Sep 27, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

Course Descriptions

All undergraduate courses offered by the university are listed. Not all of the courses listed are offered within a single academic year. A listing of the courses offered during a given semester is available online before preregistration each semester.

Note: This catalogue has been amended per a 2016 UNCW Faculty Senate decision to retroactively remove the Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster requirement from the University Studies program. Students who wish to complete a cluster may do so, however, completion of a cluster is no longer required. Course description references to Thematic Transdisciplinary Clusters apply to students who choose to complete a cluster.

Trial Courses

Academic departments may offer special trial courses during the fall and spring semesters on a one-time basis without adding them to their regular departmental offerings. A second trial offering, if additional data are essential, must be within two regular semesters of the first. Numbers designating these special courses are 292 and 492. Descriptive information on trial courses does not appear in the catalogue but is on file in the Office of the Registrar.

Sequenced Courses

A hyphen connecting courses (e.g., 201-202) indicates that the first course in the sequence must be satisfactorily completed prior to registration in the second course of the sequence. When course numbers are separated by a comma (e.g., 201, 202), the first course is not necessarily prerequisite to those following. 

Online Courses

The university currently offers a variety of online courses, and two degree programs, the RN to B.S. option in nursing and Bachelor of Science in clinical research (CLR), are delivered totally online. Such courses are so designated in the Class Schedule and are open to both on- and off-campus students. Students interested in these programs should consult the online courses Web site

Credits and Class Meetings

Unless specifically indicated at the end of the course description, the number of hours a class meets each week is the same as the credit hour value of the course. The semester hours credit for each course is indicated in parentheses immediately below the title of the course. For example, if three hours of credit may be earned, the credit is indicated as follows: (3). In variable credit courses, the minimum and maximum hours are shown as follows: (1-3).

Course Prefixes

The prefixes used to designate courses are abbreviations of the names of departments or fields of study within departments, as shown below:



  • PSY 271 - Psychology of Human Diversity

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 105 . The contribution of psychology to the understanding of diversity in our society. Biopsychosocial aspects of diversity and methods of increasing understanding and inclusiveness will be emphasized. The psychological nature of stereotyping, discrimination, and prejudice will be examined. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 275 - Forensic Psychology

    Credits: 3
    Investigation of psychological factors relevant to the legal system including: eyewitness identification and false memories, confessions, jury decision making, the insanity defense and mental health law, expert psychological testimony in court, criminal profiling, risk management, treatment of the mentally ill in corrections.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 291 - Introductory Research

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Freshman or sophomore standing and consent of instructor and department chair. Laboratory and computational research under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. May be repeated up to a total of 4 credit hours. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 317 - Applied Behavioral Analysis

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 217 . Extension of the principles of learning and behavior analysis to socially significant human issues, including the assessment and treatment of behavior problems, skill acquisition, verbal behavior, and ethical considerations. Areas of application include education, developmental and intellectual disabilities, geriatrics, and caregiver training.

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  • PSY 320 - Psychology of Infancy and Early Childhood

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 220  or PSY 223 . An in-depth examination of development from conception through kindergarten age. Both normal and a typical development are considered from a biopsychosocial perspective. Methodological and theoretical issues are emphasized.

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  • PSY 322 - Developmental Psychopathology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 247 . The psychological disorders of childhood, including their description, etiology, assessment, and treatment. Emphasis on the theoretical and empirical bases of these disorders, focusing on relevant clinical research methods and treatment findings.

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  • PSY 324 - Psychology of Aging

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 220  or PSY 221  or PSY 223  or consent of the instructor. A study of the psychological aspects of human aging. Topics include the effects of normal and diseased aging on perceptual and cognitive functioning, personality and social relationships, and physical and emotional health.

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  • PSY 336 - Industrial-Organizational Psychology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 246  or PSY 264  or consent of instructor. Psychological techniques in job analysis, personnel selection and placement, training, performance appraisal, employee motivation, employee health and satisfaction, organizational productivity and communication, group decision making, and leadership.

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  • PSY 352 - Health Psychology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 246  or PSY 264 . Integrates psychological and biomedical knowledge relevant to physical health and illness. The interaction of psychological phenomena with the epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, treatment, and rehabilitation of physical disorders. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Coastal Health and Environment.

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  • PSY 355 - Introduction to Experimental Psychology

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PSY 225 . Basic principles of psychological research design and evaluation, including techniques of data collection and analysis, and conduct, interpretation, and reporting of various types of psychological research. Experimental research is emphasized. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 356 - Motivation and Emotion

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 256 . Psychological theory and research in the areas of motivation and emotion. Basic as well as more complex motive states are examined as they arise from physiological needs and from learning and cognitive processes. Data from animal as well as human studies are considered.

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  • PSY 366 - Psychology of Close Relationships

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 264  or PSY 246 . Personality development within close relationships including recent theoretical and empirical findings on courtship, interpersonal attraction, marriage contract, and the various stages of the family life cycle. Communication, familial functioning and dysfunctioning are emphasized.

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  • PSY 370 - Environmental Psychology

    Credits: 3
    (EVS 370 ) Prerequisite: PSY 105  and either PSY 246  or PSY 264  or EVS 195 . Interactions between the physical environment and the behavior of the individual. Emphasis on perception of the environment, the behavioral effects of noxious factors in the environment, the psychology of environmental design, and the formation and change of attitudes about the environment.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 410 - Advanced Cognitive Psychology

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PSY 211  and PSY 355 . Advanced study of human cognition with an emphasis on theories and experimental methods. Laboratory work focuses on in-depth exploration of classic cognitive phenomenon, as well as experience in designing, conducting, and interpreting cognitive research. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 412 - Sensation and Perception

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PSY 211  and PSY 355 . Advanced study of sensory and perceptual processes, techniques for measuring sensations and perceptions, and theories of perception. Direct exploration of the topic through experimentation as well as reading of primary sources. Demonstrations introduce students to interesting perceptual phenomena. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 416 - Adult Development and Life Transitions

    Credits: 3
    (PSY 516 ) Prerequisite: One of the following: PSY 220 , PSY 221 , PSY 223 , PSY 320 , or PSY 324 . A course in human development. An exploration of the major normative and nonnormative changes that take place during adulthood. Operating from a lifespan perspective, includes examination of how adults initiate, understand, cope with and resolve life transitions (e.g. parenting, loss, illness, career change, relationships, change.)

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 417 - Advanced Learning and Behavior Analysis

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PSY 217  and PSY 355 . Advanced study of the empirical and conceptual principles of learning and behavior analysis, and of the applications of these principles. Students will help design and implement laboratory experiments, will collect and analyze data, and will communicate findings via oral presentations and laboratory reports. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 423 - Developmental Psychology

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PSY 220  or PSY 221  or PSY 223 , and PSY 355 . Advanced study of human development, including developmental research methods and a consideration of topics in the general areas of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional development. The specific developmental period examined (e.g., childhood, adolescence, adulthood) will vary by semester. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 425 - Psychometrics

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: PSY 246  or PSY 264 , PSY 247 , PSY 355 . Introduction to theories and research related to the practice of psychological test construction, including a survey of intelligence, achievement and personality tests, and laboratory experience demonstrating development and applications of these tests. Three lecture and three laboratory hours per week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 449 - Psychology of Death and Dying

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 220  or PSY 221  or PSY 223  or consent of instructor. Psychological aspects of death and dying. Conceptualizations of and behavior toward one’s own demise. Emphasis on the behavioral context surrounding terminal illness, suicide, and homicide. Psychological aspects of gerontology also considered.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 450 - Theories of Counseling and Psychotherapy

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 247  and PSY 246  or PSY 264 . Advanced discussion of the major historical and contemporary theories and empirically supported approaches to psychotherapy. Ethical and legal issues in psychotherapy are also emphasized.

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  • PSY 451 - Supervised Counseling Practice

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 246 , PSY 247 , and PSY 450  and consent of instructor. Supervision of student practice in application of counseling skills and techniques in a variety of in-service situations. Students participate in supervised counseling experiences in local social service agencies. Emphasis on practice of skills and regular consultation with the supervisor. May be repeated once for additional credit. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 455 - Advanced Psychological Research

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 355  and consent of instructor. Experience in the design, conduct, and evaluation of psychological research. Advanced design and analysis techniques. Each student designs and conducts a research project and a laboratory exercise for PSY 355 . Offered on demand.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 457 - Animal Behavior

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 256  and BIO 105  or BIO 202  or consent of instructor. Animal behavior including the traditional areas of ethology and comparative psychology. Primary emphasis is upon the similarities and differences in the behaviors of animals occupying various phylogenetic positions. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 464 - Advanced Social and Personality Psychology

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisites: PSY 246  or PSY 264 , and PSY 355 . Advanced study of the major concepts of social and personality psychology theory and research. Emphasis on the interaction of personality and situation in determining behavior and a social cognitive perspective in explaining social information processing. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 465 - Community Psychology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: PSY 246  or PSY 264 . Contributions of psychology to the understanding of an individual’s behavior as influenced by the community environment. Emphasis on problems associated with community mental health.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PSY 499 - Honors Work in Psychology

    Credits: 2 - 3
    Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and senior standing. Independent work for honors students. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Public Health

  • PBH 234 - Introduction to Health Promotion and Education

    Credits: 3
    (HEA 234 ) Prerequisite: PBH major only. Introduction to the field of Health Education/Promotion. History and philosophy of health education and the theoretical foundations are covered. The roles and responsibilities and typical settings in which Certified Health Education Specialists are employed are covered as well as the ethical principles that guide the profession.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 290 - Foundations of Public Health

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: PBH majors only. An overview of the public health profession with emphasis on the foundations of public health such as definitions, history, philosophy, ethics, evidence-based principles, and determinants of health.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 305 - Program Planning

    Credits: 3
    (HEA 305 ) Prerequisite: PBH 234, PBH majors only; corequisite: PBH 315. Comprehensive program planning will be examined. Students will follow general information and design specific operational details related to rationale for the program, promoting the program to decision makers, components of the program, and program evaluation. The final program plan will be field-ready for implementation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 310 - Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: PBH majors only. An overview of social and behavioral concepts related to public health with specific emphasis on behavioral theory and evidence-based practice. Examines the integration of health behavior, health theories and health promotion.

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  • PBH 315 - Health Program Implementation

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: PBH majors only and PBH 234 . Corequisite: PBH 305 . Focus on implementation methods used in community and public health education. An overview of health education methods. Specific strategies for implementing health education for individuals and groups, coalition building, advocacy and policy change.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 320 - Foundations of Global Health

    Credits: 3

    (HEA 320 ) Prerequisite: PBH majors only. Overview of health around the world. The class will explore contemporary issues, problems, and controversies in global health and identify key global health challenges, their distributions, and prevention strategies. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Public Health.


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  • PBH 351 - Health Communication

    Credits: 3
    (HEA 351 ) Contemporary health communication issues will be studied including communication strategies, models, and theories that enhance the delivery of public health programs in various settings. Micro-level and macro-level applications emphasized.

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  • PBH 355 - Evaluation Methods

    Credits: 3
    (HEA 355 ) Prerequisites: PBH 305 , PBH 315  and PBH majors only. Prepares health professionals to conduct programmatic measurement and evaluation, including psychometric, statistical, political, and public health perspectives. The course includes measurement, steps in instrument development, reliability/validity assessment, measurement errors, and process evaluation.

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  • PBH 359 - Research Methods in Public Health

    Credits: 3

    (HEA 359 ) Prerequisite: STT 210  and PBH majors only. Designed to familiarize students with the fundamental principles, underlying research, and evaluative methods in public health. Focus will be on types of research design, sampling methodologies, statistical analysis, interpretation of results, scholarly writing, and critical evaluation of research conclusions. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.


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  • PBH 400 - Health Ethics Policy and Law

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: PBH majors only. Overview of the ethical, political, and legal implications that influence public health. Emphasis on current public healthcare issues and policies.

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  • PBH 401 - Foundations of Environmental Health

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: PBH majors or permission of instructor. Overview of assessment, control, prevention, and safety of human health from environmental and occupational risk factors. Topics include pollution wastes, toxic metals, pesticides, radiation, vector borne diseases, and occupational injuries and stressors. Emphasizing deleterious effects of industrialization on developing countries, effects of globalization, and the rise of the environmental justice movement.

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  • PBH 435 - Public Health Organization and Administration

    Credits: 3
    (HEA 435 ) Prerequisite: PBH majors only. Focuses on the basic tools necessary to become effective managers and leaders in public health organizations. The main components and issues related to development and managing organizations, financing and delivery of health services will be discussed.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 452 - Epidemiology

    Credits: 3
    (HEA 452 ) Epidemiology overview and history; distributions of disease by time, place and person; association and causality; epidemiological study designs; population and attributable risk; sensitivity, specificity and screening; public health practice and prevention; special issues in infectious and noninfectious disease epidemiology.

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  • PBH 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 496 - Capstone in Public Health

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: PBH majors, senior standing, and permission of instructor. This final course is designed to integrate and synthesize what has been covered in the other PBH courses and provides a culmination of learning experiences through a final project.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • PBH 497 - Internship in Public Health

    Credits: 12
    Prerequisites: PBH majors, senior standing and permission of instructor. Supervised internship placement in the community. Applies theory to practical application in public health. Requires a minimum of 480 hours of supervised fieldwork. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom/Certified Internship Program.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

Quantitative Methods

  • QMM 280 - Statistical Analysis for Business and Economics

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: MAT 111 . Classification and presentation of business and economics data, probability and expected value, statistical inference, simple linear regression and correlation analysis. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Mathematics and Statistics. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • QMM 380 - Data Analysis of Business Applications

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: QMM 280 . Statistical inference as applied to business applications decision making. Topics include linear and non-linear regression models, analysis of variance and covariance, time series analysis, experimental design, and nonparametric statistical techniques. Applications require the use of computer-based statistical analysis programs.

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  • QMM 384 - Data Mining Techniques and Applications

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: QMM 280  or STT 215 . Solving problems in Business Environment by using Data Mining Techniques. This course covers modeling techniques such as decision trees, multiple regression, logistic regression, rural networks, cluster analysis, and survival analysis. The focus of this class is on hands-on learning of how to use these techniques to solve business problems using SAS Enterprise Minor extensively.

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  • QMM 388 - Operations Research

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: QMM 280  and admission to Cameron School of Business. Introduction to deterministic and probabilistic models applied to economics and business decision making. Topics include linear programming, integer programming, multi-criteria decision making, network models, decision analysis, simulation, and queuing analysis. Emphasis on the development and solution of mathematical models and interpretation of the results by managers

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  • QMM 480 - Business and Economic Forecasting

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: QMM 280  or consent of department chair and admission to Cameron School of Business. Development of an approach to forecasting through the study of time-series techniques including moving averages, exponential smoothing, regression, and Box-Jenkins.

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  • QMM 485 - Introduction to Business Simulation

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: OPS 370  and admission to Cameron School of Business. Introduction to simulation models as tools in the analysis of business problems. Discrete event simulation models for production and service systems are introduced through the use of a computer simulation language.

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  • QMM 495 - Seminar in Quantitative Methods

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and consent of the department chairperson and admission to Cameron School of Business. This course may be repeated under a different subtitle.

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  • QMM 498 - Internship in Quantitative Methods

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing and consent of the department chairperson and admission to Cameron School of Business. The chairperson may consider grade point average and individual course grades as they pertain to the internship being considered.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • QMM 499 - Honors Work in Quantitative Methods

    Credits: 2 - 3
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and admission to Cameron School of Business. Independent work for honors students. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • REC 265 - Leisure and Society

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to leisure as a significant force in contemporary life. The importance of leisure for individuals, groups and cultures is explored through social, technological, psychological, historical, philosophical, anthropological, and economic foundations. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Global Diversity. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Coastal Health and Environment.

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  • REC 266 - Computers, Research and Evaluation in Recreation

    Credits: 3
    Computer applications in recreation service and introduction to research and evaluation procedures. Includes the use of computers in the conduct of research and evaluation.

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  • REC 270 - Program Planning and Evaluation

    Credits: 3
    An introduction to recreation program planning, including organization, implementation and evaluation of leisure services. Includes assessment of leisure needs. Planning, implementation, and evaluation of a variety of activities.

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  • REC 303 - Inclusive Recreation Services

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: REC majors and minors only or permission of instructor. Designed to increase the awareness of and sensitivity to the recreation and leisure needs of persons with disabilities. Specific attention is given to programmatic and administrative strategies for inclusive services in a variety of recreation settings.

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  • REC 348 - Practicum in Recreation Services

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 265  and either REC 270  or RTH 368 , REC majors and minors only or permission of instructor. Supervised practicum in a recreation setting. Relates theory to practical application in the field. Placements chosen from community, commercial, outdoors or therapeutic settings. Requires a minimum of 100 hours of field work.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • REC 359 - Research and Evaluation in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 265 . Designed to familiarize students with fundamental principles underlying research methods. Included are basic procedures for conducting experimental, descriptive, historical, qualitative research, computer applications, basic measurement, statistical methods, critical thinking, and scholarly writing. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.

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  • REC 362 - Special Issues in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: REC 265  or consent of instructor. Field methods/techniques through on-site interaction with recreation, sport or tourism professionals and/or natural resource managers and observation of practical management activities and strategies. Extensive field trips and field immersion required. Students may repeat course for up to 12 hours of credit toward graduation. 

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  • REC 366 - Coastal Recreation Resource Management

    Credits: 3
    An in-depth study of coastal legislation, resources, issues and management. Special attention is given to understanding recreation in the coastal zone, conflicts among competing coastal resource users, and current issues pertaining to North Carolina’s coastal environment.

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  • REC 370 - Tourism and Health

    Credits: 3
    Examination of key components relating tourism and health. Covers concepts including tourism wellness and quality of life, medical tourism, disease and travel, impact of tourism on the health of communities, and the role of tourism operators to promote healthy travel.

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  • REC 375 - Leadership and Management of Recreation Services

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC majors and minors only or consent of instructor. Principles and practices of contemporary leisure service management, particularly the effective and efficient management of human, fiscal, informational, and physical resources through planning, organizing, directing, leading, and controlling decisions. Tutorials, case studies, and computer applications. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.

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  • REC 380 - Marketing for Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC majors only or permission of instructor. Development of marketing plans and strategies for recreation, sport and  tourism industries. Emphasis on analyzing the marketing process and planning the marketing mix. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

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  • REC 381 - Meetings, Expositions, Events and Conventions

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: REC majors and minors only or consent of instructor. An overview of the convention, exposition, meeting, and convention and visitors bureau industries and the career options within; provision of an essential understanding of the components involved in the operation of successful meetings and conventions.

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  • REC 390 - Pre-Internship Seminar

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Preparation for the internship experience with emphasis on development of professional behaviors that facilitate internship and career success. Instruction methods include readings, discussions, individual and group activities, and use of electronic media.

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  • REC 392 - Organization and Leadership of Recreational Sports

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 265 , REC majors and minors only. Emphasis on the development of practical leadership skills, provided in a framework for understanding leadership dynamics. Evaluation and assessment of various leadership methods and techniques. Field work required.

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  • REC 393 - Campus Recreation and Sports Administration

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 265 , REC majors and minors only. Introduction to the multi-faceted recreational offerings provided by campus recreation departments, including planning, programming, administration, and the function of campus recreation. Field work required.

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  • REC 394 - Recreational Sports and Fitness Facility Operations

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 265 , REC majors only. Examination of key issues in recreational facility organization and management including facility operation, administration, and program promotion within a facility. Emphasis on supervision, maintenance, and operation of leisure areas and facilities. Field work required.

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  • REC 395 - Instructional Methods in Recreational Sports

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 265 , REC major and minors only. Skills and concepts needed to successfully organize, lead, teach, and coach recreational sport participants. Field work required.

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  • REC 430 - Managing Recreation Service Quality

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 375 , REC majors only. Principles of managing and delivering leisure services by recreational organizations or agencies. Emphasis on how to build a service quality information system, formulates a service strategy, develop service personnel, and organize service delivery and recovery.

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  • REC 440 - Risk Management and Liability in Recreation Services

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 375 , REC majors and minors only. Examination of legal and legislative issues affecting the leisure delivery system in governmental, quasi-public, private, commercial, and institutional settings. Topics include terminology, risk management procedures, ordinances, regulatory law, licensing, legal redress, and constitutional law at the national and state levels.

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  • REC 448 - Advanced Field Experience in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Advanced field placement experience specifically in a recreation, sport leadership or tourism setting. Course may be taken more than once; however, students are limited to six credit hours toward graduation. Course cannot be used as a substitute for content course. Field work required.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • REC 450 - Conflict and Organizational Politics in Recreation, Sport and Tourism

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: REC 375 . An experiential approach to the study of conflict management and organizational politics in recreation, sport and tourism leadership and administration. Emphasis on organizational politics, governing boards, and conflict resolution.

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  • REC 451 - Travel and Tourism

    Credits: 3
    A description of the key components that make a global tourism designation a success: traveler’s motivation, theories of behavior, planning, development, and forecasting supply and demand. Students also learn about the delicate and sensitive relationship tourism has with its surrounding social, natural, and coastal environment. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Global Diversity. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Coastal Health and Environment.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • REC 452 - Tourism and Hospitality Operations

    Credits: 3
    Analysis and evaluation of the operations behind management within the tourism and hospitality industries, specifically within food and beverage, transportation providers, attractions, tour operators and specialized tour segments such as the cruise industry and gaming.

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  • REC 453 - Hotel and Lodging Management

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC majors only. Decision making, analysis and process improvement in managing the major divisions of a lodging establishment.

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  • REC 465 - Recreation Facilities Planning and Design

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 375 . Basic principles of planning and developing recreation areas and facilities. Emphasis on land use, current planning practices and standards, and facility design.

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  • REC 475 - Advanced Human Resource Management in Recreation

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: REC 375  and REC majors only. Examination and investigation of contemporary human resource management principles and techniques in the management of recreation services. Human resource management motivational theories and practices. In-depth case study analysis, simulations, and hands-on practical experiences.

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  • REC 476 - Budgeting and Finance in Recreation, Sport and Tourism

    - 3
    Prerequisite: REC 375 . This course investigates basic economic principles behind managing finances and budgets in recreation, sport and tourism settings. Particular attention will be applied to revenue generation, specifically via grant writing, and creating and managing budgets.

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  • REC 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue.

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  • REC 494 - Study Abroad in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. An interdisciplinary introduction to recreation, sport leadership and tourism management field methods and investigation in foreign countries. Focused study on recreation, sport and/or tourism management issues and problems specific to host country on local, regional, and global scales. Course integrates field and classroom instruction. Students may repeat course for up to 12 hours of credit toward graduation. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Global Diversity.

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  • REC 498 - Internship in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management

    Credits: 6 - 12
    Prerequisite: Senior standing and an overall 2.00 grade point average, and completion of all other courses required for the major with a 2.00 cumulative grade point average. Program planning and administration in a recreation, sport or tourism setting. A minimum of 480 hours and 12 consecutive weeks of fieldwork are required. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • REC 499 - Honors Work in Recreation, Sport Leadership and Tourism Management

    Credits: 2 - 3
    Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and senior standing. Independent study for honors students. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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Recreation Therapy

  • RTH 286 - Assistance Dog Training I

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. Introduction of all aspects, roles and functions of assistance dogs in society and specifically to individuals with physical, neurological, psychiatric or emotional disabilities. Service dogs will be attending class on a regular basis. Service learning hours are required. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

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  • RTH 287 - Assistance Dog Training II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: RTH 286  and consent of instructor. Students learn stage one training for assistance dogs, which includes service and therapy dogs, through hands-on demonstration and practice. Service and other dogs will be attending class on a regular basis. Service learning hours required.

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  • RTH 303 - Inclusive Recreation Services

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: RTH and REC majors and minors only or permission of instructor. Designed to increase the awareness of and sensitivity to the recreation and leisure needs of persons with disabilities. Specific attention is given to programmatic and administrative strategies for inclusive services in a variety of recreation settings.

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  • RTH 348 - Practicum in Recreation Therapy

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: RTH 368 . Supervised practicum in a health care or human service setting providing services to people with disabilities or illnesses. Relates theory to practical application in the field. Requires a minimum of 100 hours field work.

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  • RTH 362 - Special Issues in Recreation Therapy

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Prerequisite: RTH 368  or consent of instructor. Field methods/techniques through on-site interaction with recreation therapy professionals and observation of evidenced-based intervention and/or management strategies and activities. Extensive field work required. Students are limited to 6 credit hours toward graduation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • RTH 368 - Foundations of Recreation Therapy

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Recreation therapy major or permission of instructor. Historical and professional development of recreation therapy services; settings for service delivery; recreation therapy process; roles of helping professionals; and populations served.

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  • RTH 369 - Recreation Therapy in Gerontology

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: RTH 368  or GRN 101  or consent of instructor. Emphasis on theories and evidence-based models of practice for individuals with dementia related illnesses in a variety of settings. Field work required.

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  • RTH 370 - Recreation Therapy in Physical Rehabilitation

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite or corequisite RTH 368 . Etiology, functional and health implications of physically disabling conditions; selection of interventions; safety considerations pertinent to planning and delivery of recreation therapy services.

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  • RTH 371 - Recreation Therapy Interventions I

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: RTH 368 . Emphasis on leadership, group processing, activity adaptation, behavior management, therapeutic communication, leisure education, and challenge activities.

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  • RTH 372 - Recreation Therapy in Behavioral Health

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite or corequisite: RTH 368 . Etiology, functional, and health implications of developmental disabilities; sensory impairments; and conditions related to emotional and behavioral health; selection of recreation therapy interventions; safety considerations pertinent to planning and delivery of recreation therapy services. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

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