Sep 27, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

Course Descriptions

All undergraduate courses offered by the university are listed. Not all of the courses listed are offered within a single academic year. A listing of the courses offered during a given semester is available online before preregistration each semester.

Note: This catalogue has been amended per a 2016 UNCW Faculty Senate decision to retroactively remove the Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster requirement from the University Studies program. Students who wish to complete a cluster may do so, however, completion of a cluster is no longer required. Course description references to Thematic Transdisciplinary Clusters apply to students who choose to complete a cluster.

Trial Courses

Academic departments may offer special trial courses during the fall and spring semesters on a one-time basis without adding them to their regular departmental offerings. A second trial offering, if additional data are essential, must be within two regular semesters of the first. Numbers designating these special courses are 292 and 492. Descriptive information on trial courses does not appear in the catalogue but is on file in the Office of the Registrar.

Sequenced Courses

A hyphen connecting courses (e.g., 201-202) indicates that the first course in the sequence must be satisfactorily completed prior to registration in the second course of the sequence. When course numbers are separated by a comma (e.g., 201, 202), the first course is not necessarily prerequisite to those following. 

Online Courses

The university currently offers a variety of online courses, and two degree programs, the RN to B.S. option in nursing and Bachelor of Science in clinical research (CLR), are delivered totally online. Such courses are so designated in the Class Schedule and are open to both on- and off-campus students. Students interested in these programs should consult the online courses Web site

Credits and Class Meetings

Unless specifically indicated at the end of the course description, the number of hours a class meets each week is the same as the credit hour value of the course. The semester hours credit for each course is indicated in parentheses immediately below the title of the course. For example, if three hours of credit may be earned, the credit is indicated as follows: (3). In variable credit courses, the minimum and maximum hours are shown as follows: (1-3).

Course Prefixes

The prefixes used to designate courses are abbreviations of the names of departments or fields of study within departments, as shown below:



  • SOC 370 - Sociology through Film

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105  or permission of instructor. Use of film to examine sociological concepts, social forces, and social issues. Viewing feature-length films with a critical eye enables exploration of social phenomena, including race/ethnicity, social class, gender, sexuality, cultural capital, and social identity.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 380 - Social Classes

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105 . Examination of social stratification as the system of distribution of privilege, power and prestige in modern and traditional societies. Discussion of major theories and theorists of stratification; the structure and process of systems of social inequality; the causes, correlates and consequences of socially structured inequality. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 390 - Public Sociology Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 300 , SOC 301 , and SOC 360 . Application of sociological tools to real-life issues in a variety of social settings. Tools include theory, concepts, research methods, and analysis. Methods may include surveys, planning, program and community development, and evaluation applications. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 415 - Globalization and Development

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105  and 3 additional hours in sociology at the 300 level. An examination of development and globalization theories and globalization processes in the 21st century through comparative development analysis.

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  • SOC 433 - Sociology of Mental Illness

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105 . Sociological theories of and social responses to mental illness. History and analysis of mental health systems. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Understanding Human Institutions and Behaviors. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Human Behavior.

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  • SOC 438 - Social Epidemiology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105  or consent of instructor. Methods and substance of social epidemiology; demographics of illness in American society. Case studies linking environmental and behavioral variables to disease incidence examined. Specific attention to the social response to AIDS and other communicable diseases.

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  • SOC 449 - Sociology of Law

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105  and junior/senior standing. An analysis of the role of law in society. Special emphasis will be given to the relationship between law and social organization and the relation of sociocultural changes to substantive and procedural aspects of law. The concept of justice will also be analyzed. Law will be viewed as a collectivistic-individualistic process and as a reflection of sociocultural values.

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  • SOC 455 - Advanced Criminology

    Credits: 3
    (CRM 455 ) Prerequisite: CRM 105  and CRM 255  or SOC 255 . Advanced study of crime, criminality and victimization in contemporary society. Assessment of assumptions, propositions and supporting evidence of crime theories. Emphasis on developing critical thinking skills related to crime and justice.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 460 - Sociology of Poverty

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105  and SOC 380 . Examination of the nature and extent of poverty in the United States. Discussion of poverty measurement, characteristics, poverty population, international comparisons, underlying causes of poverty and government programs and policies that address poverty. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 485 - The Community

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105 . Structure, process, and change in modern communities. Topics include analysis of the concept of community; the community as a social system; major community functions; relationships between the community and larger society; community stratification, power structure and organization. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 486 - Sociology of Work and Occupations

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SOC 105  and three additional hours in sociology or economics. Analysis of the place of work in society. Examines occupational structures as the primary link between persons and the larger society. Topics include the growth and development of occupational structure, occupations and technological change, and organizational complexity.

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  • SOC 490 - Senior Seminar

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisites: SOC 301 , SOC 360  and senior status. A topical seminar in which students apply the sociological theory and methods they have learned as a major to a collaborative research project and paper. Required oral presentations fulfill the oral competency requirement. The seminar is the capstone course for sociology majors. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom/Certified Internship Program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 496 - Practicum in Public Sociology

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisites: SOC 300 , SOC 301 , SOC 360 , and SOC 390 ; junior or senior standing; instructor consent. Under faculty supervision, students use sociological tools to address a client’s social problem in the local community. Students submit practicum proposal to the faculty coordinator in the semester prior to the practicum. Students cannot take the practicum in addition to the internship course (SOC 498 ), the senior project course (SOC 490 ) or the Honor’s Thesis course (SOC 499 ). Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. 

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 498 - Internship in Sociology

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisites: SOC 300 , SOC 301 , SOC 360 , SOC 390 . Restrictions: junior or senior standing, at least a 2.00 GPA, and instructor consent, cannot take internship and practicum. The application of sociological theory and concepts under supervision at a site in which the student observes and participates in highly organized social interaction. Placement must be approved by faculty coordinator, department chair, and dean in the semester prior to the internship.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SOC 499 - Honors Work in Sociology

    Credits: 2 - 3

    Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program, SOC 301  (CRM 301 ), SOC 360   and junior or senior status. Independent work for honors students in which students apply sociological theory and methods to a major research project and paper that is then presented orally before an examining committee. Honors work is typically completed in two 3 credit hour semesters. This course serves as an alternative to the SOC 490  capstone requirement for sociology general track majors. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Information Literacy. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. Satisfies University Studies VI: Capstone Courses and College of Arts and Sciences oral communication requirement. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course.


    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • SPN 101 - Introductory Spanish I

    Credits: 3
    Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice; intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken Spanish; reading, writing and basic conversation. For students with one unit or less of high school Spanish. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

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  • SPN 102 - Introductory Spanish II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 101 . Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice; intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken Spanish; reading, writing and basic conversation. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

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  • SPN 120 - Fundamentals of Spanish

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Appropriate departmental placement test score. Review of the fundamental structure of the language. Aural-oral practice to attain basic active reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills. No credit given after the completion of SPN 101 , or SPN 102 . For students with at least 2 units of high school Spanish. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

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  • SPN 201 - Intermediate Spanish I

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 102  or SPN 120  or appropriate placement test score. Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice; intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken Spanish; reading, writing and conversation. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 202 - Intermediate Spanish II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 201  or appropriate placement test score. A review of the grammatical structure of the language. Application of the language in composition, conversation and readings. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 206 - Spanish in the Media

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite or corequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 202  Emphasis on development of auditory comprehension skills through intense exposure to authentic video and audio materials. Not open to native or heritage speakers of Spanish.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 209 - Spanish Literature in Translation: Topics

    Credits: 3
    Study of representative works from the literature of Spain. Reading and class discussions in English. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 210 - Spanish-American Literature in Translation: Topics

    Credits: 3
    Study of representative works from the literature of Spanish America. Readings and class discussion in English. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 211 - Spain Today

    Credits: 3
    An examination of the institutions and social fabric of contemporary Spain as they evolved from traditional roots, including units on history, politics, regional culture, literature, music, art, customs and economic resources. Readings and class discussions in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 212 - Latin America Today

    Credits: 3
    An examination of the institutions and social fabric of contemporary Latin America as they evolved from traditional roots, including units on history, politics, indigenous cultures, literature, music, art customs, and economic resources. Readings and class discussions in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 215 - Intermediate Spanish for Bilingual Speakers

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: Placement testing. An introduction to the grammatical structure of the language designed for students whose home language is Spanish (in lieu of SPN 202 ). Application of the language in composition, conversation, and reading (fiction and non-fiction) with the goals of applying effective reading techniques and strategies, increasing vocabulary, and improving general and oral communication skills. Analysis of linguistic variation as it pertains to Spanish in its U.S. context and abroad. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 294 - Spanish Study Abroad I

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Lower division level of special topics relating to the Spanish-speaking world taken abroad from UNCW faculty or as transfer credit. Course may be repeated under different subtitles. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 302 - Reading Strategies for Spanish

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of ‘C’ or better in SPN 202  or appropriate placement test score. Emphasis on reading (fiction and non-fiction) with the goals of applying effective reading techniques and strategies, increasing vocabulary, and improving general reading and oral communication skills.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 307 - Phonetics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 302  or SPN 315 . Various speech phenomena; practice in phonetic transcription, pronunciation, and intonation. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Linguistics.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 308 - Hispanic Linguistics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 307 . Introduction to Hispanic phonology, morphology, syntax, dialectology, bilingualism, and sociolinguistics. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Linguistics.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 310 - Business Spanish

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Designed for students who need familiarization with the terminology necessary for the fields of economics, business, accounting, natural sciences and others. Business correspondence in Spanish and the currency systems of the Spanish-speaking countries are included.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 311 - Spanish Civilization

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Geographical, historical and cultural aspects of Spain. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 312 - Spanish-American Civilization

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Spanish America. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society.

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  • SPN 315 - Intermediate Spanish for Bilingual Speakers II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: SPN 215  or placement by testing. An introduction to the grammatical structure of the language designed for students whose home language is Spanish (in lieu of SPN 302 ). Application of the language in composition, conversation, and reading (fiction and non-fiction) with the goals of applying effective reading techniques and strategies, increasing vocabulary, and improving general and oral communication skills. Analysis of linguistic variation as it pertains to Spanish in its U.S. context and abroad. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 321 - Introduction to Spanish Literature

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Selected readings covering the main currents of Spanish literature; emphasis on textual analysis and criticism in classroom discussions; oral and written reports. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives.

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  • SPN 322 - Introduction to Spanish-American Literature

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Selected readings covering the main currents of Spanish-American Literature; emphasis on textual analysis and criticism in classroom discussions; oral and written reports. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives.

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  • SPN 323 - Introduction to US Latino Literature and Culture

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Selected readings from the literature of Latino communities in the United States; emphasis on textual analysis and criticism in classroom discussions; oral and written reports. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Immigration.

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  • SPN 385 - Introduction to Spanish Cinema

    Credits: 3
    (FST 388 ) Analysis of representative films by Spanish directors including Luis Buñuel, Carlos Saura, Pedro Almodóvar and Bigas Luna, as well as a discussion of recent cinematic works by filmmakers of the younger generation. Films represent a diversity of styles, periods and genres. Course conducted in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 394 - Spanish Study Abroad II

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Junior-level designation for non-catalogue courses offered by a department abroad. Course may be repeated under different subtitles.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 401 - Translation Techniques and Practices

    Credits: 3
    (SPN 501 ) Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 303  or SPN 315 , and SPN 306  and one additional Spanish course at 300 level or above; and native or near-native command of written English. Translation of various kinds of texts and documents. Practical application of translation theory and development of strategies for solving predictable translation problems.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 405 - Advanced Conversation and Composition

    Credits: 3
    (SPN 505 ) Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 305 . Emphasis on spoken Spanish and essay writing. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 411 - Topics in Spanish Civilization

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SPN 311  or equivalent. Advanced study in geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Spain. Topics will focus on specific time periods, geographic areas, or cultural phenomena. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

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  • SPN 412 - Topics in Spanish-American Civilization

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SPN 312  or equivalent. Advanced study in geographical, historical, and cultural aspects of Spanish America. Topics will focus on specific time periods, geographic areas, or cultural phenomena. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 422 - Topics in Spanish-American Literature

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SPN 322  or equivalent. Study of representative Spanish-American authors, literary movements, and genres. May be repeated once under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 490 - Service Learning and Research

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SPN 302  or SPN 315 , and SPN 305 , and junior or senior standing. Study of the Spanish-speaking population in a specific region. Each student will complete 30 volunteer hours with a local agency that works with the Spanish-speaking community. A research project related to the Spanish-speaking population of a specific region or community is also required. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Immigration. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 494 - Spanish Study Abroad III

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Upper division level of specialized topics relating to the Spanish-speaking world taken abroad from UNCW faculty or as transfer credit. Course may be repeated under different subtitles.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 495 - Seminar in Hispanic Studies

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: A grade of “C” or better in SPN 321  or SPN 322 . Cooperative study of a selected topic under the direction of departmental faculty. Research, informal presentations, reports, discussion. May be repeated under a different subtitle.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 496 - Seminar in Hispanic Linguistics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SPN 305 , SPN 306 , and SPN 307 . Advanced study of Hispanic Linguistics. May be repeated once under a different subtitle. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Linguistics.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 497 - Capstone Seminar

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: Senior standing and a minimum of 21 SPN hours at 300 level and 3 SPN hours at the 400 level. Students will select a research paper from a previous class to develop into a final thesis project. Appropriate research methods and editing techniques. Oral presentations culminating in an oral defense of the paper. As a capstone course, all four linguistic proficiencies will be evaluated at the advanced level as designated by ACTFL guidelines. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

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  • SPN 498 - Internship in Spanish

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Junior standing, completion of at least 12 hours of course work in SPN at the 300 or 400 level, and consent of instructor. Program of work and study conducted within an agency and/or setting that provides practical experience with observation and application of foreign language skills. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SPN 499 - Honors Work in Spanish

    Credits: 2 - 3
    Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and senior standing. Independent study for honors students. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Special Education

  • SED 250 - Introduction to Special Education

    Credits: 3
    Survey of major categories of exceptionality including intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, behavioral and emotional disorders, attention deficits and hyperactivity, communication disorders, sensory impairments, multiple and severe disabilities, physical and health impairments, and giftedness. Includes study of definitions, characteristics, etiology, psycho-social implications, educational interventions, and current issues. At least 6 field experience hours required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SED 260 - Children and Adolescents with Learning Disabilities

    Credits: 3
    Study of the field of learning disabilities. Emphasis on etiology, diagnosis, and characteristics of learning disabilities; theory and historical influences; teaching strategies and current trends. At least 15 field experience hours required. 

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  • SED 352 - Behavioral Development

    Credits: 3

    Designed to develop an understanding of social/emotional development and effective principles and strategies to promote positive behavioral development. Focus will be on positive behavioral support, functional behavioral assessment, teaching pro-social behaviors and social skills, establishing affective environments, parent training and effective behavior change strategies. At least 15 field experience hours required. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.


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  • SED 354 - Curriculum and Methods of Instruction for Secondary Transition

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite or corequisite: SED 372 . Practical application of legal requirements for preparing students with disabilities for transition into employment, post-secondary education, and independent living, including pre-vocational and vocational methodologies, student-centered planning, and interagency linkages. At least 15 hours of  field experience required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • SED 355 - Children and Adolescents with Behavioral Disorders

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SED 352  or consent of the instructor. Designed to examine the complex variety of learners with behavioral or emotional disorders. Emphasis on the concept of behavioral disorders, etiology, assessment, characteristics, theories, historical influences, teaching strategies, and current trends. At least 25 field experience hours required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • SED 356 - Severe Disabilities

    Credits: 3
    Study of etiology, definitions, characteristics and programming needs of persons with moderate, severe, and profound intellectual disabilities, low functioning autism, and multiple disabilities. Current approaches to treatment and education of persons with severe disabilities in a variety of settings and across the life span will be included. Students will be expected to develop a basic knowledge of the various aspects of severe disabilities and use that knowledge to make informed decisions about appropriate practices in the education of this population. At least 15 field experience hours required.

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  • SED 360 - Teaching Students with Learning Problems

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites or corequisites: SED 250 , SED 260 , SED 354  and SED 355  or consent of instructor. Study of educational interventions for students with learning problems. Emphasis will be on developmental, cognitive, medical, behavioral, and constructivist approaches. Includes study of curriculum and instructional strategies in oral language, reading, literature, written language, math, content areas, learning strategies, and study skills for grades K-12. At least 15 field experience hours required.

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  • SED 362 - Teaching Students with Social, Emotional, and Behavior Problems

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: SED 355  and SED 352  or consent of instructor. Examination of problems, issues, and practices in developing effective programs for students with social/behavioral needs. Emphasis on social, emotional and behavioral needs including major interventions, family involvement, social skills, applied behavior analysis, cognitive/behavioral approaches, medication issues, legal considerations, and curricular strategies. At least 25 field experience hours required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SED 364 - Teaching Students with Severe Disabilities

    Credits: 3
    Examination of intervention strategies and issues for persons with severe disabilities. Major focus is on a set of research based strategies referred to as response prompting procedures. Students will examine means for delivering instruction in one-on-one and small group settings using discrete trail, mass trial, and activity based approaches. At least 15 field experience hours required.

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  • SED 365 - The Teaching of Functional Academics

    Credits: 2
    Corequisite: SEDL 365 . Prerequisite: SED 364 . Designed to comprehensively review methods for teaching basic, functional, academic skills to persons with severe intellectual disabilities. Emphasis will be on the teaching of reading, math, and writing skills for daily use.The lab for this course is SEDL 365 .

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  • SED 366 - The Teaching of Functional Skills

    Credits: 2
    Corequisite: SEDL 366 . Prerequisite: SED 364 . Examination of procedures for identifying and teaching functional skills to persons with severe intellectual disabilities. Students will assess and design programs to address skills in the domains of: personal management/self-care, daily living, vocation, career development, residential and independent living, recreation/leisure/play skills, and social skills, Course emphasis is analysis of skill requirements using an ecological inventory approach to instruction.The lab for this course is SEDL 366 .

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  • SED 367 - Communication and Language: Development and Interventions

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: SED 364 . Investigation of the principles of communication and language development. Study of the relationship of severe disabilities to delays in communication and language development. Course covers the use of a range of intervention and assistive technology strategies to facilitate acquisition of skills, both verbal and non-verbal, in this area. At least 15 field experience hours required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • SED 368 - Teaching Reading to Students with Special Needs

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: EDN 301 . Corequisite: SEDL 368 . Designed to review, discuss, implement, and modify instructional techniques for teaching reading skills to students with exceptionalities. Emphasis on conducting assessments, developing materials, applying explicit instructional techniques, and identifying accommodations and modifications appropriate to the needs of students. Focus includes the application of instructional sequences that adhere to the guidelines for teaching phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and the alphabetic principle.The lab for this course is SEDL 368 .

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  • SED 369 - Teaching Mathematics to Students with Specials Needs

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: EDN 301 . Corequisite: SEDL 369 . Designed to review, discuss, implement, and modify instructional techniques for teaching mathematics skills to students with exceptionalities. Emphasis on conducting assessments, developing materials, applying explicit instructional techniques, and identifying accommodations and modifications appropriate to the needs of students. Focus includes the application of instructional sequences that adhere to the guidelines for teaching concepts, rules, and strategies in math. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.The lab for this course is SEDL 369 .

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  • SED 370 - Assessment Procedures for Special Education

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: EDN 301  and one of the following: SED 250 , SED 260 , SED 354 , SED 355 . Examination of concepts and fundamentals of educational assessment. Includes study of formal, informal, and alternative assessment techniques appropriate for students with exceptionalities. Includes assessment of intellectual functioning, academic skills, spoken language, learning skills, social-emotional-behavioral development, adaptive behavior, early childhood skills, and occupational/transitional skills. At least 15 field experience hours required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • SED 372 - Program Development in Special Education

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: EDN 301  and one of the following: SED 250 , SED 260 , SED 354 , SED 355 . Development of skills in planning educational programs for students with exceptionalities. Includes writing lesson plans, unit plans, individualized educational programs, family service plans, and transition plans; task analysis; legal requirements and roles of the special education teacher. At least 15 field experience hours required. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.

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  • SED 374 - Applied Behavior Analysis for Teachers

    Credits: 3

    Prerequisites or corequisites: 9 hours of Curricular Foundations. Designed to provide a strong foundation and knowledge of basic principles of learning through the introduction of Behavior Analysis: the science and technology of behavior. The focus will be on empirically validated instructional strategies by which students learn academic, social and physical skills. At least 20 field experience hours required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.


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  • SED 375 - Collaboration Strategies in Special Education

    Credits: 3

    Designed to develop the collaboration, teaming, communication, and conflict resolution skills relevant for educators of students with special needs and from diverse cultures. Topics will include conferencing skills, strategies for working with parents and professionals from various fields, and coordination of services. At least 15 field experience hours required. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.


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  • SED 410 - Seminar in Special Education

    Credits: 3
    Corequisite: SED 411 . Prerequisites: All courses in the professional core and specialty area and a 2.70 GPA on all work attempted at UNCW. Designed as a culmination of professional study and initiation into practicum and the teaching profession. Provides opportunities to extend and apply understandings of the roles of the special education teacher as decision maker and reflective practitioner particularly in the areas of assessment, planning, instruction, management, collaboration, assistive technology and evaluation.

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  • SED 411 - Practicum in Special Education (K-12)

    Credits: 12
    Corequisite: SED 410 . Prerequisites: As specified for SED 410 . All full-time practicum experience within the area of specialization. Students will engage in a variety of supervised instructional activities, assuming an increasing amount of responsibility for all phases of instruction. Practica are offered in the areas of general curriculum and adapted curriculum. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • SED 412 - Extended Practicum in Special Education (K-12)

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisites: Appropriate curriculum and instruction courses and permission of the chairperson of the Department of Curricular Studies. A part-time practicum experience within the area of specialization. Students will engage in supervised instructional activities that extend their understandings and teaching performance to an additional area of preparation. Areas of specialization are general curriculum and adapted curriculum.

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  • SEDL 365 - Functional Academics Laboratory

    Credits: 1
    Corequisite: SED 365 . Prerequisite SED 364 . Designed to provide students with supervised opportunities to teach functional academic skills to students with severe intellectual disabilities. Emphasis will be on the teaching of reading, math, and writing skills for daily use. Minimum of 20 hours per semester.This course is the lab for SED 365 .

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  • SEDL 366 - Functional Skills Laboratory

    Credits: 1
    Corequisite: SED 366 . Prerequisite: SED 364 . Designed to provide students with supervised opportunities to teach and observe instruction of functional skills to students with severe intellectual disabilities. Emphasis will be on the teaching of personal management/self-care, daily living, vocation/employment, and social skills. Minimum of 20 hours per semester.This course is the lab for SED 366 .

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  • SEDL 368 - Teaching Reading to Learners with Special Needs Laboratory

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: EDN 301 . Corequisite: SED 368 . Designed to provide students with supervised opportunities to implement and modify explicit reading instruction to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Emphasis will be on the application of instructional sequences that adhere to the guidelines for teaching phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, and the alphabetic principle. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.This course is the lab for SED 368 .

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  • SEDL 369 - Teaching Mathematics to Students with Special Needs Laboratory

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: EDN 301 . Corequisite: SED 369 . Designed to provide students with supervised opportunities to implement and modify explicit mathematics instruction to meet the needs of students with exceptionalities. Emphasis will be on the application of instructional sequences that adhere to the guidelines for teaching concepts, rules, and strategies in math. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.This course is the lab for SED 369 .

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  • STT 210 - Introduction to Statistics with Applications in the Health Sciences

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: MAT 111 . Collection, tabulation and graphical representation of data. Measures of location and variation, measures of association and chi-squared distribution, correlation and regression, binomial, Poisson and normal distributions, estimation and tests of hypotheses. Health care statistics, elementary computer skills in analysis of data and interpretation of computer printout. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Mathematics and Statistics. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.

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  • STT 215 - Introduction to Statistics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Satisfactory performance on the UNCW mathematics placement test or MAT 105 . Methods of data collection; numerical and graphical analyses of univariate and bivariate data; axioms of probability; conditional probability; independence; distributions of random variables; introduction to confidence intervals and hypothesis testing; simple linear regression and correlation; use of statistical software to analyze data and simulate random variables. Two lecture and one laboratory hour each week. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Mathematics and Statistics. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.

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  • STT 305 - Statistical Programming

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: STT 215  or equivalent. Introduction to statistical programming in SAS with emphasis on data step programming; applications to data management and report generation, simulation, graphical and numerical analysis of univariate and multivariate data. Comparison of current statistical software.

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  • STT 315 - Probability and Statistics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: STT 215  and MAT 152  or MAT 162 . Discrete and continuous random variables and probability distributions; mathematical expectation and variance; sampling distributions and central limit theorem; introduction to the theory of estimation and hypothesis testing.

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  • STT 350 - Survey Sampling

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: An introductory statistics course from any department. Elementary survey sampling on the design and analysis of sample surveys. Topics include design of questionnaires; methods of data collection; sample-survey designs including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and systematic sampling; ratio and regression estimation; two-stage cluster sampling; sampling from wildlife populations; sources of errors.

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  • STT 411 - Design of Experiments and Analysis of Variance

    Credits: 3
    (STT 511 ) Prerequisite: Any elementary statistics course. Review of elementary statistics; design of experiments including completely randomized, randomized block, factorial, split-plot, and repeated measures designs; analysis of variance; non-parametric alternative methods of analysis. Statistical software packages will be used as appropriate in problem solving.

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  • STT 412 - Applied Regression and Correlation

    Credits: 3
    (STT 512 ) Prerequisite: Any elementary statistics course. Review of elementary statistics; linear and multiple regression; correlation. Statistical software packages will be used as appropriate in problem solving.

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  • STT 420 - Biostatistical Analysis

    Credits: 3
    (STT 520 ) Prerequisite: STT 305  or consent of instructor. Review of statistical methods used in epidemiologic studies and clinical trials. Topics include measures of association, logistic regression, covariates, life tables and Cox regression; statistical analysis using SAS.

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  • STT 425 - Categorical Data Analysis

    Credits: 3
    (STT 525 ) Prerequisite: STT 305  or consent of instructor. Introduction to the analysis of qualitative data. Basic methods of summary and inference for two- and three-way contingency tables; introduction to the generalized linear model for binary and Poisson data; focus on multinomial responses (nominal and ordinal) and matched pairs data; statistical analysis using SAS.

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  • STT 430 - Introduction to Non-Parametric Statistics

    Credits: 3
    (STT 530 ) Prerequisite: STT 215  and 3 hours of statistics at the 300 level. Theory and methods of non-parametric statistics in the one- and two-sample problems and their comparisons with standard parametric procedures. Non-parametric tests for comparing more than two samples; tests of randomness and independence.

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  • STT 435 - Applied Multivariate Analysis

    Credits: 3
    (STT 535 ) Prerequisite: STT 315 , STT 411  and STT 412 . Matrix manipulations; multivariate normal distribution; inference for mean vector and covariance matrix; multivariate analysis of variance; principal components; canonical correlations; discriminant analysis; factor analysis; cluster analysis; statistical analysis using SAS.

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  • STT 440 - Linear Models and Regression Analysis

    Credits: 3
    (STT 540 ) Prerequisite: MAT 261  and MAT 335  and STT 315 . Theoretical introduction to the general linear model and its application to simple linear regression and multiple regression. Estimation and hypothesis testing of model coefficients; residual analysis; analysis of covariance.

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  • STT 465 - Applied Probability

    Credits: 3
    (MAT 465 , MAT 565 , STT 565 ) Prerequisite: MAT 261  and STT 315 . The formulation, analysis and interpretation of probabilistic models. Selected topics in probability theory. Conditioning, Markov chains, and Poisson processes. Additional topics chosen from renewal theory, queuing theory, Gaussian processes, Brownian motion, and elementary stochastic differential equations.

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  • STT 466 - Mathematical Statistics I

    Credits: 3
    (STT 566 ) Prerequisite: MAT 261  and STT 315 . A rigorous introduction to mathematical statistics. Univariate and multivariate probability distributions; conditional and marginal distributions; theory of estimation and hypothesis testing; limiting distributions and the central limit theorem; sufficient statistics and the exponential class of probability density functions.

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