdraw with W – undergraduate students
June 12, Wednesday Last day to withdraw with W – graduate students
June 19, Wednesday Last day of classes
June 20, Thursday Final examinations/Term ends
June 21, Friday On-campus housing closes 10 a.m.

Summer Session 2, 2013

Registration and SeaNet dates – Please refer to the Calendar of Events at www.uncw.edu/reg
New student orientation – Please refer to the Transition Programs at www.uncw.edu/orientation

June 24, Monday On-campus housing opens 10 a.m.
June 26, Wednesday Classes begin
July 1, Monday Last day for registration/Last day to drop (without a grade) or ad a class.
July 2, Tuesday Payment Due Date - Tuition/fee payment after this date will be subject to a late payment charge.
July 4, Thursday Independence Day State holiday; No classes
July 12, Friday Last day to withdraw with W – undergraduate students
July 22, Monday Last day to withdraw with W – graduate students
July 29, Monday Last day of classes
July 30, Tuesday Final examinations/Term ends
July 31, Wednesday On-campus Housing closes at 10 a.m.