Sep 27, 2024  
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue 
2014-15 Undergraduate Catalogue Archived Catalogue

Course Descriptions

All undergraduate courses offered by the university are listed. Not all of the courses listed are offered within a single academic year. A listing of the courses offered during a given semester is available online before preregistration each semester.

Note: This catalogue has been amended per a 2016 UNCW Faculty Senate decision to retroactively remove the Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster requirement from the University Studies program. Students who wish to complete a cluster may do so, however, completion of a cluster is no longer required. Course description references to Thematic Transdisciplinary Clusters apply to students who choose to complete a cluster.

Trial Courses

Academic departments may offer special trial courses during the fall and spring semesters on a one-time basis without adding them to their regular departmental offerings. A second trial offering, if additional data are essential, must be within two regular semesters of the first. Numbers designating these special courses are 292 and 492. Descriptive information on trial courses does not appear in the catalogue but is on file in the Office of the Registrar.

Sequenced Courses

A hyphen connecting courses (e.g., 201-202) indicates that the first course in the sequence must be satisfactorily completed prior to registration in the second course of the sequence. When course numbers are separated by a comma (e.g., 201, 202), the first course is not necessarily prerequisite to those following. 

Online Courses

The university currently offers a variety of online courses, and two degree programs, the RN to B.S. option in nursing and Bachelor of Science in clinical research (CLR), are delivered totally online. Such courses are so designated in the Class Schedule and are open to both on- and off-campus students. Students interested in these programs should consult the online courses Web site

Credits and Class Meetings

Unless specifically indicated at the end of the course description, the number of hours a class meets each week is the same as the credit hour value of the course. The semester hours credit for each course is indicated in parentheses immediately below the title of the course. For example, if three hours of credit may be earned, the credit is indicated as follows: (3). In variable credit courses, the minimum and maximum hours are shown as follows: (1-3).

Course Prefixes

The prefixes used to designate courses are abbreviations of the names of departments or fields of study within departments, as shown below:



  • GGY 345 - The Geography of Food

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: GGY 130  and GGY 140  or GGY 180  or GGY 181 . Foodways and the various roles that food has played in world history, the geographic and economic aspects of food production and supply, the cultural significance of foods, and personal attitudes towards nutrition.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 346 - The Geography of U.S. Race Relations

    Credits: 3
    Economic, social, political and cultural geography of white and non-white relations in the United States through a sequence of racially-charged eras from European colonialism to the present.

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  • GGY 360 - Tourism and the Environment

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 140  or EVS 195  or consent of instructor. Introduction to the geography of tourism, including the cultural, economic, environmental, planning, and political dimensions of the industry, from the perspective of sustainability. The second half of the course is devoted to tourism and the environment, including forms of ‘green’ tourism.

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  • GGY 382 - Regional Geography of the United States

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 140  or consent of instructor. A regional analysis of physical characteristics, resource base and human geography of the United States. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.

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  • GGY 383 - Geography of the Caribbean

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 180  or GGY 181  or consent of instructor. A regional analysis of the cultural and physical features of the Caribbean. Special emphasis upon environmental and historical geography.

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  • GGY 384 - Caribbean Field Experience

    Credits: 2
    Prerequisite: GGY 383  or consent of instructor. Field course with emphasis on the physical and environmental geography of the Caribbean. Students working individually or in small groups to observe, map, and collect data to interpret the Caribbean landscape. Field trip will be followed up by writing research report.

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  • GGY 386 - Geography of Latin America

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 180  or consent of instructor. Regional analysis of Latin America and its constituent regions including Mexico, mainland Central America, and South America. Geographical topics will include: landforms, climate, vegetation, soils, migration, diffusion, agricultural systems, religion, ethnicity, territorial conflicts, economic development, deforestation, and urbanization.

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  • GGY 422 - Remote Sensing in Environmental Analysis

    Credits: 0 - 3
    (GGY 522 ) Prerequisite: GGY 130  or GLY 205  or GLY 101  or consent of instructor. Use and interpretation of aerial photography and other remote sensing techniques in environmental analysis. Emphasis on problem identification, digital image analysis, and interpretation of images through laboratory exercises. Students work individually or in small groups to apply remote sensing concepts to solve complex problems. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GGY 424 - Advanced Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: 3
    (GGY 524 ) Prerequisite: GGY 328 . Advanced theory and application of the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), spatial data collection, data structures, data management, and relational databases, spatial analysis, and display of geographic information in a computer-based environment. Lectures, demonstrations, and lab exercises. Students work individually or in small groups. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom. 

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 426 - Environmental Geographic Information Systems

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 328  or consent of instructor. Overview of environmental applications of GIS including planning, date development, and analysis of the data, and oral and written presentation of the results. Students work individually or in small groups to remediate an environment problem. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 428 - Advanced Remote Sensing

    Credits: 3
    (GGY 528 ) Prerequisite: GGY 422  or consent of instructor. Advanced theory and application of remote sensing techniques and software applications for environmental sciences, geography, earth sciences, hydrology, archaeology, and forestry. Includes satellite data collection, advanced classification methods, hyperspectral and microwave image analysis, and satellite elevation data construction. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 432 - Biogeography

    Credits: 3

    (GLY 532 ) Prerequisite: GGY 130  or GLY 101  or consent of instructor. Study of the changing distribution patterns of plants and animals on a variety of spatial and temporal scales. Topics include abiotic and biotic controls on the distribution of life, disturbance, ecological communities, dispersal, invasion, speciation, extinctions, biogeographic realms, human impacts on biodiversity, and conservation. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.


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  • GGY 435 - Environmental Geography

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 130  or GLY 101  or GLY 120 . Investigation of human impacts on the environment into sections on biota, water, soils, atmosphere, and landforms. Student will investigate case studies of environmental impacts for class discussion. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.

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  • GGY 436 - Ice Age Earth

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 335  or GLY 335  or consent of instructor. A review of the Quaternary Period, roughly the last two million years of earth history. Topics included the discovery of the ice age, climate change theory, glacial dynamics, geological and biological records of environmental change, and human evolution and migration during the Quaternary. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Climate Change and Society.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 437 - Soils in the Earth Sciences

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisite: GGY 130  or GGY 335  or GLY 335  or consent of instructor. Pedogenic processes, morphology, classification, and geographic distribution of soils. Lab includes field description of soil profiles and laboratory analysis of soil samples. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 439 - Paleoclimatology

    Credits: 3

    (GLY 439 ) Prerequisite: GGY 130 , GGY 230 , or GLY 101 , or consent of instructor. Climatic change throughout geologic time, with an emphasis on Quatemary climate change. Topics include an overview of Earth’s climate system, tectonic-scale, orbital-scale, millennial-scale, and future climate change. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.


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  • GGY 473 - Regional and Environmental Land Use Plan

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: GGY 130 , GGY 270  or EVS 195 . Overview of the concepts and processes related to the regional growth and development, including land use issues, planning strategies; and evaluation of regional land use plans and policies. Students conduct research on a U.S. regional/environmental land use issue and present the results in oral and written form.

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  • GGY 480 - Advanced Topics in Geography

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor. Selected physical, cultural, regional, or applied topics in geography that are not considered in detail in regular course offerings. More than one topic may be taken for credit.

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  • GGY 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. Students work individually on a research project with a faculty member. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • GGY 495 - Senior Seminar

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Senior standing in geography. May be repeated one time for credit. One to three hours each week. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

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  • GGY 498 - Internship in Applied Geography

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GGY 328  or GGY 270  or GGY 220 , junior or senior standing, a 2.50 grade point average, and consent of instructor. Supervised practical experience with a professional geographic agency. Area of concentration, requirements, and means of evaluation to be defined in consultation with faculty. Students work with local and regional professionals as they conduct business. May be repeated once. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GGY 499 - Honors Work in Geography

    Credits: 2 - 3
    Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and recommendation of department chairperson. Individual study for honors students. Students work with a faculty member and honors thesis committee to conduct focused research leading to an honors thesis. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GGY 420 - Global Climate Change

    Credits: 3
    (GLY 420 ) (PHY 420 ) Prerequisite: PHY 102  or PHY 202 , CHM 102 , MAT 162  or consent of instructor. Analysis of natural and anthropogenic global climate change. Historical and geological records of climate including sediment, tree ring, and ice core analysis. Climate science including Earth’s energy balance, global carbon cycle, climate modeling, atmospheric composition and dynamics. Review of geographical variation in climate change.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 101 - Principles of Geology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Introduction to the basic principles and processes governing the formation and evolution of the earth. Includes: formation of minerals and rocks, surficial and internal processes and concepts of plate tectonics. Field trips. Three lecture and two laboratory hours each week. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 120 - Environmental Geology

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the relationships between man and his geologic environment. Concerned with the problems that people have in using the earth and the reaction of the earth to that use. Emphasis is placed on earth processes, earth resources, and properties of rocks and surficial deposits insofar as they are important to or affect human activities. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society. The lab for this course is GLYL 120 .

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 125 - Natural Disasters

    Credits: 3
    Examination of the causes, effects, and options available to mitigate actual disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, subsidence, flooding, severe weather, and meteorite impacts. Case histories are used to demonstrate scientific principles and socioeconomic issues. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 131 - Dinosaurs

    Credits: 2
    Study of the Dinosaurs and other Mesozoic vertebrates as illustrations of the basic principles of vertebrate paleontology. Emphasis is placed on identification, systematics, evolution, ecology and extinction of the Dinosaurs.

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  • GLY 132 - The Earth Through Time

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisite: GLY 101  or GLY 120  and GLYL 120  or GGY 130 . Geologic history of the earth and the fossil record. Methods of dating rocks and fossils, interpreting ancient environments and the age of the earth. Field trips. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

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  • GLY 135 - Prehistoric Life

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the field of paleontology and the fossil record; the succession of life from its earliest beginnings through the Age of Dinosaurs to modern Man; evolutionary, environmental and ecological analyses of fossil plants and animals based on biologic and geologic principles. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution.

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  • GLY 150 - Introduction to Oceanography

    Credits: 3
    (OCN 150 ) An introduction to the geology, physics, chemistry and biology of the ocean; instruments and techniques of oceanography; resources of the ocean. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World.

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  • GLY 171 - Applied Physical Geology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisite or corequisite MAT 111 . Study of the materials that make up the Earth and the physical laws and processes that shape them. Field trips. Three lectures and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 201 - Mineralogy

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisite: GLY 101  or GLY 120  and GLYL 120  or GGY 130 : Prerequisite or corequisite: CHM 101 . Introduction to the formation, chemistry, symmetry, structure and natural occurrence of minerals. Principles of physical properties, crystal chemistry, crystallography, and mineral genesis. Study of the geologically important rock-forming mineral groups and associations. Introduction to optical mineralogy and the use of the petrographic microscope. Computer applications in geology. Required field trip(s). Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 220 - Field Methods in Environmental Sciences

    Credits: 0 - 3
    Prerequisite: GLY 101  or GLY 120  and GLYL 120  or GGY 130 ; and MAT 111 . Field intensive introduction to data collection methods and analytic procedures associated with monitoring, assessment and management of environmental problems. Required field trips. Two lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 226 - Principles of Hydrology

    Credits: 3
    (GGY 235 ) Prerequisite: GGY 130  or GLY 101  or GLY 120 . Covers the three main components of terrestrial hydrology: (1) atmospheric water, precipitation, and surface-atmosphere interactions; (2) groundwater, infiltration, substance flow, and aquifers; and (3) surface water, watersheds, rivers and floods. Lectures and exercises focus on collecting and interpreting hydrological data to address environmental issues. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.

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  • GLY 240 - Geology of North Carolina

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: any 100-level geology course or permission of instructor. General summary of North Carolina geology including mineral and rock resources. Geology of selected state parks. Three hours per week.

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  • GLY 250 - Coasts and Society

    Credits: 3

    Variability of coastal landforms, the processes that shape them, problems brought about by natural and anthropogenic changes, and the role of culturally-based perceptions on valuation and management of coastal systems. Focus on coastal environments of populated continents and island nations including barrier islands, rocky coasts, dunes, estuaries, marshes, and deltas. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Climate Change and Society. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in a Global Society. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.


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  • GLY 280 - Special Topics in Geology

    Credits: 1 - 4
    Study of selected topics in geology that are not considered in detail in regular course offerings. Taught on demand. More than one topic may be taken for credit (maximum six hours).

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  • GLY 310 - General Petrology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisites: GLY 201  or GLY 205 . Survey of the major igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rock groups. Emphasis is on classification, textural features, mode of occurrence, environments of origin and economic importance. Laboratory stresses rock identification and typical rock associations. Required field trips. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 311 - Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisite: GLY 201 . Theories of genesis of the major igneous and metamorphic rocks in the light of chemistry, mineralogy, structure and texture, field associations, and experimental data. Relationship between igneous and metamorphic processes and crust-mantle tectonic activity. Required field trips. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 331 - Sedimentology and Stratigraphy

    Credits: 0 - 4

    Prerequisite: GLY 201  or GLY 205  or permission of instructor. An introduction to the observation, description, and interpretation of sediment and sedimentary rock; the physical and chemical processes controlling weathering, sediment transport, deposition, and diagenesis, and the interpretation of depositional environments and layered rock successions. Field trips; fees may be required. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.


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  • GLY 335 - Geomorphology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    (GGY 335 ) Prerequisite: GGY 130  or GLY 101  or GLY 120  and GLYL 120 . A systematic treatment of the surface processes that shap fluvial, glacial, aeolian, and coastal landforms. Themes include process mechanics, description and classification of landforms, and evolution of landform systems. Students work individually or in a small groups to analyze geomorphological data in field and laboratory settings. Three lecture and two laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 337 - Invertebrate Paleontology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisite: GLY 132  or permission of instructor. History of fossil protistans and invertebrates with emphasis on the principles of paleontology, systematics and evolution, and on the use of fossils in stratigraphic correlation. Required field trips. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Evolution. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 340 - Regional Geology of North America

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GLY 205  or GLY 310 . A survey of the rocks, structures, natural resources, fossils, and tectonic histories of different regions of North America, such as teh Precambrian Shield, Appalachians, and Cordillera. Three lecture hours per week.

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  • GLY 350 - Advanced Oceanography

    Credits: 3
    (OCN 350 ) Prerequisite: GLY 150  or OCN 150 . An in-depth examination of the structure and formation of ocean basins, the role of oceans in the hydrological cycle, the physical properties of seawater, atmospheric and ocean circulation, waves, and tides. Emphasis on data analysis and quantitative problem solving. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Climate Change and Society.

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  • GLY 390 - Field Methods in Geosciences

    Credits: 2
    Prerequisite: GLY 132  or consent of instructor. Applied study of geological materials and processes in field settings. Introduction to methods and techniques used in the geosciences including field measurement, sample retrieval and data analysis. Colloquium and required field trips. Fees. May be repeated twice for credit. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • GLY 402 - Advanced Mineralogy

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisite: GLY 201 . Advanced techniques for mineral analysis and identification. Introduction to the theory and application of x-ray diffraction and fluorescence, the electron microprobe, spectroscopy, and reflected light microscopy. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 416 - Sedimentary Petrology

    Credits: 0 - 3
    (GLY 516 ) Prerequisite: GLY 201  and GLY 310  and GLY 331 , or permission of instructor. Classification and description of siliciclastic, carbonate, chemical, and carbonaceous sedimentary rocks. Survey of sedimentary depositional environments. Aspects of weathering, erosion, transportation, deposition, burial, and lithification. Laboratory exercises concentrate on microscopic and chemical analytical techniques. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture hours and three laboratory hours per week.

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  • GLY 420 - Global Climate Change

    Credits: 3
    (PHY 420 ) Prerequisites: PHY 102  or PHY 202 , CHM 102 , MAT 162 . Analysis of natural and anthropogenic global climate change. Historical and geological records of climate including sediment, tree ring, and ice core analysis. Physics and chemistry of climate, including Earth’s energy balance, global carbon cycle, climate modeling, atmospheric composition and dynamics. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially Satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Climate Change and Society.

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  • GLY 426 - Geohydrology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    (GLY 526 ) Prerequisite: Consent of instructor and either GLY 101  or GLY 120  and GLYL 120  or GGY 130 . Geology of ground water and related aspects of surface waters. Methods of ground water resource evaluation, protection, exploitation, and contaminant remediation. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week. Satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Quantitative and Logical Reasoning.

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  • GLY 439 - Paleoclimatology

    Credits: 3

    (GGY 439 ) Prerequisite: GGY 130 , GGY 230 , or GLY 101  or consent of instructor. Climatic change throughout geologic time, with an emphasis on Quatemary climate change. Topics include an overview of Earth’s climate system, tectonic-scale, orbital-scale, millennial-scale, and future climate change. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive.


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  • GLY 441 - Structural Geology

    Credits: 0 - 4
    Prerequisites: GLY 310 . Introduction to the mechanics, fabrics, and geometry of rock deformation, including stress-strain relationships, folds and folding, and faulting and fracturing of rocks. Required field trip. Three lecture and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 443 - Tectonics

    Credits: 3
    (GLY 543 ) Prerequisites: Permission of instructor. Explores ideas on plate tectonic theory including assessment of data that lead to its acceptance. Examines a broad range of tectonic principles and dynamics using modern and ancient examples, and considers controls on geological and geophysical processes from Earth’s core to crust. Includes geometry of present and past plate boundaries and motions, development of plates including sea-floor spreading, subduction, and orogeny, evolution of continents and ocean basins, and tectonic driving mechanisms.

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  • GLY 445 - Sedimentary Basin Analysis

    Credits: 3
    (GLY 545 ) Prerequisites: GLY 331 and GLY 441 , or permission of instructor. Evaluation of factors controlling sedimentary basin formation and evolution. Interpretation of subsidence mechanisms and evaluation of sedimentary processes through basin-scale analysis of the stratigraphic record. Aspects of sequence stratigraphy, sediment provenance, and the tectonics of sedimentary basins. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

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  • GLY 458 - Introduction to Coastal Management

    Credits: 0 - 4
    (BIO 487 , GLY 558 ) Prerequisites: Junior standing or consent of instructors. Interdisciplinary study of human impact on coastal environments and organisms. Topics include the physical and biotic settings of worldwide coastal regions, principles of coastal management, current topics in coastal management, and analysis of potential solutions to coastal problems. Three lectures and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 460 - Advanced Stratigraphy

    Credits: 3
    (GLY 560 ) Prerequisite: GLY 331, or permission of instructor. The description, organization, classification, and interpretation of layered rock successions. Aspects of both surface and subsurface analysis of stratigraphic data. The use of stratigraphic principles in elucidating earth history. Cyclic and sequence stratigraphy. Field trips; fees may be required. Two lecture and three laboratory hours per week.

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  • GLY 465 - Introduction to Geophysics

    Credits: 0 - 3
    (GLY 558 ) Prerequisites: GLY 101 , MAT 112  or MAT 115 . Integrated application of geophysical methods to solve environmental and geologic problems. Includes discussion of reflection/refraction seismology, ground penetrating radar and gravity. Two lectures and three laboratory hours each week.

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  • GLY 470 - Field Course in Geology

    Credits: 4
    Prerequisites:GLY 310  or GLY 311  and GLY 416, and GLY 331, GLY 390 GLY 441  and GLY 471, or permission of instructor. Intensive geological field mapping in various geological settings. Capstone emphasis on prior geological knowledge, critical thinking,  and problem-solving skills. Interpretation of field data and solving field-based problems in small groups under direct faculty supervision. Includes preparation of geological maps and cross sections using topographic map and aerial photography bases, detailed lithologic descriptions, and local geologic history. Course fees apply. Students must register for lecture and laboratory. Two lecture and ten hours of laboratory (equivalent to 12 contact hours/week). Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 471 - Techniques in Applied Geology

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisites: GLY 310  or GLY 311  and GLY 416 , and GLY 331  and GLY 441 , or permission of instructor. Corequisite: GLY 390 . A companion course to GLY 470  providing experience in advanced techniques of geologic map reading and interpretation, data and location acquisition, mineral and rock description, sketching and sampling, structural mapping, and map and cross section design and format. Emphasis on techniques needed to excel in GLY 470 . Individual and group activities required. Course fees required.

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  • GLY 472 - Introduction to Geochemistry

    Credits: 3
    (GLY 572 ) Prerequisites: GLY 101 , CHM 101  and consent of instructor. Investigation of the abundance and distribution of chemical elements in the Earth’s crust, mantle, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Introduction to thermodynamics, phase and mineral equilibrium, stable and radiogenic isotopes, and geochronology. Emphasizes the application of geochemical processes to solving geologic and environment problems, with selected examples from field and laboratory studies. Three lecture hours each week.

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  • GLY 473 - Isotope Geochemistry

    Credits: 3
    (GLY 573 ) Prerequisite: CHM 101 -CHM 102  and consent of instructor. Introduction to the use of radio and stable isotopes for studying environmental processes; radioactive decay and the applications of radioisotopes at daily to earth history time scales; isotopic fractionation, and applications of stable isotopes in modern and paleoenvironments.

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  • GLY 480 - Advanced Topics in Geology

    Credits: 1 - 4
    Prerequisite: Junior standing in department and consent of instructor. Study of selected topics in geology that are not considered in detail in regular course offerings. Examples of specific topics are plate tectonics, seismology, depositional systems, groundwater hydrology, geochronology, and advanced paleontology. Taught on demand. More than one topic may be taken for credit.

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  • GLY 489 - Contemporary Issues in Geoscience

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisites: Senior standing with a major in geology, GLY 310 , and completion of 15 hours of courses in the major above the 199 level. As a capstone experience, students examine current problems based on Earth-systems approach utilizing a combination of field, laboratory, and literature study. Emphasizes application of prior geological knowledge and problem solving skills in the context of individual or small group student research projects under direct faculty supervision. Requires written reports and oral presentations of results in approved professional format.

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  • GLY 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 495 - Senior Seminar

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Senior standing with a major in geology and completion of 18 hours in the major from courses at the 200-level and above. May be repeated one time for credit. Includes oral presentations and computer applications in Geology. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 498 - Internship in Geology

    Credits: 3 - 6
    Prerequisite: Junior or senior geology major, minimum GPA 2.50 overall, and consent of instructor. Practical training experience with agency or business conducting geological services. Jointly evaluated by geology faculty member and on-site supervisor. May be repeated for maximum of 6 hours. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GLY 499 - Honors Work in Geology

    Credits: 2 - 3
    Prerequisite: Eligibility for honors program and recommendation of department chairperson. Individual study for honors students. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

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  • GLYL 120 - Environmental Geology Lab

    Credits: 1
    Prerequisite or corequisite: GLY 120 . Laboratory analysis of earth materials and resources. Applications of geologic principles to solving current environmental problems. Two laboratory hours each week. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Scientific Approaches to the Natural World.This course is the lab for GLY 120 .

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  • GER 101 - Introductory German I

    Credits: 3
    Not open to native or heritage speakers. Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice, intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken German; reading, writing and basic conversation. For students with one unit or less of high school German. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 102 - Introductory German II

    Credits: 3
    Not open to native or heritage speakers. Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice, intensive study of the basic patterns of spoken German; reading, writing and basic conversation. Only for students who have successfully completed GER 101  or the equivalent. Partially satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 201 - Intermediate German I

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 102  or equivalent. Not open to native or heritage speakers. Emphasis on achievement of an active command of the language. Aural-oral practice, intensive study of complex patterns of spoken German, reading, writing, and basic conversation. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 202 - Intermediate German II

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 201  or equivalent. Not open to native speakers. A review of the grammatical structure of the language. Application of the language in composition, conversation, and readings. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

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  • GER 209 - German Literature in Translation: Topics

    Credits: 3
    Study of representative works of literature from the German-speaking world. Readings and class discussions in English. May be repeated under different subtitles. A maximum of 3 hours can be applied toward the major. Partially satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Aesthetic, Interpretive, and Literary Perspectives.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 294 - German Study Abroad I

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Lower division level of special topics relating to the German-speaking world taken abroad from UNCW faculty or as a transfer credit. Course may be repeated under different subtitles.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 301 - Advanced German

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 202  or equivalent. No native speakers allowed. Culmination of the lower-level language sequence. Development of advanced language proficiency. A comprehensive review of grammar. Application of the language in composition, convention, and reading. Intensive work on increasing vocabulary, idiomatic usage, and overall accuracy. Satisfies University Studies I: Foundations/Foreign Language.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 304 - Business German

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 202  or equivalent. Designed for students who need familiarization with the terminology necessary for the fields of economics, business, accounting, natural sciences and others. Business correspondence in German is also included.

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  • GER 307 - Text and Context

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 301  or equivalent. Not open to native speakers. Introduction to humanistic inquiry and critical thinking through close examination of German literary texts in their broader cultural context. Extensive reading, writing, and discussion. Can be repeated under different subtitles.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 321 - Introduction to German Literature

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 301  or equivalent. Selected readings covering the main currents of German, Austrian, and Swiss literature. Emphasis on textual analysis and criticism in classroom discussions; oral and written reports.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 322 - History of the German Language

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 307  or permission of instructor. Introduction to the history of the German language, from its Indo-European roots through the present. Study of the historical, social, and cultural context that shaped the German language and its dialects, major linguistic changes that separate German from other Germanic and Indo-European languages and that characterize Modern Standard German as opposed to various German dialects. Taught in German. Partially satisfies University Studies III: Thematic Transdisciplinary Cluster/Linguistics.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 331 - Fairy Tales: From Grimms to Disney

    Credits: 3
    German fairy tales of the Romantic era, including both literary fairy tales and folk fairy tales. Comparisons to other fairy tale traditions and adaptations. Attention to the literary, feminist, and historical elements of the fairy tale genre. Taught in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 332 - Germans and the New World

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 307  or equivalent. Examination of German fantasies of and experiences in the Americas from the 1700s through today. Includes diaries, travel narratives, drama, fiction, poetry, film, political tracts, advertising, and propaganda. Taught in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 333 - The Romance of King Arthur in Literature and Film

    Credits: 3
    Exploration of the legend of King Arthur from its medieval roots to modern literature and film. Contribution of the German-speaking tradition to the pan-European myth. Arthurian romance as the vehicle of ideas and ideals about utopia, charismatic leadership, love, and betrayal. Traces the ways a myth is created, employed, and transmitted over centuries by means of textual and historical analysis. Taught in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 334 - The Origins of Modern Love

    Credits: 3
    Creation and development of the notion of love from antiquity through the Middle Ages to the present. Formation of the modern Western concept of romantic love with particular focus on the German contribution to the pan-European love discourse. Discussion topics cover marriage, adultery, violence, power, and gender roles. Taught in English.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 385 - Introduction to German Cinema

    Credits: 3
    (FST 386 ) Prerequisite: GER 301  or equivalent. Analysis of films from the “Golden Age” of the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, the New Wave, East German films, and current German and Austrian cinema. Works by Lang, Riefenstahl, Wenders, Reitz, Fassbinder, von Trotta, and other recent films.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 394 - German Study Abroad II

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Junior-level designation for non-catalogue courses offered by a department abroad. Course may be repeated under different subtitles.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 491 - Directed Individual Study

    Credits: 1 - 3
    Prerequisite: Overall GPA of at least 2.00, junior or senior standing, and consent of instructor, department chair and dean. Involves investigation under faculty supervision beyond what is offered in existing courses. For further information, consult the Directed Individual Studies section in this catalogue. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 494 - German Study Abroad III

    Credits: 1 - 6
    Upper division level of specialized topics relating to the German-speaking world taken abroad from UNCW faculty or as transfer credit. Course may be repeated under different subtitles.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 495 - Seminar in German Studies

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 307  or equivalent. Intensive study of a selected topic in German Studies. May be repeated under a different subtitle. Possible topics include “Fairy Tales / Marchen”, “Legacies of the Enlightenment”, and “The German Novella”. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Information Literacy.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 496 - Topics in German Studies

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: GER 307  or equivalent. Intensive study of a selected topic in German Studies. Taught by faculty at other UNC-system schools though the NC German Studies Consortium (live video conferencing). May be repeated under a different subtitle. Possible topics include “Goethe’s Faust” and “Current Issues in the German Media”.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 498 - Internship in German

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Junior standing and consent of instructor. A program of work and study conducted within an agency and/or setting that provides practical experience with observation and application of foreign language skills. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GER 499 - Honors Work in German Studies

    Credits: 3
    Prerequisite: Second semester junior or senior standing. Eligibility for honors program and at least 6 hours of German studies courses at the 300-400 level. Independent study for honors students. Satisfies University Studies VI: Common Requirements/Capstone Course. Partially satisfies University Studies IV: Building Competencies/Writing Intensive. Satisfies University Studies V: Explorations Beyond the Classroom.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.


  • GRN 101 - Introduction to Gerontology

    Credits: 3
    Introduction to the social, psychological, physiological, and philosophical aspects of aging through reading, writing, and fieldwork. Satisfies University Studies II: Approaches and Perspectives/Living in Our Diverse Nation.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule.

  • GRN 440 - Current Issues in Gerontology

    Credits: 3
    Study of current issues and topics in the field of aging from an interdisciplinary and global perspective with participation in a service-learning project.

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